
  • 网络birkhoff;G.Birkhoff
  1. 伯克霍夫,你不是说卫星都瘫痪了吗

    Birkhoff , I thought you said the satellites were down ?

  2. 你得逮捕这个男人,西摩·伯克霍夫

    I need you to arrest this man , Seymour Birkhoff .

  3. 记得吗,伯克霍夫还想把这事赖给我

    Remember when Birkhoff tried to pin that on me ?

  4. 伯克霍夫,“请勿打扰”

    Birkhoff , what part of " Do not disturb "

  5. 伯克霍夫,我的援兵怎么还没到

    Birkhoff , where 's that back-up ? Not coming .

  6. 伯克霍夫只是拔牙呢,还是干脆被珀西杀了

    Does birkhoff have a toothache or did Percy just cancel him ?

  7. 伯克霍夫,我不是有意针对�

    Birkhoff , I 'm not holding it against you .

  8. 伯克霍夫,你需要出去透透气冷静下

    Birkhoff , you look like you need some air .

  9. 伯克霍夫,今天我要你竭尽所能

    Today 's the day you reach your full potential , Birkhoff .

  10. 然后,伯克霍夫会在后勤处等�

    After that , Birkhoff will meet you in logistics

  11. 但生擒伯克霍夫绝非易事

    But grabbing birkhoff 's not gonna be easy .

  12. 一定是伯克霍夫发来的

    It 's Birkhoff . It has to be .

  13. 伯克霍夫是这里的信号专家

    See , Birkhoff here is a signals expert .

  14. 我替伯克霍夫做了个功能性磁共振成像

    I had medical run an FMRI on Birkhoff .

  15. 我相信这只是你个人的想法,伯克霍夫

    I believe that you believe that , Birkhoff .

  16. 没有西摩·伯克霍夫被逮捕的记录

    there 's no record that a Seymour Birkhoff has been brought in .

  17. 我知道是你出卖我,伯克霍夫

    I know you set me up , Birkhoff .

  18. 伯克霍夫不会知道我在那里的

    Birkhoff will never know I was there .

  19. 也听说了伯克霍夫被绑的来龙去脉

    I heard about the whole Birkhoff thing .

  20. 伯克霍夫,问你个问题

    Let me ask you something , Birkhoff .

  21. 如果伯克霍夫看到我们在一起

    And when Birkhoff sees us working together ,

  22. 伯克霍夫什么也听不到

    and Birkhoff will never hear a thing .

  23. 你还是和伯克霍夫待在这里

    Why don 't you stay here with Birkhoff

  24. 伯克霍夫,追踪这个电话

    Birkhoff , get a trace on this .

  25. 至少听起来像伯克霍夫

    At least he sounds like Birkhoff .

  26. 这么说吧,伯克霍夫,要么帮我

    Well , let 's put it this way , Birkhoff - you can either help me

  27. 那如果“组织”追踪伯克霍夫

    And what if Division tracks Birkhoff

  28. 伯克霍夫毫不知�

    Hold birkhoff had no idea .

  29. 没有人能过伯克霍夫这关

    No one gets past Birkhoff .

  30. 伯克霍夫到底哪儿去了

    Where the hell is Birkhoff ?