
  • 网络bethany;Bethanie
  1. 伯大尼:大卫是我室友的朋友的哥哥。

    Bethany : David is my roommate 's friend 's brother .

  2. 伯大尼:你根本就不懂得欣赏错综复杂的情节。

    Bethany : You just don 't appreciate intricate plots .

  3. 这事发生在约旦河对岸的伯大尼,若翰给人施洗的地方。

    This happened in Bethabara beyond the Jordan , where John was baptizing .

  4. 这是在约旦河外伯大尼(注:有古卷作“伯大巴喇”),约翰施洗的地方作的见证。

    These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan , where John was baptizing .

  5. 看看它和耶路撒冷的关系。从伯大尼走到耶路撒冷有多远?

    Look at a map to see where Bethany was in relation to Jerusalem .

  6. 你从伯大尼献香膏之女人学到何功课?

    What have you learned from the lady in Bethany who poured precious ointment on Jesus'head ?

  7. 他们的家在伯大尼的一个小小的村子里,离耶路撒冷城有两英里。

    And leaving them , He went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there .

  8. 她就是伯大尼的马利亚。

    It was Mary of Bethany .

  9. 恢复本第二天,他们从伯大尼出来,耶稣饿了。

    And on the morrow , when they were come from Bethany , he was hungry .

  10. 这是在约但河外伯大尼,约翰施洗的地方作的见证。

    This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan , where John was baptizing .

  11. 他先去东边的利比亚地区,最后回到伯大尼和耶路撒冷。

    He would go east to the area of Perea and then finally back to Bethany and Jerusalem .

  12. 于是离开他们出城到伯大尼去,在那里住宿。

    And he left them and went out of the city to Bethany , where he spent the night .

  13. 耶稣知道。多等两天再去伯大尼就是神对拉撒路最好的回答。

    And Jesus knew that waiting two more days before going to Bethany was God 's best answer for Lazarus .

  14. 天色已晚,就和十二个门徒出城,往伯大尼去了。

    He looked around at everything , but since it was already late , he went out to Bethany with the Twelve .

  15. 伯大尼:只有那些不专心的或者头脑简单的人才会觉得我的故事令人困惑。

    Bethany : My stories are only confusing for people who don 't pay attention or who can 't deal with complexity .

  16. 逾越节前六日,耶稣来到伯大尼,就是他叫拉撒路从死里复活之处。

    1Six days before the Passover , Jesus arrived at Bethany , where Lazarus lived , whom Jesus had raised from the dead .

  17. 耶稣领他们到伯大尼的对面,就举手给他们祝福。

    And he took them out till they were near bethany , and lifting up his hands , he gave them a blessing .

  18. 1有一个患病的伯大尼人拉撒路,是马利亚和她姐姐马大那村子的人。

    Now there was a certain man who was sick , Lazarus from Bethany , of the village of Mary and her sister Martha .

  19. 将近伯法其和伯大尼,在一座山名叫橄榄山那里,就打发两个门徒,说

    29As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives , he sent two of his disciples , saying to them

  20. 她在加州大学圣库路兹分校获戏剧艺术学士学位,后在伯大尼大学学习教育学硕士。

    She received her BA in Theatre Arts from of University of California , Santa Cruz and her post-graduate studies at Bethany University 's teaching program .

  21. 主的基立在拿撒勒、犹大地的旷野、伯大尼的橄榄树下、格拉森的荒地里。

    Our Lord found His Cherith at Nazareth , and in the wilderness of Judea ; amid the olives of Bethany , and the solitude of Gadara .

  22. 约十二1逾越节前六日,耶稣来到伯大尼,就是他从死人中所复活的拉撒路所在的地方。

    Jn . 12:1 Then Jesus , six days before the Passover , came to Bethany , where Lazarus was , whom Jesus had raised from the dead .

  23. 耶稣进了耶路撒冷,入了圣殿,周围看了各样物件。天色已晚,就和十二个门徒出城往伯大尼去了。

    And he went into Jerusalem into the temple ; and after looking round about on all things , it being now evening , he went out to Bethany with the twelve .

  24. 约翰福音11:5说:“耶稣素来爱马大,和他妹子,并拉撒路。”他们的家在伯大尼的一个小小的村子里,离耶路撒冷城有两英里。

    John 11 : 5 says , " Now Jesus loved Martha , and her sister , and Lazarus . " Their home was in the little village of Bethany , about 2 miles from the great city of Jerusalem .

  25. 耶稣在伯大尼患麻风的西门家里坐席的时候,有一个女人,拿着一玉瓶至贵的真哪哒香膏来,打破玉瓶,把膏浇在的头上。

    And while he was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper , as he reclined at table , a woman came , having an alabaster flask of ointment , of very costly pure nard , and she broke the alabaster flask and poured it over his head .