
lǐ yuē rè nèi lú
  • RIO;Rio de Janeiro;Gangstar Rio
  1. 这艘载有309人的军舰2月份从里约热内卢(RiodeJaneiro)出发,并于3月抵达巴巴多斯岛(Barbados,位于大西洋)。

    With 309 people onboard , the ship left Rio de Janeiro in February and reached Barbados in March .

  2. 轻量级Lua语言(在巴西里约热内卢天主教大学开发)包含一个基于寄存器的VM。

    The lightweight Lua language ( developed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil ) includes a register-based VM .

  3. 他向中央情报局汇报完任务执行情况后就去了里约热内卢。

    He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him .

  4. 生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。

    Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit .

  5. 在里约热内卢,仅今年一年就有近40人被绑票。

    In Rio , nearly forty people have been held to ransom this year alone

  6. 在联合国可持续发展大会(UNconferenceonsustainabledevelopment)于里约热内卢召开之际,最有必要证明自己的是富裕国家。

    As the UN conference on sustainable development begins it is the rich countries that have the most to prove .

  7. bg董事会成员本周曾访问里约热内卢,展示这一关键业务。

    BG board members visited Rio this week , showcasing the key business .

  8. 本文作者为伦敦国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)2013届“里奥?布兰科”国际关系学教授(the2013RioBrancoChairinInternationalRelations)、里约热内卢“热图利奥?瓦尔加斯基金会”(Funda??oGetulioVargas)副教授

    Matias Spektor is the 2013 Rio Branco Chair in International Relations at King 's College London , and an associate professor at Funda ? ? o Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro

  9. 巴西的名片是巴西队黄色队服,其地位甚至高于亚马逊河或者里约热内卢(RiodeJaneiro)的海滩。

    The yellow jersey of the Sele çã o , even more than the Amazon or the beaches of Rio de Janeiro , is the nation 's calling card .

  10. 里约热内卢联邦大学AIDS研究人员MauroSchechte说,这项研究结果表明,本地生产艾滋病药物可能并非都有利。

    Mauro Schechter , an AIDS researcher from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , says the results indicate that local production may not be an advantage .

  11. IldeudeCastroMoreira是巴西里约热内卢联邦大学的教授。

    Ildeu de Castro Moreira is a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil .

  12. 然而里约热内卢的市长EduardoPaes表示,寨卡病毒不会威胁奥运会的举办。

    Rio De Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes , however , saying the Zika virus is not a threat to the Olympic Games .

  13. 里约热内卢——在本届奥运会上,迈克尔·菲尔普斯(MichaelPhelps)将重返泳池,西蒙·拜尔斯(SimoneBiles)将为体操金牌而战,阿什顿·伊顿(AshtonEaton)将寻求十项全能赛场上的又一场胜利。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - TheOlympics is Michael Phelps returning to the pool , Simone Biles going forgymnastics gold and Ashton Eaton looking for another decathlon win .

  14. 里约热内卢——澳大利亚的丹和安东尼•里格尼(DanandAnthonyRigney)兄弟去看了周日的奥运举重比赛。对于这个项目的受污染情况比瓜纳巴拉湾更甚这一点,他们并不觉得难堪。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - The brothers Dan and Anthony Rigney of Australia attended the Olympic weight lifting competition on Sunday and were not exactly mortified that the sport is more polluted than Guanabara Bay .

  15. 20年前,老布什总统(georgeh.w.bush)在里约热内卢推动发起全球进程,最终促成了1997年的《京都议定书》,老布什就是共和党人。

    It was George H.W.Bush , a Republican president , who 20 years ago helped launch the global process in Rio that led to the 1997 Kyoto global warming treaty .

  16. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,教皇在从里约热内卢返回罗马的飞机上发表了以上讲话,与记者进行了长时间的、直率的谈话。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the pope was speaking on a plane back to Rome from Rio de Janeiro in a long and candid conversation with reporters .

  17. 猴:1988年巴西里约热内卢市长选举时,猴子Tiao获得了40万张选票。

    Monkey business : Tiao , a monkey , got 400,000 votes in his attempt to become mayor of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil in 1988 .

  18. 位于里约热内卢的对冲基金STKCapital的合伙人巴尔博萨(PedroBarbosa)称,这些措施就好像开车上山,然后把车速提到四档。

    Pedro Barbosa , a partner at Rio de Janeiro-based hedge fund STK Capital , said the measures are akin to driving a car up a hill and then shifting into fourth gear .

  19. 但AdrianoPires表示,巴西最近的石油政策让其变成“国家主义者和平民主义者”。AdrianoPires是扎根里约热内卢能源顾问,同时也是巴西国家石油管理局的前官员。

    But its recent oil policy has been " nationalist and populist , " says Adriano Pires , a Rio-based energy consultant and former ANP official .

  20. 没有哪里比EstadioMarioFilho更能象征里约热内卢和巴西的变化,或者为人所知的马拉卡纳。

    Nowhere is more symbolic of the changes happening in Rio and in Brazil than the Estadio Mario Filho otherwise known as Maracana .

  21. 由于一场精心策划的作弊计划,田径赛事的全球性管理机构国际田径联合会(InternationalAssociationofAthleticsFederations)此前禁止了俄罗斯田径队参加里约热内卢奥运会。本周,调查人员凭借法律证据和计算机记录证实了该计划。

    The International Association of Athletics Federations , track and field 's global governing body , had barred Russia 's team from competing in Rio de Janeiro because of an elaborate cheating plot , which investigators confirmed with forensic evidence and computer records this week .

  22. 格林沃尔德(GlennGreenwald)是收到斯诺登泄露的文件的记者之一,他是美国人,目前与丈夫米兰达(DavidMiranda)住在里约热内卢。

    One of the journalists who received the documents leaked by Mr. Snowden , Glenn Greenwald , is an American who lives in Rio de Janeiro with his husband , David Miranda .

  23. Edelman博士指出,在今年巴西的一次严重登革热疫病爆发中,过多的患者迫使里约热内卢关闭了当地医院。

    Doctor Edelman noted that in a severe outbreak this year in Brazil , so many people got sick that hospitals in Rio de Janeiro state had to close .

  24. 巴西国家石油公司这两艘新的FPSO船,P-58和P-62,将在里约热内卢离岸、石油资源丰富的Campos盆地作业。

    The two new Petrobras FPSO units P-58 and P-62 will operate in the oil-rich Campos basin , offshore from Rio de Janeiro .

  25. 这座垂直立体结构概念的建筑物计划建在巴西里约热内卢的COTONDUBA岛上。

    This concept is a vertical structure that is scheduled to be built on Cotonduba Island .

  26. 对纽约来说是自由女神像(StatueofLiberty),巴黎是埃菲尔铁塔(EiffelTower),里约热内卢有救世主耶稣雕像(ChristtheRedeemer),日本首都东京现在则依靠其新建的高耸入云的晴空塔(Skytree)来吸引游客。

    For New York it 's the Statue of Liberty , for Paris it 's the Eiffel Tower , Rio de Janeiro has the statue of Christ the Redeemer and Tokyo is now banking on its soaring new Skytree to bring in visitors .

  27. 在里约热内卢攻入致胜一球的马里奥•格策(MarioGötze)是一位技术教授的儿子,也是在德国统一之后出生的两名球员之一,这看上去也恰好合适。

    It seemed fitting that Mario G ö tze , the scorer of the winning goal in Rio , is the son of a technology professor - and one of the two players in the team born in a united Germany .

  28. 里约热内卢市长顾问费利佩戈埃斯(FelipeGes)表示:奥尼尔创造的金砖四国概念变成了非常强大的品牌。

    The Brics concept that O'Neill created has become such a strong brand , says Felipe Ges , adviser to the mayor of Rio de Janeiro , who is organising the first Brics think-tank .

  29. 在Tinder上广受“护照”用户喜爱的城市还有:柏林、莫斯科、斯德哥尔摩、里约热内卢、悉尼、巴塞罗那、布宜诺斯艾利斯、墨尔本、洛杉矶、奥克兰和都柏林。

    The other popular cities for Passport users on Tinder include Berlin , Moscow , Stockholm , Rio de Janeiro , Sydney , Barcelona , Buenos Aires , Melbourne L.A. , Auckland and Dublin .

  30. Speedo和其他几家公司停止了对美国奥运游泳选手瑞安•罗切特(RyanLochte,上图)的赞助。此前,这位奥运金牌得主涉嫌向巴西警方谎称自己遭到持枪抢劫,此举在里约热内卢奥运会上引发了争议。

    Speedo and several other companies have stripped US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte of his sponsorship following the controversy the gold medal winner sparked at the Rio games by allegedly lying to Brazilian police about being robbed at gunpoint .