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  • crocodile;alligator
  1. 鳄鱼的尾巴在急速地左右甩动。

    The crocodile 's tail was lashing furiously from side to side .

  2. 用鳄鱼嘴夹把电缆接到蓄电池上。

    Use the crocodile clips to attach the cables to the battery .

  3. 有条鳄鱼就潜伏在水面下。

    A crocodile was lurking just below the surface .

  4. 两只鳄鱼的大嘴栖息在水面上。

    Two alligators rest their snouts on the water 's surface .

  5. 一项努力拯救一个鳄鱼物种、使其免于灭绝的行动已经开始。

    An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction

  6. 鳄鱼在小沙滩上晒太阳。

    Crocodiles bask on the small sandy beaches .

  7. 那是真正的鳄鱼皮。

    That was real crocodile skin .

  8. 他们被押着穿过一个鳄鱼成群的地方,要是步子稍有放慢,便会遭棍打。

    They were marched through a crocodile-infested area and , if they slowed down , were beaten with sticks

  9. 鳄鱼是一种模样古怪的动物。

    The crocodile is a strange-looking creature .

  10. 野生动物园有很多淡水和咸水鳄鱼。

    The Wildlife Park has plenty of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles .

  11. 那里有600多种动物,包括袋鼠、考拉和鳄鱼。

    There are over 600 animals there , including kangaroos , koalas and crocodiles .

  12. 鳄鱼和河马生活在它的水域里。

    Crocodiles and hippos live in its waters .

  13. 那只羚羊无法从鳄鱼张开的大口中逃脱

    The antelope could not escape the crocodile 's gaping jaws .

  14. 鳄鱼皮比通常的皮革要贵5倍

    Alligator skin is five times more costlier than leather .

  15. 我最喜欢的动物是鳄鱼。

    My favorite animal is the crocodile .

  16. 蛇和鳄鱼都是爬行动物

    Snakes and crocodiles are both reptiles .

  17. 鳄鱼有很长的嘴巴。

    The crocodile has a long mouth .

  18. 绥靖者是纵恶的喂鳄鱼的人——希望鳄鱼最后一个吃他。

    An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile -- hoping it will eat him last .

  19. 如果摄入了这种两栖动物的致命毒素,蛇、蜥蜴,甚至鳄鱼都可能会被毒死。

    Snakes , lizards6 and even crocodiles can die if they ingest the amphibian 's deadly toxin7 .

  20. 一名参与者梦见一条吃素的鳄鱼因为无法吃小孩而感到苦恼,另一名参与者则梦见用小猫而非枪支打仗的士兵。

    One participant detailed5 dreaming about a vegetarian6 crocodile who was distressed7 about not being able to eat children , while another dreamed of soldiers who fought with kittens instead of guns .

  21. 让我们来认识下Chomper,鳄鱼饲养员MichaelWomer称它为自己的孩子。

    Meet Chomper , one of the many alligators Michael Womer of Orlando calls his children .

  22. 一边有v型锯口和锯齿状隆起的扳手(和鳄鱼的口相似)。

    A wrench with a V-shaped jaw and serrations on one side ( resembles the open jaws of an alligator ) .

  23. Levy表示人体可能会认为鳄鱼蛋白质是外来入侵者而拒绝他们。

    Levy said the human body might reject alligator proteins , thinking they 're foreign invaders .

  24. 但是FAO还指出,在没有过度捕鱼的地方,鳄鱼袭击的可能性更小。

    But the FAO also that crocodile attacks are less likely in places that have not been ed.

  25. 从鳄鱼血中提取的蛋白有可能产生新的抗生素,治疗“超级病菌”,如MRSA(耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌)

    Proteins isolated from alligator blood may lead to new antibiotics to treat " superbugs ", such as MRSA .

  26. 她穿着一件ColdwaterCreek的仿香奈儿上装,Jones的衬衫,Gap的仔裤和一双鳄鱼皮的高跟鞋。

    She arrived wearing a Chanel-inspired blazer from Coldwater Creek , a Jones blouse , Gap jeans and a pair of alligator-patterned pumps .

  27. BBC新闻–一种生活在2.42亿年前鳄鱼大小的生物,是已知最早的海洋爬行类食草动物,新的化石证据显示。

    BBC News - A crocodile-sizedcreature that lived 242 million years ago was the first known vegetarian marinereptile , according to new fossil evidence .

  28. 我可能会存到我的Evernote,但我会为Delicious留下鳄鱼的眼泪。

    I guess , I 'll move them to evernote but I will shed a crocodile tear for the Delicious for what its worth .

  29. 哈罗德(harrods)里漂亮的nancygonzalez鳄鱼皮手提包,每周都会诱惑我一次,几十年后它肯定会看起来更棒。

    The glossy Nancy Gonzalez crocodile tote in Harrods , which beckons to me on a weekly basis , would certainly look even better in a few decades .

  30. 这么高的回报率或许会令多数投资者相信:即便这条长江里的鳄鱼必须跨过太平洋、在华尔街的鲨鱼池里启动IPO,它也会安然无恙。

    With returns like those most investors will probably be betting that this Yangtze River crocodile will do just fine , even if it has to cross the Pacific and do an IPO in the shark pool of Wall Street .