
  • 网络Auto finance;automobile financial;Motor Vehicle Financing
  1. 中国汽车金融服务X赢利模式研究

    An Study on the Auto Finance Profit Pattern in China

  2. 汽车金融公司缘何美梦难成真

    Why the Dream of Auto Finance Companies Hard to Come True

  3. 汽车金融公司VS商业银行

    Car Financing Companies vs Commercial Banks

  4. 在此基础上,论文从价值链理论和顾客价值最大化理论两方面,结合我国特有的经济环境,提出了汽车金融服务X赢利模式。

    Based on the theory of value chain and maximizing consumer 's value , joined with Chinese conditions , we advance X profit patterns of automobile finance service .

  5. 由Cerberus牵头的一批投资者目前持有通用汽车金融服务公司的多数股权。

    A group of investors led by Cerberus holds a majority stake in GMAC .

  6. 作为协议的一部分,克莱斯勒旗下车贷公司ChryslerFinancial将被并入通用汽车金融服务公司(GMACLLC),以后购买克莱斯勒汽车的人将主要向这家公司寻求贷款。

    As part of the agreement , Chrysler 's lending arm , Chrysler Financial , will be folded into GMAC LLC , which will become the main financing source for all Chrysler vehicles .

  7. 通用汽车金融服务公司(GMAC)和CIT仍然无法发放政府支持的债券。3个月前,这两大美国金融公司转型成为银行控股公司,以获得参与援助计划的资格。

    GMAC and CIT , two of the largest finance companies in the US , remain unable to issue government-backed debt almost three months after they became bank holding companies to gain access to the rescue schemes .

  8. 按揭服务、消费贷款和汽车金融等资产减值了21%;卡类和私有标识(private-label)资产组合汇丰表示仍希望保留的业务减值了17%。

    Mortgage services , consumer lending and vehicle finance assets fell 21 per cent ; cards and private-label portfolios , the stuff that HSBC says it still wants , fell by 17 per cent .

  9. 我国汽车金融业从业主体发展战略研究

    Studies on the Development Strategy of Chinese Businesses of Automobile Finance

  10. 汽车金融体系及汽车消费信贷研究

    Research on the Auto Finance System and Auto Consuming Credit System

  11. 我国汽车金融服务的比较研究和发展策略

    Comparative Research and Development Strategy of Auto Finance Service in China

  12. 我国汽车金融服务体系构建的研究

    The Study for Building Our Country 's Automobile Financial Service System

  13. 在我国建立“联合型汽车金融服务体系”的设想

    Research on Establishing the United Auto Financing Service System in China

  14. 汽车金融公司章程。

    ( c ) articles of Association of the auto financing company .

  15. 求解我国汽车金融业的未来之路

    The Road to the Future of China 's Car Finance

  16. 运用战略联盟的理念构建汽车金融服务机构

    Constitution of Auto Financial Service Institutions with The Concept of Strategic Alliance

  17. 从汽车金融到保险再到事故维修,一切都不一样。

    Everything from finance to insurance to accident repair is different too .

  18. 数据仓储和挖掘在汽车金融中的应用

    Application of Data Warehouse and Data Mining to Auto Finance

  19. 对我国汽车金融服务的理论探讨

    A Theoretical Analysis of Automobile Finance Services in China

  20. 汽车金融是我国未来汽车营销模式的发展趋势。

    Auto finance is the development trend of auto marketing mode in China .

  21. 要求更换或禁止更换汽车金融公司高级管理人员。

    Demanding or prohibiting the change of the company 's senior managerial personnel ;

  22. 中国汽车金融发展模式研究

    Design Patterns to Develop the Automobile Finance in China

  23. 二是汽车金融公司的风险监管问题。

    The second question is about the controlling of business and financial risks .

  24. 汽车金融国内商业银行该如何应对?

    How the Commercial Banks Face the Auto Finance ?

  25. 汽车金融在国内还是新兴的行业。

    Auto finance is an emerging industry in China .

  26. 中国汽车金融服务的发展对策分析

    Analysis of the Strategies for the Development of Auto Finance Service in China

  27. 汽车金融公司不得设立分支机构。

    An auto financing company shall not set up any branch or subsidiary .

  28. 设立汽车金融公司的可行性研究报告。

    ( b ) a feasibility study on establishing the auto financing company .

  29. 汽车金融服务发展研究

    Research on Development of the Automobile Financial Service

  30. 我国设立汽车金融公司的意义及发展措施

    Significance of Initiating Car Financing Companies in China and Measures to Take for Development