
  • 网络Car recall
  1. 国内关于逆向物流管理研究少之又少,但逆向物流这一经济现象在我国却时有发生,例如时下频繁的汽车召回、药品召回和废旧产品的回收再利用等。

    In our country , the concept was introduced later , and less research about the reverse logistics was done , but this economic phenomenon occurs from time to time , such as the car recall , the medicine recall and the recovery and reuse of waste materials .

  2. PL/SQL在开发ERP汽车召回系统中的运用

    Application of PL / SQL to ERP auto-recall system development

  3. 陷入困境的丰田(toyota)首席执行官丰田章男(akiotoyoda)承认,该公司在快速崛起至巅峰的过程中,迷失了方向和轻重缓急意识,最终导致大规模的汽车召回事件,并丧失了消费者的信任。

    Akio Toyoda , the embattled Toyota chief executive , has admitted that the company lost its way and sense of priorities in its rapid rise to the top , culminating in a massive vehicle recall and a loss of consumer trust .

  4. 大众汽车召回的车型包括2009款和2010款的路坦。

    Volkswagen recall includes 2009 and 2010 model year Routan mini vans .

  5. 入世后我国缺陷汽车召回管理制度问题初探

    Analysis on the Issues of Defect-Car-Recall Management System in China

  6. 汽车召回时有发生,并且常常是因为软件问题。

    For cars recalls are frequent and usual for a software fix .

  7. 汽车召回制度在我国现阶段实施的意义

    The Automobile Recall and its Actualized Meaning of Current Period in Our Country

  8. 上海通用汽车召回部分进口汽车。

    Shanghai GM to recall imported vehicles in China .

  9. 我国何时实行汽车召回制度

    When Does the " Automotive Call Back " System Perform in Our Country

  10. 并利用美国汽车召回抽样数据对结论分别进行了验证。

    These conclusions are validated by using the automobile recall sample data of United States .

  11. 从企业的社会责任看汽车召回制度

    A View on the Recalling System of Mobiles From the Viewpoint of Social Responsibility of Enterprises

  12. 近年来随着汽车召回事件的频繁发生,汽车召回制度也引起公众的极大关注。

    Recently , automobile recall system has been focused by public because automobile recall happened frequently .

  13. 最近几年,在出现大量汽车召回事件后,中国开始加强汽车安全与生产监管。

    In recent years , China has begun strengthening automobile safety and manufacturing regulations after numerous automotive recalls .

  14. 美日欧国家汽车召回制度经过数十年的发展已经越来越成熟。

    Automobile recall system has been mature system for several decades in United State , Japan and Europe .

  15. 去年出现了创纪录的汽车召回事件,议员、安全专家及新闻媒体密切关注相关问题。

    Last year brought record vehicle recalls and intense scrutiny from lawmakers , safety experts and the news media .

  16. 汽车召回制度正是为解决汽车产品缺陷以及相关问题而产生的法律制度,在国外已经过了很多年的实践,而在国内却是蹒跚学步。

    The automobile recall system is a legal system which is constructed for the solutions of auto product defects and related issues .

  17. 近几年实施的汽车召回案例初现该制度在保护消费者人身财产安全方面的优越性。

    In recent years , some cases of automobile recall show superiority of the system to protect consumers ' personal and property safety .

  18. 您记得2002年的汽车召回吗,因为去掉无线电会令汽车不能发动?

    Do you remember the recall of an automobile in 2002 because removal of its radio made it impossible to start the car ?

  19. 自美国实行汽车召回制度以来,其汽车产品的质量及安全性得到大大提高。

    The quality and safety of automotive products have been improved greatly since the automotive call back system was performed in the United States .

  20. 2010年的汽车召回事件,是自1969年日本出台汽车召回制度以来丰田公司遭受的最大的一次召回危机。

    Auto recall in 2010 has been the biggest recall crisis suffered by Toyota since its first introduction of automobile recall system in 1969 .

  21. 丰田承诺将会承担所有汽车召回的费用和相关的服务费用,供货商们也不用对这次召回措施付出任何费用。

    Toyota promises to bear the cost of the recall and related services , and dealers don 't pay a cent for the recall either .

  22. 数据表明,我国的汽车召回总体水平相对较低,汽车制造商在召回主动性方面有待提高。

    Data show that the overall level of vehicle recall in China is relatively low and the initiative of automakers in vehicle recall is pending enhancement .

  23. 周一的汽车召回是自从一月份它的安全记录通过细查以来,汽车制造商所做的一连串竞争中最新一环。

    Monday 's recall is the latest in a string of campaigns the automaker has issued since January as its safety record has come under scrutiny .

  24. 但是由于有缺陷的刹车器、油门和不合适的草地席引起的世界范围的汽车召回事件,丰田的好名声正在迅速下降。

    But with defective brakes , sticky gas pedals , and loose floor mats prompting recalls of Toyota cars worldwide , that reputation is falling fast .

  25. 指出在美国、日本及欧洲各国,汽车召回制度是一项非常普遍的法律制度。

    The thesis points out that in the United States , Japan and European countries , the recall management of defect cars is a very widespread law system .

  26. 众议院一小组委员会将于周二就通用汽车召回260万辆车一事举行听证会,召回原因是点火开关故障,这一问题与13起死亡案件有关。

    A House sub-committee will hold a hearing Tuesday on General Motor 's recall of 2.6 million small cars for ignition and switch defect linked to thirteen deaths .

  27. 也是在1月30日那天,《产经新闻》发表的一篇文章强调说,丰田的汽车召回事件已经在美国引发了对丰田的情绪性排斥。

    Also on Saturday , Jan.30 , the Sankei Shimbun newspaper ran an article stating : 'Toyota 's recall issue has triggered an emotional repulsion against Toyota in the U.S. '

  28. 这一季度,通用汽车召回了大量产品,首席执行官玛丽o巴拉也多次在国会作证。

    The automaker 's results come after a quarter in which GM has issued myriad recalls and seen CEO Mary Barra called to testify in front of Congress multiple times .

  29. 在我国实行汽车召回制度需要创造一定的条件和社会基础,需要制定一套权威而稳定的法律。

    In our country , carrying out automotive recall system needs to create a certain condition and social foundation and needs to set up a set of authorized and stable laws .

  30. 最后,研究了汽车召回对交通事故的贡献,通过实证研究发现,汽车召回制度对交通事故的减少起了重要作用。

    At last , We studied the contribution of automobile recalls on traffic accidents . From empirical study , we found recalls play an important role in reducing the number of traffic accidents .