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gēn yóu
  • cause;origin
根由 [gēn yóu]
  • [cause;origin] 根源。原因

  • 追问根由

  • 他他他,怀着几年的怨恨,倚着盖世的才名,来寻问俺往日的根由。--《元曲选.郑廷玉.楚昭公》

根由[gēn yóu]
  1. 核不扩散机制面临危机的根由所在

    The Cause of Crisis Confronting Nuclear Non - proliferation Mechanism

  2. 其产生的根由则在于流域政府权力产权界定不清导致了相互间正交易成本的出现。

    The cause is that the obscure boundary of power between basin governments increases the transaction cost .

  3. 大概这就是我和沙子结下不解之缘的根由。

    That 's probably why I have an affinity with sand .

  4. 这样,他力气的根由人还是不知道。

    So the secret of his strength was not discovered .

  5. 不试着去了解问题的根由。

    We 're not trying to understand how the problem came about .

  6. 究其根由,在于奥斯卡影像坚持了一条独特的电影艺术创作道路。

    Its root is that the Oscar image adheres to a unique movie art road .

  7. 一根由未鞣的皮革制成的鞭子。

    A whip made of untanned hide .

  8. 现代金融制度存在的根由是金融交易费用的存在。

    The essential reason for the existence of modern financial regime is the existence of financial transaction expenses .

  9. 尽管某些提议的功能是由天马行空的创造性思维启发出来的,但其中的大部分还是能够在具体的用例中找到根由所在的。

    Although some proposed features are inspired by blue-sky thinking , most have their roots in concrete use cases .

  10. 当轧制一根由许多钢坯焊成的无限长钢坯时,就会大大地提高产量、降低成本。

    Significant improvements in output capacity and in conversion costs are achieved when rolling a billet of infinite length obtained .

  11. 照片中美国前总统里根由前苏联领导人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫陪同,在莫斯科红场正与一名小男孩握手。

    Reagan , escorted by then-soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev , is shaking a boy 's hand in Moscow 's Red Square .

  12. 这类实践指令酿就了一种学究谬误:即把研究者为解释实践所建构的理论模型倒置为实践的真正根由。

    Once explanations for practice are reversed as principles of practice , some " scholastic fallacy " may come into being .

  13. 认识这些制度层面的隐性社会代价,有助于我们发现问题的根由,明确制度变革的思路。

    To understand these recessive social losses can help us find out the causes and define the idea of social reform .

  14. 本文将尝试对新中间阶级兴起的历史根由及其社会政治影响做出考察和解析。

    This article attempts to study the reason and the necessity of the rise of new middle class and its social and political impact .

  15. 从追究行政垄断形成之根由入手,对消解反行政垄断悖论之基本思路作了探讨。

    The author began from investigating the cause of monopoly formation , made a discussion on how to clear up the fallacy of anti-administration monopoly .

  16. 你们全都是那些状况的根由。是那些状况的存在,造成了强盗心中的欲望,或他感到的偷盗需要。

    You are all at root cause for the conditions which exist which create in the robber the desire , or the perceived need , to steal .

  17. 可以肯定的是,他之所以能在留学生界与华侨社会得到广泛的认同,并被首推为领袖,并一步步登上近代历史舞台,其内在根由在于他伟大而独特的人格魅力。

    Affirmably he could be indemnified by some returned students and overseas Chinese , elected the leader of the democratic revolution on account of his great personality charm .

  18. 通过对4根由角钢和圆钢缀条构成的空间钢构架混凝土偏心受压矩形短柱的试验研究,分析了空间钢构架混凝土偏心受压短柱的受力性能。

    Based on the experimental research on 4 concrete short columns with space steel frame subjected to eccentric load , the static behaviors of concrete short column are analyzed .

  19. 对地域整体风格而言,家族之间所体现出的共通性往往也是地域文化之风格表现,而其个性虽然隐藏在共性之外,仍有其所以形成体现之根由。

    Geographical style reflects the commonality among families which also is the style of local culture performance . Whereas personality hides outside of common , there are root causes .

  20. 通过不同维度的探究,本研究得出如下初步结论:1.汉语口语课程缺位与异化的深层根由。

    Through the exploration into several dimensions this research researched the following conclusions . 1 . The root cause for the vacancy and alienation of Chinese spoken language course .

  21. 应用供求分析工具对机制棉纺织市场进行分析,可以发现,市场供求关系的改变才是根由。

    After an analysis on the machine textile market with the means of supply and demand , it can be found the change of supply and demand was the root .

  22. 别去想它们本来是不必要出现的其根由是源自于“一次大型发布”出现的问题而且还是在紧张的压力下完成;

    Forget for the moment that these are created out of necessity due to problems with " the big release " and that they are often done under intense pressure .

  23. 他说:下跌的股票价格和消费者低落的信心是令人忧虑的根由,并且会导致国家经济从目前水平下降。

    5 : Tumbling stock prices and the low level of consumer confidence are some of the bugaboos that can bring the nation 's economy down from the present level .

  24. 本文拟就法律义务的含义、法律义务冲突之根由、法律义务冲突的表现形态、以及法律义务冲突之化解作出一些自己的回答,以期深化对法律义务的探讨。

    This article , in order to deepen the discussion , will discusses the meaning , the source of conflicts , the form and the dealing of the conflict of legal obligation .

  25. 这个问题就是新民的培养问题。第一章论述社会教育从清末继续推进到民国的根由。

    The problem is bringing up " new people " . Chapter 1 discusses the basic causes of social education that continued to the Republic of China from the late Qing Dynasty .

  26. 对行政参与原则进行了基础性研究,阐释了行政参与的概念与特征,解析了行政参与原则的法律意义,揭示了该原则确立的社会根由。

    The present thesis is a fundamental research on administrative participation principle . It explains its concept and characteristics , analyzes its law significance , indicates the social background of establishing administrative participation principle .

  27. 博士生奖学金体系建设的研究可以从设立奖学金的根由、性质、模式设计、关系研究、政策走向、过程控制和调整等几个方面做全面分析。

    Research on doctoral scholarship system can be analyzed comprehensively from some aspects such as the cause of scholarship , nature , pattern design , relations , policy direction , process control and adjustment .

  28. 究其实质,产生消费者权益保护问题的根由在于网络消费的特殊性,即网络消费中更易发生信息不对称,进而消费者权益更容易受侵害。

    The particularity of network consumption is the deep reason of legal remedy . The network information asymmetry occurred more often in consumption , and consumers ' rights and interests are more susceptible to damage .

  29. 四倍体刺槐嫩枝茎内无潜伏根原基,不定根由诱生根原基发育形成,诱生根原基源于髓射线细胞的分裂和分化。

    There are also no latent root primordium in the stem of Robinia pseudoacacial ( 4n ) twig , adventitious root is formed by mutagenic root primordium growth , which sourced the fission and division of the medullar-ray cell .

  30. 信息不对称理论表明,因保险交易中当事人信息不对称而引起的保险市场中的逆选择问题,是保险合同知情权形成的基本经济根由;

    The theory of information asymmetry indicate that because of the party 's information asymmetry in the trade , the market chooses against normality . And it is the basic economic origin of the right to know of insurance contract ;