
fù bù zhǎnɡ
  • vice minister
  1. 中国商务部副部长王受文参加了APEC部长会议。

    Wang Shouwen , China 's Vice Minister of Commerce , was among those attending the APEC ministerial level meeting .

  2. 工业和信息化部副部长表示,截至10月份,中国已开通70多万个5G基站。

    A vice minister of the Industry and Information Technology says China has launched over 700-thousand 5G base stations as of October .

  3. 豪谨慎地和邮政副部长丹尼尔·C.罗珀拉近关系。

    Howe carefully cultivated Daniel C. Roper , the Assistant Postmaster General

  4. 那份电报是由副部长批发的。

    That telegram was authorized for dispatch by the vice-minister .

  5. 牛盾,全国政协委员、农业部副部长

    Niu Dun , vice-minister of agriculture

  6. 自然资源部副部长王广华介绍:耕地地类减少的主要原因是农业结构调整和国土绿化。

    It mainly resulted from structural adjustments in the agriculture industry and the country 's greening project .

  7. 说老实话,我做劳动部副部长的时候,他还在上学读研究生呢。

    To be honest , he was still pursuing his master 's degree when I was the vice-minister of labor4 .

  8. 美国国防部副部长罗伯特•沃克(RobertWork)表示,军事规划者正在寻求让机器帮助人类在战场上更快做出决策的方法。

    Military planners were looking at ways for machines to help humans makequicker decisions on the battlefield , said Robert Work , deputy secretary ofdefence .

  9. 蒂莫西亚当斯曾担任美国财政部负责国际事务的副部长,现在是林赛集团(thelindseygroup)的董事总经理。

    Timothy Adams is a former US Treasury undersecretary for international affairs and is managing director of the Lindsey group .

  10. 中国信息产业部副部长娄勤俭昨日表示,中国第三代移动通讯牌照的发放还没有时间表,并指出3G服务仍然缺乏明确的业务模式。

    China has no timetable for issuing third-generation mobile telephone licences , a senior regulator announced yesterday , saying3G services still lacked a clear business model .

  11. 中国发放3G牌照尚无时间表中国信息产业部副部长娄勤俭昨日表示,中国第三代移动通讯(3G)牌照的发放还没有时间表,并指出3G服务仍然缺乏明确的业务模式。

    China has no timetable for issuing third-generation mobile telephone licences , a senior regulator announced yesterday , saying 3G services still lacked a clear business model .

  12. 二月,住房与城乡建设部副部长qiuboxing称这项工程是不可行的。

    In February , Qiu Baoxing , vice-minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development , called the project unsustainable .

  13. 中国商务部副部长姜增伟表示,中国将在明年初发起打假保知行动,打击对象包括假药、假烟、盗版软件和CD。

    The country will launch a crackdown early next year on goods including fake medicines and cigarettes , pirated software and CDs , said Jiang Zengwei , deputy minister of commerce .

  14. 本文作者是投资银行evercorepartners创始人和董事长,曾于1993年到1994年担任美国财政部副部长

    The writer , who served as US Deputy Treasury Secretary from 1993-1994 , is founder and chairman of evercore partners

  15. 据称,另一位人选是美国财政部副部长罗伯特•金米特(RobertKimmitt)。

    The other candidate was said to be Robert Kimmitt , deputy US Treasury secretary .

  16. 美国司法部负责国家安全事务的副部长约翰•卡林(JohnCarlin)承认,“绝大多数企业并不相互通报自己受到的小规模入侵”。

    John Carlin , assistant attorney-general for national security , admits " the vast majority of companies do not report small intrusions " to each other .

  17. 有关部门悄悄回收了9月份的《中国党政干部论坛》(chinesecadrestribune),代之以新版的9月刊,其中删除了信息产业部副部长娄勤俭撰写的一篇长达5页的文章。

    The September edition of the Chinese Cadres Tribune was recalled quietly from circulation and replaced with a version that did not include the five-page article by Lou Qinjian , Vice-Minister of the information industry .

  18. 商务部副部长王受文说,新的APEC报告列出了具体步骤来保证APEC内部的贸易环境保持开放、包容以及互利。

    Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen says the new APEC report has concrete steps to ensure the trade environment within the APEC remains open , inclusive and mutually-beneficial .

  19. 而最新的一种猜测则来自于洪都拉斯国防部副部长罗伯托·富内斯(RobertoFunes)。

    The most recent speculation came from Roberto Funes , the Vice Minister of Defense of Honduras .

  20. 中国商务部副部长王超表示,作为美中商业贸易联合委员会(U.S.-ChinaJointCommissiononCommerceandTrade,简称:美中商贸联委会)年会议程的一部分,中国已寻求加快《全球政府采购协议》方面的磋商。

    As part of the annual U.S. - China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade , China 's vice minister of Commerce , Wang Chao said that Beijing sought to ' accelerate negotiations ' on what is formally called the Government Procurement Agreement .

  21. 美国国防部副部长威廉j林恩(williamj.lynn)在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,美国和英国一直在研究如何反制网络攻击这一愈演愈烈的国际危险。

    In an interview with the financial times , William J. Lynn , US deputy defence secretary , said America and Britain had been working to counter the growing international danger of cyberattacks .

  22. 德国财政部副部长延斯施潘(JensSpahn)表示:“我们的国家正遭受破坏。”

    Jens Spahn , deputy finance minister , says : " We are living through a disruption of our state . "

  23. 在与欧盟贸易专员KarelDeGuchtbi进行的非正式会谈中,中国商务部副部长钟山表示贸易壁垒不可接受。

    In an informal meeting with EU 's Trade Commissioner Karel De Guchtbi , China 's Vice Commerce Minister Zhong Shan said that trade protectionism will not be acceptable .

  24. 全球律师事务所FriedFrank合伙人,前美国商务副部长马里奥曼库索(MarioMancuso)表示:华为的处境显然已经严重恶化。

    Things have clearly gotten much worse for Huawei , says Mario Mancuso of Fried Frank , a global law firm , and former undersecretary of commerce .

  25. SCO在保持地区稳定,促进各成员国之间政治,经济,文化合作方面扮演了非常重要的角色。外交部副部长吴大维表示。

    SCO has played an important role in maintaining regional stability and promoting political , economic and cultural cooperation between member countries , said Deputy Foreign Minister Wu Dawei .

  26. 奚国华副部长也再次提出,要充分发挥3G对技术进步和业务发展的推动作用,使其成为促进行业转型和发展的强大动力。理顺经营与服务关系推进医院全面健康发展

    Vice-minister Xi Guohua repeats that we should utilize the impetus of 3G to technology advancing and service developing , and promote the industry transformation and development . Coping Relationship Well between Management and Service , Developing Hospital Roundly and Healthfully

  27. 数周过后,财政副部长谢尔盖斯托尔恰克(sergeistorchak)因被指控私自挪用公款而被逮捕。

    A few weeks later , the deputy finance minister , Sergei Storchak , was arrested on embezzlement charges .

  28. 日本外交副部长ChikaoKawai目前正在北京进行为期两天的国事访问。

    Japan 's Deputy Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai is in Beijing for a two-day visit .

  29. Wilby添加了所有部门的副部长,以便他们可以向他的愿景贡献想法。

    Wilby adds the vice-presidents of all the departments to use the space so that they can contribute their ideas to his vision .

  30. 从长远来看,我们无法继续像这样完全依赖谷歌。知识经济部副部长KimJae-hong表示。

    In the long term , we cannot go on like this by solely relying on Google , Kim Jae-hong , deputy commerce minister , told reporters .