
fù jǐng
  • auxiliary shaft;by-pit
副井[fù jǐng]
  1. 副井交流提升机PLC控制系统改造

    Alteration of PLC Control System in Auxiliary Shaft Hoist

  2. JD-BP-37-280T高压变频器在副井绞车中的应用

    Application of JD-BP-37-280T High-pressure Frequency Converter on Auxiliary Shaft Winch

  3. 应用PLC控制的副井口装卸载装置

    Discharging Device with PLC Controller for Mouth of Service Shaft

  4. PlC技术在副井提升信号中的应用

    PLC Technology in Vice-well Promotion Signal Application

  5. 三菱FX2N系列PLC在副井提升机信号系统中的应用

    Application of the FX_2N PLC in Signal System of Auxiliary Shaft Hoist

  6. 介绍PLC可编程控制器及液动板链式推车系统在任楼矿副井操车系统中的应用与改造。

    This article introduces the application and transform of the PLC programmable controller and liquid move-board chain type trolly system in Renlou mine assistant shaft operating system .

  7. 以薛村矿为实例,分析了KHT型缓冲阻尼同步摇台应用于该矿副井的情况,并且建立了托爪承接力学模型。

    Taking Xuechun Mine for instance , KHT cushioning damping synchronous decking plate swing deck used in the mine is analyzed , and establishes mechanical model of bearing .

  8. 整理得出了井下各段风流预测的数学模型,针对金川二矿850m中段选取有代表性的两个地点进行风流温度预测,即18行副井井底车场和掘进工作面。

    Finishing obtained mathematical model of airflow prediction Underground sections , and then proceed temperature forecast aimed at the selected two representative sites in the middle 850m in Jinchuan Mine 2 , they are bottom yard of auxiliary shaft in line 18 and heading face .

  9. 唐口矿井副井井筒冻结段施工质量控制

    Tang-kou Mine Auxiliary Shaft Pit Shaft Congeal Part Building Quality Control

  10. 新集三矿副井罐笼罐耳的改造

    Improvement of subsidiary well 's cage ears of Xinji No.3 mine

  11. 副井操车联动闭锁系统的设计

    Design of the Automatic Linkage and Interlocking System in Auxiliary Well

  12. 涌煤公司副井绞车改造

    Transformation of Vice - well Winch in Yongshan Coal Industry Company

  13. 副井缠绕式提升设备软性承罐装置

    Soft Cage-bearing Device of Drum Winding Equipment in Auxiliary Shaft

  14. 新义煤矿副井井壁破裂原因分析及加固处理

    Reasons and Reinforced Handle for Subsidiary-well Wall Crack of Xinyi Coal Mine

  15. 煤矿副井提升机模拟系统的数字化改造

    Digital Reconstruction of Analogue System for Colliery Auxiliary Shaft Hoist

  16. 杨庄煤矿新副井绞车主轴装置的改造

    Yangzhuang Coal Mine New Vice-well Winch Main Axle Installs Transformation

  17. 庞庄矿副井改主井时箕斗装载硐室和煤仓的施工方法

    Construction method of skip loading chamber and coal bin under rebuild from

  18. 巨厚冲积层冻结法快速凿井技术实践&淮南丁集矿副井冻结段施工关键技术应用

    Rapid Shaft Sinking by Freezing Method in Extremely Thick Alluvium

  19. 本文主要介绍了赵官矿主、副井冻结信息化施工技术及经验、体会。

    This article mainly introduced the experience of freezing informationization construction technology .

  20. 西鸡西矿副井井筒工作面预注浆设计与施工

    Pre-concreting design and construction at vice-shaft face of Jixi west coal mine

  21. 铜绿山矿掘进的碴石由新副井提升至地表。

    The development waste is hoisted to the surface by new auxiliary shaft .

  22. 副井井壁断裂注浆加固工程实践

    Shaft Wall Breakage Grouting Firming Project Practices at Subsidiary

  23. 副井口装卸载装置改进和性能分析

    Improvement and performance analysis on the loading and unloading equipment in auxiliary well

  24. 副井操车系统改造

    Transform of Car Handing System in the Assistant Shaft

  25. 副井提升绞车闸轮开裂的原因分析及处理

    Reasons and Treatments About Fissures on the Brake of the Secondary Hoisting Winch

  26. 通过科学管理、精心组织,唐口矿井副井井筒冻结段施工优良。

    That part 's building quality was good by scientific administration and organization .

  27. 煤矿副井安全门的研究

    Study on the relief door in by - pit

  28. 屯留煤矿副井井筒表土段采用普通法施工,利用井外降水井疏干降水。

    The auxiliary shaft topsoil adopted ordinary construction and drainages in hygrometric well .

  29. 防坠器综合测试仪在长平矿副井的应用

    Application of Parachute 's Comprehensive Testing Instrument in Subsidiary Shaft of Changping Mine

  30. 对副井使用液压提升机的建议

    Suggestion by using hydraulic hoist in auxiliary shaft