
shàn yì dì sān rén
  • bona fide third party;third party acting in good faith;purchaser for value without notice
  1. 受让人之外的善意第三人应以工商登记为准来确定其股东身份。

    To company , shareholders definition and against bona fide third party should be in accordance with the roster of shareholders .

  2. 公司对董事会权限的限制,不得对抗善意第三人。同时通过对董事责任的追究来避免公司滥设担保之风险。

    The company 's inside restrictions to the rights of board of directors shall not oppose to the bona fide third party .

  3. 动产抵押权经过公示的可以对抗善意第三人,未经公示的不可对抗善意第三人。

    With publicity , chattel mortgage right may challenge the bona fides third party .

  4. 未经登记,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Without such registration , neither party may challenge any third party with good faith .

  5. 其次,评述了合同法中关于善意第三人保护的规定。

    Secondly , the regulations on protecting the third party acting in good faith by the Contract Law are commented .

  6. 但为保护善意第三人利益,各种学说都需要与权利外观理论相结合,以维护交易安全。

    All theories need to be combined with the theory " appearance of right ", hereby to maintain the security of transaction .

  7. 其次,对商业秘密侵权中的善意第三人的认定及其法律责任进行了探讨。

    Secondly , the author discusses the ascertainment and legal responsibility of the third party in good faith in trade secret infringement .

  8. 立法原意旨在保护善意第三人的合法权益,维护交易安全。

    The legislative purpose of the law aims at protecting the lawful rights and interests of third party acting is good faith .

  9. 这种辅助的临时措施,能较好地在法律对善意第三人利益的保护与对真正权利人利益的保护之间求得平衡。

    This auxiliary temporary measure could seek an interest protection balance between the third party acting in good faith and the real obligee .

  10. 德国实行登记公信力模式,侧重对善意第三人的保护。

    The mode of credibility of registration is carried out in Germany , with a focus on the protection of bona fide third parties .

  11. 物权一经公示,应产生公信力,以保护交易安全和善意第三人的利益。

    Notification of material right should produce influence of public credit in order to protect trade safety and interests of the3rd person of goodwill .

  12. 肯定无权处分合同债权性效力在维护善意第三人利益基础上兼顾了权利人的利益。

    Recognizing of the effect of obligation can protect not only the interest of the third party but also the interest of the obligee .

  13. 从社会公共利益出发,侧重对善意第三人的保护的表见代理制度逐渐被各国立法者接受。

    From the social and public interests , focus on the protection to the third party of the apparent agency system has gradually been legislators accept .

  14. 投资人对受托人或者被聘用的人员职权的限制,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Any restriction by the sole proprietor on the authority of the agent or employee shall not constitutes a defense against a third person in good faith .

  15. 清算人违反前两项规定时,应与公司对于善意第三人连带负其责任。

    A liquidator who acts in contravention of the provision1s of the preceding two paragraphs shall be jointly liable with the company to a bona fide third party .

  16. 公司章程是公司的内部协议,不具有对世效力,不能对抗与公司交易的善意第三人。

    Articles of association of the company are only an internal agreement , which do not have effects beyond the territory of the company and the third party .

  17. 而不动产登记以公示为手段,对于维护市场经济条件下交易的安全,保护善意第三人利益,强化抵押担保的社会功能,避免纠纷的发生,具有重要的法律意义。

    Immovable property registration protect the benefit of a third party acting in good faith , enhance the social function of mortgage guarantee , avoid the occurrence of dispute .

  18. 在界定实际出资人对第三人的法律责任时,应该最大限度地保护善意第三人的利益。

    When defining the actual investors ' legal liability to the third party , it is necessary to protect the maximum benefit of the third party acting in good faith .

  19. 商标使用许可合同未在商标局备案的,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Where the trademark license contract fails to filed with the Trademark Office for the record , the said contract shall not be used against any bona fide third party .

  20. 因此不能既合理解释原所有人失去所有权的依据,又说明善意第三人必然取得所有权的依据;

    It can 't , on the other hand , explicate the theory basis of both the right loss of true owner and the right acquisition of Bona fide assignee .

  21. 因此,要尊重信用证的独立性原则,只有在欺诈而且信用证没有承兑或议付时才能采取保全措施。同时,也要注意保护善意第三人的利益。

    So judicial guarantee is needed to safeguard the negotiation and acceptance of the letter of credit with and view of showing respect to the independence of the letter of credit .

  22. 票据表见代理的理论基础为权利外观理论,其为善意第三人信赖利益的保护提供了正当性基础。

    The theoretical foundation of bill apparent agency is the right appearance theory which provides legitimacy foundation for the good protection of the reliance interest of the bona fides third party .

  23. 如何保障物权交易的安全、如何保护善意第三人是我国物权立法的重大课题。

    How to guarantee the safety of the Real Right trade and how to protect the third people acting in good faith are important lessons in Real right lawmaking in our country .

  24. 由此带来的法律问题是,登记的权利人擅自处分该房产时,如何协调好未登记的共有人和善意第三人之间的利益冲突。

    The resulting legal problems is how to coordinate the interests conflict between the unregistered mutual party and the good-will third party when the registration of unauthorized disposition of the property rights .

  25. 因此,法律在利益权衡中做出选择&保护善意第三人的利益,以确保建立一个稳定的、让交易主体充满信心的交易秩序。

    In purpose to build a steady order that should give bargainers confidence , law made a choice in the balance between the benefits & protect the benefit of the innocent third person .

  26. 其作为夫妻财产流转领域的重要制度,顺应了市场经济中财产关系的多样化和复杂化,也体现了保护善意第三人的立法原则。

    Its as couples property-moving field is an important institution and adapted to market economy property relation the diversity and complexity , also embodies the protection of the legislative principles bona fide person .

  27. 在商业秘密侵权中,善意第三人的责任是一个较为复杂的问题。我国法律对此缺乏明确的规定,给司法带来了困难。

    The liability of bona fides third party in tort if business secrets is a complicated problem , lack definite stipulations to the problem in our law have caused great difficulties in judicial practices .

  28. 关于债权禁止让与的特约之效力,各国立法不相一致,本文认为有效但不能对抗善意第三人。

    Effect of agreement on the prohibition of the transfer provisions is different in various countries . This thesis holds that it is effective , but can not be against bona fide third parties .

  29. 本文试从维护交易安全,保护善意第三人利益的角度出发,论证不动产善意取得的必要性和合理性。

    From the angle of protecting trade security and the third party 's interests , the author testifies it is necessary and reasonable to establish the acquisition in good faith of real estate in china .

  30. 此外,关于善意第三人范围是否涉及票据第三取得人的问题,一直是学界争议的焦点,故其成为本文研究的重难点。

    In addition , whether the scope of bona fide third party involves the third obtainer has been the focus of controversy among scholars , so it becomes important and difficult points of this paper .