
shì yònɡ qī
  • probation period;time of probation;time of trial
  1. 那家公司给所有新员工三个月的试用期。

    That company puts all new employees on a three-month probation .

  2. 廖光宇表示,ebay为新签约的中国卖家设定3至6个月的“试用期”。

    Mr Liao says eBay subjects new Chinese sellers to three to six months " Probation " .

  3. 经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正式担任该职。

    After a six-month probationary period , her position was confirmed .

  4. 试用期结束后,你将成为长期雇员。

    At the end of the probationary period you will become a permanent employee .

  5. 经过六个月的试用期之后,她获准正式任该职。

    After a six-month probationary period , she was confirmed in her post .

  6. 以前在DB2ControlCenter中提供的关键功能集现在纳入到免费功能中,并且在30天试用期之后仍然可以使用。

    A key set of capabilities that were formerly found in DB2 Control Center are now part of the no-charge functionality and remain in use after expiration of the30-day trial download .

  7. 此前,Rhapsody也曾尝试过这种策略,向用户提供两周以及60天的免费试用期。

    Rhapsody has tried the tactic before , offering two-week and 60-day free trials .

  8. 它的价格高达每台电脑每年80美元,不过每台Mac电脑能有两周的免费试用期。

    Access costs a hefty $ 80 per computer per year , though there 's a two-week free trial for every Mac you use .

  9. 至于Windows电脑,由于与Windows的兼容功能仍处于测试阶段(尽管它在我的测试中运行得非常不错),它的试用期达90天。

    For Windows machines , it 's free for 90 days because compatibility with Windows is still in the beta phase ( though it worked quite well in my tests ) .

  10. 新款三星手机和平板将有三个月的Play音乐免费试用期,并获得YouTubeRed的免广告服务。

    New Samsung phones and tablets will come with a free three-month trial of Play Music , up from the usual 30-day trial , and access to YouTube Red for commercial-free videos .

  11. 而对于最终加盟RemoteStylist公司的人来说,不管他们是学生还是社会人士,不管他们是20出头还是30多岁,他们都必须接受四个月的试用期,并且签订一份雇佣合同。

    Those who join remote stylist , whether they are students or out-of-work 20 - or 30-somethings , must agree to a four-month run and sign a hiring contract .

  12. 试用期结束后,必须购买许可证才可继续使用XS。

    At the end of the trial period you must get a license to continue using XS .

  13. ForresterResearch公司针对Prime用户的一项调查显示,约有三分之一的受访者表示,他们正在利用Prime服务的30天的免费试用期。

    According to a Forrester Research survey of Prime users , about one-third of respondents reported they were currently using Prime via 30-day free trials . The findings open the door to criticism that the numbers are inflated .

  14. 例如,买耳机的话HeadRoom是个不错的选择,其他还有很多厂商(如Audioengine)都提供30天试用期。

    For headphones , HeadRoom is a great choice , and a lot of manufacturers ( like Audioengine ) have a 30-day guarantee that is just perfect for this .

  15. YouTube还接触了法国其它3家广播公司--TF1、Canal+和M6。该网站提议合作设立专门的频道,像其美国模式那样,在试用期以后分享广告收入。

    Three other French broadcasters , TF1 , Canal + and M6 , have also been approached by YouTube , with proposals to set up dedicated channels which would share advertising revenues as happens in the US , after a trial period .

  16. 因为rutura是为顾客定做的,所以lapworks公司提供给顾客两周的试用期,在此期限内可以退还产品。如果因为是不喜欢产品,并且没有拆封可以完全退款。

    Because each Futura is custom-made , LapWorks is offering its customers a two-week window to inspect the product and return it , unused and in original packaging , for a full refund if it isn 't to their liking .

  17. 试用期制度的经济博弈分析和运用机制

    An Analysis of Probation Period Mechanism of Economy and Game Theory

  18. 戴维:我有三十天的免费试用期。

    David : I 've got it on thirty days'free trial .

  19. 一个月的试用期已经过去,奥立弗正式成为学徒。

    The month 's trial over , Oliver was formally apprenticed .

  20. 用人单位不得约定试用期。

    An employer entity may not stipulate the period of probation .

  21. 试用期内的工资可以低于最低工资标准吗?

    Is the salary inside probation OK under minimum wage standard ?

  22. 试用期护士轮科考核手册的设计与应用

    The design and application of department-rounding examination handbook for nurse probationers

  23. 好的,那它的试用期过了以后怎么付费?

    Yeah , how much is it after the trial period ?

  24. 您答应过我六个月试用期后给我加薪。

    You promised to give me a pay raise after six-month probation .

  25. 成为守夜人,现在是试用期。

    Turned to night watch , serving a probationary period .

  26. 长期免费试用期,以确保您的业务。

    Long-term free evaluation period to make sure you are in business .

  27. 因此,试用期内的工资不能低于最低工资标准。

    Accordingly , the salary inside probation cannot under minimum wage standard .

  28. 试用期从年月日起至年月日止。

    The probation starts from the date of till the date of .

  29. 关于我国劳动合同试用期制度的研究

    Study on the probationary period system of Chinese labor contract

  30. 代理试用期对我们来说似乎太长了。

    The trial period for agency seem rather too long for us .