
  1. 勿因善小而不为,勿因恶小而为之。

    We must do good rather than evil , on however humble a scale .

  2. 伊索:勿以善小而不为。

    Aesop : No act of kindness , however small , is ever wasted .

  3. 聪明的人必定懂得无论处事、待人、接物都要做到“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”。

    A smart man must know to do something good even though it may be small , and not to do something wicked even though it may be tiny in the course of socializing .

  4. 推动慈善思想建设、文化建设、树立人人可慈善的理念,大力倡导勿以善小而不为,着力营造有利于促进慈善事业发展的社会氛围。

    Charity thought construction , culture construction , establish " everyone can charity " concept , advocate " not good for small ", strive to create a conducive to the promotion of the development of philanthropy social atmosphere .

  5. 他去年4月被诊断出癌症,但他说,他要利用他的名气抛砖引玉,鼓励别人勿以善小而不为。该文抛砖引玉,以期对我国处于起步阶段的历史建筑保护教育有所启迪。

    He was diagnosed in April with cancer , and said he wanted to use his celebrity to inspire other people to take random kindness seriously . The paper intends to introduce some maturity experience to our historic building conservation speciality which is on her primary stage .

  6. 这让我们家善嘲讽的小纽约客们感到困惑不已。

    My jaded little New Yorkers were baffled .

  7. 请善加利用这个小房间。

    Make the best of the small room .

  8. 而塔里斯是善的化身,他关心每一个人,并且能够抗拒朱利叶斯邪恶的威力。但是塔里斯的生活一团糟,善的威力太小,无法掌控整个局势。

    Tallis is the incarnation of good , he cares about everyone and he is immune to Julius , but his life is in a mess and his power is so small that it cannot control the whole situation .