
shào xiān duì yuán
  • young pioneer
  1. 少先队员说道:“我们要向雷锋叔叔学习。”

    “ We must learn from Uncle Lei Feng ,” said the Young Pioneer .

  2. 这个男孩不当少先队员已经五年了。

    It is five years since the boy was a young pioneer .

  3. abookwrittentochallengeprejudicesaboutdisabledpeople质疑歧视残疾人现象的书一群少先队员常常送那位残疾女孩上学。

    A group of young pioneers always accompany the disabled girl to the school .

  4. 少先队员们在山脚下露营。

    The young pioneers camped at the foot of the mountain .

  5. 少先队员们通常在星期四下午开会。

    The Young Pioneers usually have a meeting on Thursday afternoon .

  6. 少先队员们为老人门一周两次打扫房间。

    The Yong Pioneers the rooms for two times a week .

  7. 一些少先队员向来访总统献了鲜花。

    Some Young Pioneers presented some flowers to the visiting president .

  8. 我小学就开始上台朗诵少先队员章程,应该有点吧。我不知道啊。

    I have read The Principles for Young Pioneers on stage .

  9. 少先队员挥手向队员致敬。

    The pioneers greeted the cagers by waving their hands .

  10. 少先队员们放学后去清扫地下通道。

    The Young Pioneers went to clean the underground passages after school .

  11. 听到那个好消息,那些少先队员们喝彩鼓掌。

    Hearing the good news , the Young Pioneers cheered and clapped .

  12. 每天早晨少先队员们排着两列纵队去上学。

    Every morning young pioneers go to school in file .

  13. 在小学,小红卫兵替代了少先队员。

    In primary schools , Little Red Guards replaced the Young Pioneers .

  14. 我你他都是少先队员。

    You , he and I are all Young Pioneers .

  15. 村镇学校少先队员生活状况的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Condition of the Young Pioneers in Country School

  16. 在我们前面走着一群少先队员。

    Before us were walking a group of Young Pioneers .

  17. 进行第二项:请少先队员代表“孟凡童”进行演讲。

    Second , welcome Meng Fantong to make a speech .

  18. 成千上万名的少先队员将参观这座新工厂。

    Hundreds of Young Pioneers will visit the new factory .

  19. 英雄被少先队员们围住了。

    The hero was surrounded by the Young Pioneers .

  20. 今天,我光荣的成为一名少先队员。

    Today I have become a glorious Young Pioneer .

  21. 一些少先队员正在农场劳动。

    Some young pioneers are working on the farm .

  22. 这时来了两个少先队员帮助我。

    Two members of the Young Pioneer came and gave me a hand .

  23. 向全体少先队员们致以节日的祝贺!

    To all the young pioneers were and militias !

  24. 一些少先队员正在那边玩游戏。

    Some Young Pioneers are playing games over there .

  25. 这时候,-队少先队员从我们前面走过。

    At that moment a group of Pioneers passed in front of us .

  26. 那些少先队员正在那所房子附近工作。

    The Youngpioneers are working near the house .

  27. 少先队员们,繁荣昌盛的美好前景在召唤着我们。

    Young pioneers are , the better the prospects for prosperity in beckoning us .

  28. 小才女说:那你是少先队员吗?

    Talented girl : Well , are you a member of China Young Pioneers ?

  29. 祝少先队员们节日愉快!

    Young pioneers who wish a happy holiday !

  30. 那些少先队员当中有三个人我认识。

    I know three of the Young Pioneers .