
jìn shi
  • myopia;nearsightedness;shortsightedness
近视 [jìn shì]
  • (1) [myopia]∶视力缺陷的一种,看近处的东西清楚,看远处物体模糊

  • (2) [shortsightedness]∶比喻眼光短浅

  • 政治上的近视

近视[jìn shi]
  1. 眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。

    Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia .

  2. 结果表明:近视眼的发病率为44.84%

    The result shows that incidence of myopia morbidity is 44.84 % .

  3. 她眼睛近视。

    She suffered from short sight .

  4. 我丈夫深度远视,而我则严重近视。

    My husband is extremely long-sighted while I am very short-sighted .

  5. 女孩眯起眼睛看照片。她好像近视。

    The girl squinted at the photograph . She seemed to be nearsighted .

  6. 检查表明她近视得很厉害。

    Testing showed her to be very short-sighted .

  7. 这是一副近视眼镜。

    This is a pair of spectacles for nearsighted persons .

  8. 他的眼睛近视得利害,放到眼底下才看得清。

    He is so nearsighted that he can just see the things put before his eyes .

  9. 她稍微有点儿近视。

    She is slightly myopic .

  10. 那个男孩近视眼。

    That boy is nearsighted .

  11. 近视比以前普遍多了。

    Being nearsighted is far more common than it once was .

  12. 散光可同时发生在近视和远视。

    Astigmatism can occur in addition to nearsightedness and farsightedness .

  13. 我近视200度。

    I am nearsighted with 2.0 diopters .

  14. 而在中国和其他东亚国家,高达90%的高中毕业生被视为近视。

    in China and other East Asian countries , as many as 90 percent of recent high school graduates are thought to be nearsighted .

  15. 一些专家认为近视率升高与年轻人长时间盯着电脑和其他屏幕有关。

    The disorder . Some experts connect the elevated rates of myopia to the many hours young people stare at computers and other screens .

  16. 研究人员分析了基因突变人群的基因变化与近视或花在学业上时间的关系。

    The researchers studied what happened to people who had mutations in their DNA2 that were either linked to short-sightedness or to spending a long time in education .

  17. 那些经常晒太阳的人,尤其是14岁到19岁之间的人,中年近视的可能性要低25%。

    Those who had gotten the most sun , particularly between the ages of 14 and 19 , were about 25 percent less likely to have developed myopia by middle age .

  18. 从前,有甲乙两个近视眼。他们不但不肯承认自己近视,还要夸耀自己的眼力。

    In the past , there were two near-sighted men , Mr. A and Mr. B. They didn 't admit they were near-sighted , but boasted about their good eyesight instead .

  19. 据美国国家眼科研究所2009年的一项研究显示,自20世纪70年代初,美国人近视的比例飙升了66%;

    The prevalence of myopia , the condition ’ s medical name , in Americans has soared by 66 percent since the early 1970s , according to a 2009 study by the National Eye Institute ;

  20. 学校应当建立学生体质监测制度,发现学生出现营养不良、近视、肥胖等倾向或者有导致体质下降的不良行为习惯,应当及时进行管理、干预。

    Schools should establish a monitoring system for the physical fitness of students . If any indications of malnourishment , myopia and obesity or unfavorable habits that may lead to decline in physical fitness are detected , schools should step in and offer help in time .

  21. 妻子是近视眼,她站到了入口处的镜子面前,她以为这面镜子是一幅画。她看到了一张女人的肖像,惊呼道:“天呐,天下竟然有这样丑陋的女人。”

    The wife who was nearsighted , stood in front of a mirror at the entrance , which she thought that it was a picture , and she saw a woman 's image and cried out , " Dear me , how could a woman be so ugly ? "

  22. 结果近视的角膜厚度较正常眼为薄(P<0.01)。

    Results The thickness of cornea in myopia is thin-ner than that in normal eyes ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. OK疗法治疗近视180例分析

    180 cases of myopia treated with orthokeratology

  24. 目的对高度近视眼黄斑部进行光学相干断层扫描(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)检查评估。

    Objective The evaluation and examination of optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) in high myopia .

  25. 目的:评价OK镜矫正技术对青少年近视的矫正效果。

    Objective : To investigate the therapeutic effect of orth ok eratology ( OK lens ) in correcting myopia .

  26. 介绍了灰色系统GM(1,1)模型的预测方法,并用该模型对学生近视率进行预测分析,拟合与外推预测的平均误差分别占实测值均数的1.43%和1.21%。

    Grey systems model GM ( 1,1 ) was used to predict the student 's myopia rate .

  27. 儿童IOL术后近视度变化的研究

    A Study or Myopic Shift after Intraocular Lens Implantation during Childhood

  28. 高度近视患者LASIK术后夜间眩光危险因素

    Risk Factors for Night Glare after LASIK for High Myopia

  29. 当今眼科LASIK手术成为近视眼患者摘除眼镜的最佳选择。

    Nowadays LASIK becomes the favorite choice to cure myopia .

  30. NGF在鸡巩膜中的表达及其与形觉剥夺性近视眼形成的关系

    Expression of nerve growth factor in chick sclera and its relation with form deprivation myopia