
jué bì
  • precipice;bold cliff;crag;beetling wall;hanger
绝壁 [jué bì]
  • [precipice] 极陡峭不能攀援的山崖

  • 至绝壁下。——宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》

  • 泊绝壁之下。

  • 悬崖绝壁

绝壁[jué bì]
  1. 海岸边的陡峭绝壁上很少有攀登者可以踏脚之处。

    The bold cliff by the shore afforded few holds to climbers .

  2. 石英砂岩受岩脉穿插,岩脉被风化剥蚀后形成绝壁。

    Rock dike inserted into quartz sandstone and was then weathered and denuded to form a precipice .

  3. 他们吃力地爬过了绝壁脚下的巨石。

    They clambered over the rocks at the foot of the cliff .

  4. 卡车沿着赞比西山谷的绝壁缓缓行进。

    The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley

  5. 他们学会了绕绳从绝壁上滑下。

    They learned to rappel down a cliff .

  6. 如果他真想的话,易建联绝壁可以在NBA成为轮换球员。

    Yi could absolutely be a rotation player in the NBA if he really wanted to .

  7. 游在其中,头顶绝壁万仞、蓝天一线;

    Tours in which his head climbed cliffs , blue sky line ;

  8. 我们绝壁需要严肃的研究来解释这个。

    We definitely need some serious research to explain that .

  9. 抬头看,一条小路通到绝壁上的石洞里。

    I noticed a path leading to a cave in the cliffside .

  10. 绝壁在天空的衬托下显得分外清晰。

    The cliff was sharply outlined against the sky .

  11. 苍鹰在山峦上盘旋,江水随着绝壁激荡。

    Goshawk circled in the mountains on the river surging with the cliffs .

  12. 非洲西北部和直布罗陀的多岩绝壁及森林中的无尾猕猴。

    Tailless macaque of rocky cliffs and forests of northwestern Africa and Gibraltar .

  13. 这绝壁悬于溪流之上。

    The cliff overhangs the stream .

  14. 绝壁宫殿是梅沙而第和北美最大的悬崖窑洞。

    Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and also in North America .

  15. 但是一般说来,更触动他的是可畏的绝壁深壑,而非和谐的景色。

    But as a rule he was more affected by the awesome abysses than by the harmonious landscape .

  16. 世界已从悬崖边缘后退,但并没有完全脱离绝壁附近的危险地带。

    The world has stepped back from the brink , but is still skirting the edge of the precipice .

  17. 他发现他们正置身位于河流之上的峻峭绝壁,浸沐在黄昏的红晕里。

    They stepped out into the ruddy glow of dusk , on a rocky bluff high above the river .

  18. 这是一种想直接证悟的宗教,妄图攀援绝壁的人必将烦恼重重,自食其果。

    This is direct religion , which is full of anxiety and responsibility for him who attempts its steep cliffs .

  19. 那绝壁之端是一个奇形怪状的峰顶,离我们大概不到一里远。

    This bluff terminated in a curious peak that seemed to be not more than a mile away from us .

  20. 而采石矶以独特优越的地理位置,气势险要的大江绝壁,深厚悠久的历史文化,雄踞三矶之首。

    One among the three because of unique superior geographical location , perilous cliff along Yangtze River and long historical culture .

  21. 悬空寺座落在中国山西省浑源县城南5千米处,北岳恒山的绝壁之上。

    Xuankong Temple , located 5 kilometers south of Hunyuan town in Shanxi Province ; is perched on the cliff of Mount Hengshan .

  22. 被称为“绝壁走廊”,总长1250米,5米宽,4米高。

    Named the ' Cliff Corridor ' , the vital traffic channel is1250 metres long , five metres wide and four metres tall .

  23. 爱情是一朵生长在绝壁悬崖边缘上的花,要想摘取就必须要有勇气。

    The love is a growth at unique the flower of the precipice edge , wanting to pick it has to be courageous .

  24. 号称“越南长城”的一处200英尺高的绝壁,迫使2009年进入韩松洞的第一支探险队停住了脚步。

    Dubbed the Great Wall of Vietnam , a200-foot cliff halted the advance of the first team to enter Hang Son Doong , in2009 .

  25. 这位首领辞别了老汉,又急急忙忙地向双梯寨赶去。这双梯寨,实为耸立在万仞绝壁上的天然石寨。

    The chief bid farewell to the old man and continued his way to Shuangti village which was actually a natural stone village built on precipitous cliffs .

  26. 这座桥长430米、宽6米,桥面铺设了99块三层叠加而成的钢化玻璃,悬挂于两座绝壁之间,距地面高度300米。

    The 430-meter long , 6-meter wide bridge , paved with 99 panes of three-layer transparent glasses , hangs between two steep cliffs 300 meters above the ground .

  27. 有时流到很逼狭的境界,两从丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。

    Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs , winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turns .

  28. 但当晴日里天光直射,长城又仿佛有生命般闪闪发亮,如同一道横断半天的蓝白绝壁。

    but when the sun caught it fair on a bright day , it shone , alive with light , a colossal blue-white cliff that filled up half the sky .

  29. 他们都想安全地翱翔在基督论的绝壁上,一方的危险是把基督的两个本性分得太开(慈运理),另一方的危险是把祂的两个本性绑得太紧(路德)。

    Both were trying to navigate their way safely over a Christological precipice that threatened either to divide Christ too much ( Zwingli ) or unite his natures too closely ( Luther ) .

  30. 年,法国冒险家、蜘蛛人阿兰·罗伯特,在天门山进行了其冒险生涯中风险最大的一次挑战,徒手无保护攀爬天门洞百米岩壁成功,上演了一场令人惊叹的“绝壁芭蕾”。

    In2007 , french adventurer spiderman Alan Robert took one of his biggest risky challenge to climb the cliff of the Hole without protection , performed a rock success as an amazing a precipice ballet .