
hù kǒu dēnɡ jì zhì dù
  • household registration system
  1. 整个难题的重要环节之一是中国的户口登记制度。根据该制度,未经许可就在城市居住是违法的。

    One important piece of the puzzle is the hukou household registration system , which makes it illegal to live in cities without permission .

  2. 如加大对户籍制度及其配套措施的改革,使户籍真正成为一种户口登记制度而不是身份识别制度;

    The measures includes four parts and they are improving hukou system and its other related steps , making hukou system really become a system of hukou register but not an ID ;

  3. 户口登记制度将城市与农村人为割裂开来,造成了中国社会发展的二元结构,与户口登记制度相伴随的教育福利政策造成了城乡居民在基础教育起点上的不公平。

    The household registration institution separates the city from the country , resulting into the dualistic structure in Chinese society , and the concomitant education welfare policy leads to the unfair jumping-off point between the urban and rural people .

  4. 为了统筹城乡发展,建立城乡统一的劳动力市场,应深化现行户籍制度改革,加快建立城乡统一的户口登记制度;

    In order to plan the development of rural and city as a whole and establish unified labor force market between rural and city , it is essential to innovate the census registering system which unified city and rural ;