
  • 网络Outdoor sports;Open-air sports
  1. 重视户外体育活动。阳春三月户外行

    And focus on the outdoor sports . Outdoor activities in March

  2. 去年夏天,该公司开设了一座大型的户外体育中心。

    Last summer , the company opened a large outdoor sports facility .

  3. 当数据PM2.5低于50时空气质量被认为是好的,但在301和500之间时就有危险,当人们被告知要避免户外体育活动时。

    Air quality is considered good when readings are 50 or below but hazardous at between 301 and 500 , when people are told to avoid outdoor physical activities .

  4. 冬季适当的户外体育锻炼可提高幼儿免疫力。

    Outside exercise can strengthen the kid 's immunity in winter .

  5. 气象要素与户外体育锻炼选时研究

    A study on Weather Elements and Outdoors Physical Exercise to Choose Time

  6. 青少年户外体育营地的教育理念与课程设置

    Education Idea and Curriculum on Young People Outdoors Sports Battalion

  7. 长沙地区幼儿园户外体育活动场地现状调查研究

    Research on Kindergarten Outdoor Physical Activities Ground 's Current Situation in Changsha Area

  8. 重视户外体育活动。

    Activities and focus on the outdoor sports .

  9. 本周你会被户外体育活动所吸引。

    Outdoor sports events should entice you .

  10. 但那些定期参加户外体育活动的孩子的视网膜神经则更宽上2.2微米。

    But those who regularly participated in outdoor physical activity had retinal blood vessels that were 2.2 microns wider .

  11. 另外新疆冬季寒冷且持续时间较长,不利于人们进行户外体育活动。

    The cold weather last a long time in Xinjiang Province , which goes against doing outdoor sports . 7 .

  12. 即自然材料的应用与中班户外体育活动的开展对幼儿自主性的促进作用。

    In other words , it illustrates the simulative function on baby 's initiatives combining the application of natural material with outdoor-sports activities .

  13. 这个季节流行的活动包括远足、垂钓、野营、划水以及户外体育运动比如足球和橄榄球。

    Popular activities during this season include hiking , fishing , camping , water skiing , and outdoor sports such as football and soccer .

  14. 保证幼儿体育的质量,关键之一就是要有科学、合理的幼儿园户外体育活动场地。

    In order to ensure the quality of child sport in kindergarten , the key is having a scientific and reasonable kindergarten outdoor physical activities ground .

  15. 社区户外体育休闲场所是城市中的人们日常生活的重要场所,也是社区活力与生机的发生器。

    It is important for the cities to enjoying the daily lives in the outdoor physical recreation places in the community , which generate the vigor and vital .

  16. 他们详细的询问家长关于孩子花在每天看电视、玩电玩上的时间,以及他们阅读和参加户外体育锻炼的情况。

    Parents answered a questionnaire detailing the amount of time their children spent watching TV , playing video games , reading and engaging in indoor and outdoor physical activity .

  17. 无线电测向运动作为融健身性、知识性、趣味性和国防教育性于一体,智力与体力并重的一项户外体育运动。

    As a kind of outdoor sport , radio direction finding combines workout , knowledge , interest and national defense education together and lay equal stress on both intelligence and physical strength .

  18. 社区户外体育锻炼空间的人居环境设计包括日照与光污染防治、锻炼空间的噪声防治、锻炼场所的绿化和服务设施等方面的内容。

    The design of space of outdoor games and residential environment consists of preventing and curing light and noise pollution , greening places of physical exercises , and equipping with service facilities .

  19. 根据市政府在12月发布的规定,所有户外体育活动都叫停了,如果北京的官方空气质量读数超过500时工厂不得不降低他们的产能。

    According to rules issued by the city government in December , all outdoor sports activities are to stop and factories have to reduce their production capacity if Beijing 's official air quality reading goes over 500 .

  20. 辽南地区以户外体育休闲娱乐为主,利用沿海资源,形成绿色体育旅游产业;辽西地区建成以群众冰雪运动为主的白色体育产业基地。

    Southern region with outdoor sports leisure entertainment primarily , use of coastal resources , and formed a " green sports tourism industry "; Built in western liaoning province mainly crowd ice and snow sports " white sports industry base " .

  21. 结合汉中体育旅游资源特点的构建了自然观光游+户外体育、农业观光度假+农活、历史文化观光+体育三种基础体育旅游资源开发模式。

    Combined with the character of sports tour resources of Hanzhong , this paper constructs a development mode with three basic sports tour resources : sightseeing of nature plus outdoor sports , sightseeing of agricultural holiday plus farming work , and sightseeing of historic culture plus sports .

  22. 越来越多的活跃,有孩子的家庭享受户外业余爱好和体育喜欢复合型、应用型的SUV和交叉的解放油罐车也看起来不错。

    An increasing number of active families with children who enjoy outdoor hobbies and sports prefer versatile and practical SUV and crossover vehicles that also look good .

  23. 我喜欢户外活动,如体育或悬挂与朋友外出。

    I enjoy outdoor activities such as sports or hanging out with friends .

  24. 户外、娱乐、体育、课堂活动

    Outdoor , recreational , sporting , classroom activities

  25. 建议将户外运动纳入学校体育课程、成立组织机构、引进和培养师资力量和建立安全保障体系。

    E curriculum , organizations and the safety system be established , and the professionals be trained or introduced .