
hù kǒu
  • number of households and total population;registered permanent residence;the population;households and population;resident;inhabitant
户口 [hù kǒu]
  • (1) [the population; households and population]∶指一地住户及其人口。一家叫一户,一人叫一口

  • 不敢敛户口。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • 言其户口。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  • 户口消落。

  • 户口则增。

  • (2) [resident;inhabitant]∶居民

  • 自从拗相公当权,创立新法,伤财害民、户口逃散。--《警世通言》

户口[hù kǒu]
  1. 最后可以凭户口本这样的有效证件重新办理。

    OK finally by registered permanent residence this such effective certificate is dealt with afresh .

  2. 从居民家户特征来看,居民家庭收入差距受户主年龄、职业、户口所在地、区域、家庭规模等因素影响。

    From the household characteristics , age , occupation , registered permanent residence , region , family size are influencing factors which are statistical significant .

  3. 我销完户口就离开了北京。

    I left Beijing after I cancelled my residence there .

  4. 他在北京没户口。

    He 's an unregistered resident in beijing .

  5. 有一段时间,邮政罢工威胁到了户口普查的进行。

    For a time the census was perilled by a postal strike .

  6. �公民被征集服现役的,在办理注销户口手续时,交回居民身份证;

    Citizens who are enlisted in active service shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through the formalities to cancel their resident registration ;

  7. 华侨回国定居的,在办理户口登记手续时,申请领取居民身份证。

    An overseas Chinese who returns to China for permanent residence shall , when going through the formalities of residence registration , apply for a resident identity card .

  8. �公民应当向常住户口所在地的户口登记机关申请领取居民身份证,并按照规定履行申请领取手续。

    Citizens shall apply for resident identity cards from the residence registration organs at the places where their permanent residence is registered , and shall go through the prescribed procedures for applying for and obtaining such cards .

  9. LOD技术在省级工商经济户口地理信息系统中应用

    The Application of LOD Technology in the GIS for Industry & Commerce administration

  10. 经多方考核研究决定,我们采用RFID(电子标签技术)的基础上研制开发了医疗设备信息识别管理系统即(医疗设备电子户口)。

    After thorough studies , we developed the information management system of medical equipment - Medical Equipment Electronic Registries base on RFID technology .

  11. 研究发现HL一P抗凝血作用既不依赖户口户一川又不被血小板第4因子抑制,推测HL一P可直接抑制凝血酶。

    And the anticoagulative action of HL-P depended on neither AT-III nor PF4 . It may be related to the function of restraining thrombin directly .

  12. Hukou(户口)的中文意思是户籍登记,该词已被新华社和中国中央电视台所广泛采用。

    Hukou means household registration in Chinese and has been widely used by Xinhua news agency and China Central Television .

  13. 方法用HBsAg金标快速检测试纸条选择户口属于某行政村的所有居民进行HBsAg筛查,用EPIinfo录入数据和统计分析。

    METHODS All residents in a rural village were asked to participate in the HBsAg screening by using fast HBsAg test paper , EPI info was used to input data and to conduct statistical analysis .

  14. 全国综合社会调查(GSS)结果显示,在城镇生活的居民有近10%的人不具有城镇常住户口,15%左右的流动人口,近20%的人有人户分离现象。

    The results of GSS show nearly 10 % residents living in cities and towns have not registered for the permanent residence , approximately 15 % are mobile population , and nearly 20 % don 't live in the registered places .

  15. 在中国,户口调查是由警方来做的。

    In China , census taking is done by the police .

  16. 表以开设户口要准备甚么文件?

    What do I need to prepare when opening an account ?

  17. 孩子没北京户口怎么上学?

    Beijing did not account how the children go to school ?

  18. 为户口调查发展有关残疾人的统计概念和方法

    Development of Statistical Concepts and Methods on Disability for Household Surveys

  19. 必须是本地户口居民,并持有驾驶执照。

    Must be holder of valid driving license and local residents .

  20. 所谓户籍,是指登记居民户口的簿册。

    Household registration is the handbook of registering the residents Account .

  21. 入世后户口迁移制度改革

    The Entry into WTO and the Reform of Census Migration System

  22. 城镇农业户口阶层的地位与再流动

    Social Status of the Stratum with Agricultural Residence Registration in Cities

  23. 中国户口制度改革的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis to China 's Institutional Reform for Residence Registration

  24. 在户籍管理方面,户口迁移制度首当其冲。

    In Census management , census migration system has been impacted badly .

  25. 它通过户口登记以实现对人口状况的掌握。

    It predominated the circumstances of population from household registration .

  26. 劳动力市场分割、户口与城乡就业差异

    Labor Market Segmentation , Hukou and Urban-Rural Difference in Employment

  27. 这一页用来显示户口持仓的具体资讯。

    This page is used for displaying the detail of account position .

  28. 但是谢永强同时也给农村户口的学生提出了一些建议。

    But Xie also made suggestions for students with a rural registration .

  29. 这一页面用来显示户口之现金结余的具体内容。

    This page is used for displaying the detail of account balance .

  30. 众人各归各城去登记户口。

    And everyone went to his own town to register .