
  • 网络kurdish
  1. 爆炸发生在宾格尔市一座为土耳其执政正义与发展党(AK)使用的建筑附近,该市人口主要是库尔德族。

    The blast happened near a building used by Turkey 's governing AK party in the mainly Kurdish town of Bingol .

  2. 伊拉克政府与库尔德族自治区之间的矛盾愈发激烈。

    Tensions between the Iraqi government and the Kurdish autonomous region are growing .

  3. 布什总统对库尔德族领袖巴尔扎尼说,美方会认真考虑有关要求。

    President Bush told Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani that the request will receive serious consideration .

  4. 因此,紧张情势升高了。而这些反应就直接指向库尔德族。

    So the tension is just building up , and this reaction is directed to the Kurdish people .

  5. 土耳其政府和库尔德工人党的冲突在过去几个月不断升级。工人党想要为库尔德族争取更大权利。

    The conflict with the PKK , which is fighting for greater Kurdish rights , has been steadily escalating over the last couple of months .

  6. 伊拉克的库尔德地区政府总理巴尔尼证实,库尔德族的精锐安全部队上星期强行驱赶一些土耳其士兵返回自己的营地。

    Iraqi Kurdistan 's Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani confirmed that Kurdish elite security called Pashmirga last week forced a group of Turkish soldiers to return to their base .

  7. 盖茨星期三在新德里对记者发表谈话时,敦促土耳其不要依赖军事手段对付国内库尔德族的不满情绪。

    Gates , speaking to reporters here Wednesday , called on Turkey not to rely only on military means to combat disaffection by the country 's Kurdish population .

  8. 发表在土耳其军方网站上的声明说,在冲突的第4天,土耳其炮兵轰击涉嫌为库尔德族叛军的藏身地点,打死41名叛军。

    A statement on Turkey 's military website says the rebels were killed during the fourth day of clashes as Turkish artillery pounded suspected Kurdish rebel hideouts inside Iraq .

  9. 有报导说,盖茨一直试图在库尔德族领导人和巴格达的中央政府之间进行调解,以解决双方在盛产石油的基尔库克地区一项棘手的领土争端。

    The secretary reportedly has been trying to mediate between Kurdish leaders and the central government in Baghdad , over a thorny territorial dispute over the oil-rich region of Kirkuk .

  10. 居尔对塔拉巴尼表示,他希望在伊拉克领导人,特别是库尔德族领导人的支持下,两国能消灭库尔德工人党跨越边境发动的袭击。

    Turkish President Gul told Talabani that he hoped that with the support of Iraqi leaders , especially those from Kurdistan , it would be possible to eliminate the cross-border activities of the PKK .

  11. 在土耳其东南为争取库尔德族自治而斗争了20多年的库尔德工人党,最近几个月受到土耳其军队的强大压力。

    The PKK , which has been fighting the Turkish state for Kurdish autonomy in the southeast for more than 20 years , has been under intense pressure in the last few months from the Turkish army .

  12. 库尔德人,他们中很多人讲库尔德语,占人口的10%,大多数住在叙利亚的东北角,尽管相当多的库尔德族的居民也住在主要的叙利亚城市。

    The Kurds , many of whom speak Kurdish , make up10 % of the population and live mostly in the northeast corner of Syria , though sizable Kurdish communities live in most major Syrian cities as well .