
lián duì
  • company;troop
连队 [lián duì]
  • [company] 由若干排组成的军队一级组织,通常隶属于营

连队[lián duì]
  1. 某连队装备了六门大炮

    One company had been furnished with six cannons .

  2. 警官正在给他的连队上一堂战斗课,他问:“约瑟,假如你看到有700名敌兵正朝你冲过来,你会怎么办?“

    The first sergeant was holding a class on combat for his company . He said , " Jose , what would you do if you saw 700 enemy soldiers coming at you ? "

  3. 少校率领3个连队进攻敌人。

    The major led three companies against the enemy .

  4. 奥利弗中尉是g连队的前线观察员,干掉他他们就不能使用火炮支援了。

    Lieutenant Oliver is the company 's Forward Observer ; take him out and they won 't be able to call any Fire Missions .

  5. 方法对某部步兵连队104名战士5km负重越野训练前后的静脉血进行17项生化与外周血指标检测。

    Methods Some biochemical and hematological indexes were observed in 104 soldiers .

  6. 能量消耗量调查:选取被调查连队中的4名中等身高和体质量的官兵,采用生活观察法,24h跟踪观察,为期3d,计算能量消耗,判断劳动等级。

    Energy consumption survey : 4 soldiers with moderate body height and weight were involved , and the life style of 24h in last 3 days , was observed to calculate the energy consumption and grade physical labor intensity . 2 .

  7. 在女王在视察了苏格兰皇家军团5营Balaclava连队后,苏格兰皇家军团的吉祥物——设得兰小马Cruachan四世正准备迎接女王。

    Shetland pony Cruachan IV , the mascot of the Royal Regiment of Scotland , was on-hand to greet the Queen after she inspected the Balaclava Company , 5 Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland .

  8. 连队向后转,从东转向西。

    The company faced about , turning from east to west .

  9. 对连队农副业生产的理性思考

    Rational thinking of the farming and sideline production of troops grass-roots

  10. 我们不会在连队里对你施加压力。

    We won 't put pressure on you in my outfit .

  11. 战俘被押往连队总部。

    The prisoners of war were marched off to the company headquarters .

  12. 好吧,那为什么我的连队还留守在伊拉克呢?

    Well , then why is my company still sitting in iraq ?

  13. 该连队向后转,然后朝后方走了10步。

    The company turned about and marched ten paces to the rear .

  14. 我是印第安三杠五连队的一等兵考夫林

    I 'm Lance Corporal Coughlin , India Company threefive .

  15. 都将成为这个连队的决定?

    And may become is dependent upon this present company ?

  16. 少花点时间奉承将军,多用心打理你的连队吧。

    Spend less time buttering generals and more time with your company .

  17. 利兹连队和澳大利亚球星维杜卡阐述胜利的重要性。

    Leeds and Australia star Marc Viduka on the importance of winning .

  18. 他的连队里一直流传着一句老笑话。

    There is always a standing gag in his company .

  19. 集合连队,我想检查武器。

    Assemble the company . I want a weapons check .

  20. 爷爷说不,但我在英雄们的连队里服役。

    Grandpa say no , but I servered in the company of heroes .

  21. 基层连队官兵体育参与状况的调查研究

    The Actual Status the Officers and Soldiers ' Participation in Sports in Companies

  22. 连队开始齐步走时,乐队奏起了乐曲。

    When the company stepped off , the band struck up a tune .

  23. 关于把连队管理引入优秀运动队管理的可行性研究

    The Feasibility of the Application of PLA Company Management to Top Sports Teams

  24. 我得到了个酸腐的连队号手。

    I 've got a mighty sour company bugler .

  25. 虽然我很崇拜你的连队,但我可以先离开吗?

    Much as I adore your company , may I tear myself away ?

  26. 他带领一个连队,在训练中统率有方。

    In training he had commanded his company well .

  27. 方法选择某部3个连队进行调查。

    Methods Three companies were selected for the investigation .

  28. 这战士一恢复健康,就回连队去了。

    As soon as he recovered , the soldier fell in with his company .

  29. 你连队在什么位置?

    Where is the location of your company ?

  30. 军队由很多连队整编而成。

    There are many companies forming the battalions .