
  • 网络result justice;outcome fairness;equality of results;outcome equitable
  1. 并在结果公平、程序公平和互动公平等感知公平的基础上进行拓展,引入了信息公平维度。

    Developed on the basis of outcome fairness , procedural fairness and interactional fairness from the Equity theory , the study introduced dimensions of equity-information fairness that explains the failure of services .

  2. 公平是起点公平、过程公平和结果公平的统一体。

    Justice is a united unit of beginning justice , process justice and result justice .

  3. 考试的起点、过程和结果公平

    Equity of the Starting Point , Process and Results in Examination

  4. 公平包括一般公平、机会均等、分配公平、结果公平四个层面的涵义。

    E. general fairness , equal opportunity , fair distribution and fair result .

  5. 程序公平性和交往公平性影响结果公平性,程序公平性影响交往公平性。

    Procedural justice and interpersonal justice affect distributive justice , procedure justice affects interpersonal justice .

  6. 教育公平的终极目标:教育结果公平&对教育结果公平的重新定义

    Ultimate Objective of Educational Equity : Equity of Education Outcome & Redefining Equity of Education Outcome

  7. 笔者反驳了交换只存在过程公平,不存在结果公平的观点。

    And I refute that there is fairness of process but fairness of outcome in exchange .

  8. 教育过程公平是教育公平理念的核心,它既是起点公平的延续,又是结果公平的必要前提。

    Inclusive education thought triggered us to think about the equity of educational process from a new point .

  9. 而公平价值理念的重要目的是使货物利益方获得结果公平。

    An important objective of the concept of fair value is to enable stakeholders to obtain fair results .

  10. 是否公平应该从机会的可获得性来判断,而不是以对结果公平性的感知来判断。

    Fairness should be judged by access to opportunity , not by the perceived fairness of the result .

  11. 内容上包括起点公平、过程公平和结果公平三个基本方面;

    Fairness includes three basic aspects , i.e.the fairness of starting point , fairness of process and fairness of result .

  12. 信息公平性、交往公平性以及结果公平性对顾客满意感均有显著的直接影响,程序公平性对顾客满意感有显著的间接影响。

    Informational justice , interpersonal justice and distributive justice have direct effects on customer satisfaction , and procedural justice has an indirect effect on customer satisfaction .

  13. 社会保障所肩负的责任就是确保起点公平,维护过程公平,并努力实现结果公平。

    Social security responsibilities is to ensure a fair starting point , maintain the fairness of the process , and strive to achieve the result fairness .

  14. 同时,本文还强调了对不公平事件的控制,从结果公平、程序公平和组织公平三个方面论述公平问题。

    Besides , the article emphasizes control on unfair incident , also from result fair , procedure fair and organization fair , the fair problems described .

  15. 作为教育公平中结果公平的重要组成部分,就业不公平依然突出的表现出来,且越来越隐蔽。

    Education equity as a result of an important component of the equity , Employment Inequality still the prominent performance , and is getting more and more covert .

  16. 从表现形式上来说,公平价值观大致可以分为结果公平、机会公平和制度公平。

    As the form of manifestation is concerned , the value of equity can be mostly divided into three forms : result equity , opportunity equity and institution equity .

  17. 具体说来,结果公平在顾客满意及行为意向的关系中所起的作用最大,互动公平次之,最后是程序公平。

    Specifically speaking , the result justice has the most important role in the relationship of customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions , Interactional justice second , procedural justice last .

  18. 结果公平和信息公平通过态度影响顾客重购意愿,而程序公平和交往公平对态度影响不显著。

    Distributive justice and informational justice influence the customer repurchase intentions through attitudes . However , the results did not indicate a significant relationship between procedural justice , interpersonal justice and attitudes .

  19. 过程的公平包括买方和卖方间的公平和买方与买方,卖方与卖方之间的公平。结果公平的核心要求是等值原则。

    And then analyze the fairness of process which includes fairness between seller and buyer and fairness between buyer and buyer and the fairness of outcome of which key requirement is equivalence .

  20. 社会公众通过市场机制仅仅实现了机会平等和规则平等的创造财富,但现在更渴求一套运转良好的,以维护结果公平为核心的利益再分配调整机制。

    The public only realized creating the wealth equally in opportunities and rules through the market . But now , it needs a well-operating and outcome-equity-oriented institution to regulate the interest reallocating .

  21. 在对感知公平三个维度的中介作用检验中发现结果公平和互动公平起着显著的中介作用,而程序公平的中介作用并不显著。

    In the mediation role of three dimensions of perceived equity found that : result justice and interactional justice play very significant roles , but procedural justice does not have a significant role .

  22. 在当前,要实现养老保险公平目标,就必须保证养老保险起点公平、过程公平及结果公平。

    At present , if the Chinese government wants to achieve the fairness objectives of present old-age insurance system , they must guarantee the fairness of starting point , the procedure fairness and the result fairness .

  23. 当前必须正确把握和处理效率与结果公平的关系,确保社会在获得较高效率的同时逐步趋向结果公平。

    At present , we must correctly grasp and deal with the relation between efficiency and the result fairness , and guarantee that the society tends to the result fairness gradually while it obtains the high efficiency .

  24. 在经济实践中,社会为人们创造公平的发展机会,充分发挥人们的积极性和创造性,能够提高社会整体效率,促进社会分配的结果公平,增进全社会福利,实现共同富裕。

    In economic practice , society provides the chance for fair development , the environment for maximizing people 's enthusiasm and creativity , thereby improving social whole performance and fair distribution and social public welfare and fulfilling common prosperity .

  25. 而财富分配的结果公平是一个比较复杂的问题,平均或者财富的极端悬殊都不是公平的,财富分配存在差距且保持在一定的界限内才是结果公平。

    The wealth assignment result fair is a quite complex question , the average or the wealth extreme is disparate all is not fair , the wealth assignment existence disparity also maintains in the certain boundary talent is finally fair .

  26. 但是,结合高等教育起点公平、过程公平和结果公平分析,以及借鉴发展中国家和发达国家的经验和教训看,我国既需要完善已有的高等教育公平政策,更需要制定新的政策保障高等教育公平。

    However , through the analyses of the equality ideas , the experiences and lessons from the developing countries and the developed countries , we not only perfect the old equity policies but formulate the new policies to promote education equality .

  27. 经济法的公平原则是社会本位的,因此是随着社会的发展不断调整的,在现阶段我国经济法的公平原则应当包括起点公平、过程公平、结果公平和代际公平几方面的内容。

    Currently , the principle should be composed of fairness at start point , in process and result , and over generations . The principle of fairness in economic related laws is social departmentalism , and changed with the development of society .

  28. 但是当结果公平分配原则被他们更多认知的时候,他们的相对剥夺感会极大提升,由此产生的后果会对和谐社会的构建产生巨大挑战。

    But , when the result justice distributing principles are more cognized by farmer workers , their deprivation sense will be greatly increasing , and the outcome of this psychological change will produce a big challenge to the construction of harmonious society .

  29. 第四,针对三类不同类别的国企进行效绩评价指标体系的设计,在现行效绩评价体系的基础上,增加对企业社会贡献的评价内容,使评价结果公平、客观而又真实反映企业的效绩。

    Fourthly , according to three types of state-owned enterprises , design the index system of accomplishment , and in the basic of current appraisal system , add the appraisal to social contribution , so as to reflect a real accomplishment of enterprise .

  30. 城市规划事务的差别使每一层级的政府都具备相应的权力,而权力的运用必须保证维护结果公平性,因此本文从权力分配和制衡的角度对规划机构的层级特点做了深入的研究。

    The differences of planning services results in each level of government with appropriate authority and power which to ensure the fairness of planning , different level of the planning agency would be research from the aspect of distribution and balances of powers .