
  • 网络MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE;marriage certification;certificate of marriage
  1. 这是结婚证明。

    Here is the marriage certificate .

  2. 和余先生一样,这对夫妇也被要求提供结婚证明,但是该证明已遗失多年。

    Like Yu , the couple was also asked to provide a marriage certificate , which they had lost years earlier .

  3. 这里说的出生证明、结婚证明等文件是指谁的?是担保人的还是申请人的?

    It may also help if you include a family tree to show how you are related to your sponsor .

  4. 在贝宁,女性需要提供结婚证明才能获得最终注册企业所需的身份证件。

    In Benin , women need to present a marriage certificate to get the identification documents needed to eventually register a business .

  5. 我不需要结婚去证明我的感情或者我对感情的承诺。

    I don 't need to marry to authenticate my relationship or my commitment to it .

  6. 余先生表示,一开始他被相关部门要求提供他没有结婚的证明,以此来购买他房子。

    Yu said he was first required by authorities to prove he was not married in order to buy his home .

  7. 结婚,我们证明的AWD系统更精确,我们认为我们有一个赢家。

    Marry that to our proven AWD system , and we think we have a winner .

  8. 一项最新在线调查显示,40%的美国人称他们不需要用一张结婚证来证明爱或者承诺。

    Four out of 10 Americans say they don 't need a marriage certificate to prove love or commitment , according to a new online survey .

  9. 它只是罗列了一个家庭所有成员一生中所发生的主要事件如:出生,死亡,结婚,和离婚证明这些。所有的这些事件都只记录在一本户籍册上。

    It neatly lists every member of a family , along with details of all major life events & a birth , death , marriage and divorce certificate , all in one .