
  1. 本研究采取个案研究方法,以福建省厦门市X学校的两位新手高中英语教师为研究对象,通过参与性培养、课堂观察、结构访谈、调查评价表、案例分析等方式搜集资料。

    This study uses case study to collect data by involving teacher educating , classroom teaching observation , structured interview , evaluation forms , case analysis based on the teacher development of two novice teachers from the same high school in Xiamen , Fujian .

  2. 本文所采用的调查手段为跨文化交际能力测试和结构访谈。

    The instruments in use are an ICC test and a structured interview .

  3. 之后,采用半结构访谈法具体研究了军事医学学科带头人的胜任特征。

    Thereafter , half-structured interview was done on the competency of military medical subject leaders .

  4. 本研究通过半结构访谈,分析了我国农村亲子关系的模式和特点。

    In this study a semi structured interview technique was used to identify rural parent children relationships .

  5. 调查数据的收集采用了结构访谈和问卷调查的方法,通过对这些数据的分析来更加清晰的认识这些阻碍因素。

    Data was collected and analyzed to gain insight into the barriers using structured interviews and self-administered questionnaires .

  6. 另外本文采取无结构访谈的方式,收集了第一手资料,最后对所得资料进行分析整理,形成本文的案例依据。

    In addition , this paper uses the way , which has no structured interview , collect first-hand information .

  7. 第四部分主要是通过问卷调查及无结构访谈来呈现研究生奖学金制度实施的现状。

    The fourth part presents the current situation of implementation of the system of fellowships through questionnaires and unstructured interviews .

  8. 方法:对军事五项队的4名教练员和12名运动员进行结构访谈。

    METHODS : Four military pentathlon coaches and 12 athletes were interviewed using an in-depth , open-ended and structured approach .

  9. 访谈对象均为北京市某高中的三名学生,按照其在课堂中合作学习的表现在课间和课后进行半结构访谈。

    Informants who were all senior two students were interviewed after classes and chosen according to their performance in Cooperative Learning .

  10. 【方法】对处于换乳期并有换乳行为的母乳喂养儿父母进行问卷及半结构访谈调查。

    The parents whose children were in the weaning period and had practice of switching milk were investigated by questionnaire and partial structured interview .

  11. 本研究以通信企业店长作为研究被试,在文献分析的基础上对30家营业厅的店长和店员进行了非结构访谈,由此编制了《营业厅店长胜任特征编码词典》。

    First we based on literature analysis , and made a non-structural interview for 30 business halls . Then developed a manager competency dictionary .

  12. 然后,对受众进行态度研究,该部分采用无结构访谈法,即深度访谈法。

    Then , do research on the attitude of audiences . This segment is in unstructured interview method , that is , depth interviews .

  13. 本研究以767名大学生及265名抑郁症患者为被试,采用结构访谈、问卷调查和心理干预等方法,着重探讨了认知偏差与抑郁症的内在联系。

    The purpose of this research was to study the relationships between cognitive biases and depression by interview , questionnaire investigation and experiment method .

  14. 来自教练员、运动员的半结构访谈报告和教练员的观察问卷评价也验证了干预的效果。

    Reports from the semi-structured interviews of coaches and athletes and the estimate of the observation questionnaire from coaches also confirmed the effect of intervention .

  15. 对此,研究运用了调查问卷、非结构访谈等实证研究方法,对大学生的学习需求及实现情况进行了调查。

    This research thus used demonstrating means such as questionnaires and un-structured interviews to investigate the undergraduates ' demands on study and their current situation .

  16. 采用实地研究中的个案调查方法,利用现场观察和半结构访谈收集了大量的第一手鲜活资料。

    Adopting the method of case study out of field research , numerous first-hand and vivid materials were collected by on-the-spot observation and semi-structure interview .

  17. 研究工具包括工作压力问卷、职业倦怠问卷、核心自我评价问卷和自编半结构访谈提纲。

    The research tools consist of the Work-Pressure Questionnaires , the Teacher Burnout Inventory , the Scales of Cole Self-evaluation and the Self-edited outline for interview .

  18. 使用结构访谈法对120名儿童(其中学习不良儿童60名)的策略信念与策略理解水平进行了研究。

    120 primary school students ( including 60 learning disabled children ) were examined through structured interviews in terms of their belief and understanding level of strategies .

  19. 本研究以北京、上海两地救助机构的41名流浪儿童为对象,通过半结构访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,对流浪儿童的心理特征和行为表现进行了深入研究和探讨。

    Based on semi-structured interviews and surveys , a study of41'Street Children'from succor organ of Beijing and Shanghai were made , to explore their psychological characteristics and behavior .

  20. 从一所普通小学一三五年级学生中选取90名被试,结构访谈法考察儿童对情绪表达规则的理解与表达策略的使用。

    To investigate their understanding of emotional display rules and use of emotion expression strategies , 90 primary school students in an ordinary primary school were studied through structure interviews .

  21. 研究采用结构访谈法,被试为来自北京市普通幼儿园、小学和中学的6岁、8岁、10岁、12岁和15岁儿童共100名(每个年龄组20名,男女各半)。

    The subjects were 100 children aged 6,8,10 , and adolescents aged 12 and 15 who were from a kindergarten , a primary school and a high school in Beijing .

  22. 本研究采用了阅读理解前测和后测,学生调查问卷,半结构访谈的方法收集数据。

    To enhance the validity of the study , a multi-method research approach was adopted , including reading comprehension pre-test and post-test , questionnaire for students and semi-structured interview to students .

  23. 方法包括:相关利益部门座谈、项目村踏查、村级半结构访谈(村干部、男性村民及女性村民)、资源图及季节历讨论、参与式土地利用规划、相关利益群体研讨会等。

    The methods include group discussion of interest line agencies , village reconnaissance , semi-structured interviews , resource mapping , seasonal calendar , participatory land use planning , and stakeholders ' workshop , etc.

  24. 充分灵活运用半结构访谈、问题树、小组会议等参与式工具,与农户一起分析本流域存在的问题,并找出相应的解决方法。

    Flexible use the PRA tools such as semi-structure interview , problem tree , small group meeting , analyze the existing problem in this river basin with farmer and find the corresponding solution .

  25. 现场调查法:采用调查表形式收集与城市医疗救助对象卫生服务需求相关的数据;采用半结构访谈方式进行相关人员访谈。

    Field trip : questionnaires were used to collect data related to the need of health service of medical aid target in urban China ; Semi-structural interview is adopted to interview related persons .

  26. 方法:运用开放式问卷、半结构访谈、内容分析相结合等质的研究方法与验证性因素分析等量的研究方法。

    Methods : qualitative research methods , including open questionnaire , semi-structured interview and content analysis as well as quantitative research methods , such as confirmatory factor analysis were used in this study .

  27. 在自编组织文化问卷与员工满意感问卷之前,本研究在已有研究的基础上,通过结构访谈等方法确定了问卷的基本结构,编制了预测试问卷。

    Before developing the organizational culture scale and employee satisfaction scale , the author identifies the scale structure and develops the pre-test scale through structured interview and other means based on existing research .

  28. 2000年1~12月,采用半结构访谈、田野调查、农户定点调查等方法,对保山地区的非木质林产品采集活动进行了调查研究,总结了保山地区非木质林产品采集的特点。

    Non forest product collection activities in Baoshan prefecture were investigated through semi structured interview , field survey and household interview from January to December of 2000.The characteristics of collection activities in Baoshan prefecture was then summarized .

  29. 知情人士访谈法:对所调查的医院、医学会等医疗纠纷处理工作人员进行深入访谈,同时对典型案例涉及对象开展关键知情人半结构访谈与讨论。

    Insider interviews : interviewing deeply the medical disputes staff of the hospital and the Medical Association in the investigation , while interviewing the objects involved the typical cases by the way of semi-structured interviews . 4 .

  30. 本文在一个特定的场域中,通过社会学中的文献资料法、参与观察法和半结构访谈法,对大学生群体考研热行为进行调查研究。

    This article is based on the research of a special field , through the methods of literature , semi-structured interviews and participatory observation of the university students group on " the heat of postgraduate entrance examination " .