
  • 网络Executable Code
  1. DWARF是对程序源代码以及如何转换为可执行代码的扩展描述,它采用了块结构。

    DWARF is a block-structured and extensible description of a program 's source , and how it is translated into executable code .

  2. 在DB2优化器选择一个存取计划之后,DB2会基于QGM结果生成用于运行查询的可执行代码。

    After the DB2 optimizer selects an access plan , DB2 generates the executable code for running the query , based on the QGM result .

  3. 通知(advice)是切入点的可执行代码。

    An advice is executable code for a pointcut .

  4. 向PE文件中插入可执行代码的研究

    Study on inserting executable codes into PE file s

  5. Type:私有(不能被其他进程访问)、映射(直接来自文件系统)或镜像(可执行代码)。

    Type : Either private ( not accessible by other processes ), mapped ( directly from the file system ), or image ( the executable code )

  6. B方法是一种较为实用的形式化软件开发方法,覆盖了从抽象规约到可执行代码生成的过程,拥有强有力的支持工具。

    B-method is a useful formal method of software development . It includes all the process from abstract verification to execute code .

  7. 将从可执行代码中分离出来的UI模块打包。

    A1-1 Package UI modules separately from the executable code .

  8. 本文从包含查询接口、结果模式和映射规则的包装器描述文件(XML)出发,给出了自动生成可执行代码的技术方案。

    Wrapper description incorporates the query interfaces , result schemas and mapping rules . This XML file is used to generate executable code automatically .

  9. 但是,您必须像对待任何可执行代码一样来对待bin文件夹中已编译的代码。

    However , you should treat compiled code in the bin folder as you would treat any executable code .

  10. 由于最终的可执行代码将由C编译器完成,因此在TTCN-3/C的编译过程中没有考虑代码生成的优化问题。

    No code-optimization has been considered in TTCN-3 / C compiling and left it for the " C " compiler .

  11. 一个dll是一个独立的的可执行代码单元,它在我们的程序运行时进行绑定。

    It is loaded in the process only when a call is made into that code .

  12. 使用SDT工具生成的可执行代码只能在SDT环境下进行仿真和验证。

    The executable code generated by SDT tools can only be simulated and validated in a SDT environment .

  13. XML病毒(X-Virus)&使用带附件的SOAP或其他附件机制来传递恶意的可执行代码,如病毒或蠕虫。

    XML virus ( X-Virus ) & Using SOAP with attachments or other attachment mechanisms to transmit malicious executables , such as viruses or worms .

  14. 以Z规格说明向可执行代码的自动转换为目的,结合C++语言中STL模板库对数据结构和通用算法的强大支持功能,提出了用STL中的容器表示Z规格说明数据类型的方法。

    C + + STL containers and algorithms are introduced to represent data type description of Z specification for the purpose of automatic transform from abstractive description to executive code .

  15. 当您这样做时,您将观察到rand并不真正是随机的&可执行代码每次打印同一组值。

    When you do , you 'll observe that rand isn 't really random & the executable prints the same set of values every time .

  16. 此外,JSP技术已经有了一种很强大的机制来将可执行代码放在定制标记后面,所以,不必为基于JSP语法的模板实现解析器。

    In addition , JSP technology already has a powerful mechanism for putting executable code behind custom tags , so you don 't have to implement a parser for the templates based on the JSP syntax .

  17. 一段时间之后,人们又想出了一种防止该问题的新思路:将所有可执行代码转移到一个称为“ASCII保护(ASCIIarmor)”区域的内存区。

    After some time , a new idea was developed to counter that problem : move all executable code to an area of memory called the " ASCII armor " region .

  18. 设置lrufilerepage=0意味着强烈建议LRUD不偷取可执行代码的页面,总是尝试偷取文件系统(持久)页面。

    With lru_file_repage = 0 , a strong recommendation is made to the LRUD to favor executables and to always try to steal from filesystem ( persistent ) pages .

  19. 为能移植到目标系统中运行,必须把SDT工具生成的可执行代码和目标机上的操作系统进行集成。

    In order to build a complete target application , the executable code is integrated with the operating system that is the target of the application .

  20. 通过分析Borlandc++微模式下编译产生的可执行代码,并创建了适合BIOS程序设计的启动代码,实现了用C语言编写BIOS程序。

    By analyzing the executive code generated from Borland C + + compiler in tiny mode , and creating a special Startup Code for BIOS , we have made it practicable to code BIOS in C Language .

  21. 在KEIL中完成程序的编写、编译、链接直至生成16位可执行代码。

    Such operations as writing , compiling , and linking of the program are finished in KEIL , until the executable HEX codes are generated .

  22. 振动分析软件采用统一的Win32编程接口,多线程设计和模块化结构,可执行代码小,易于功能扩展;具有实时波形显示、实域频域分析、数据存盘等功能。

    Vibration analysis software adopting Win32 API , multi-thread design and modular configuration has such functions as real-time wave display , real and frequency domain analysis , data store and so on .

  23. 组成应用程序可执行代码的二进制文件也会分析必须存储在内存中的数据,因此消耗固定部分的2GB可用内存。

    The binary files that constitute the executable code of the application also construe data which must be stored in memory and so consume a fixed proportion of the2GB of available memory .

  24. 简单地说,代码片段表示和产生可执行代码。

    Put simply , snippets represent and produce executable code .

  25. 注意,对外部过程的可执行代码不进行备份。

    Note that the executables for external procedures are not backed up .

  26. 整个扩展需要26行可执行代码。

    The entire extension requires a total of26 lines of executable code .

  27. 分段D:共享库文本(可执行代码)

    Segment D : Shared library text ( executable code )

  28. 最后一步是从模型回到可执行代码的转换。

    The final step is the transformation from models back to executable code .

  29. 允许控制流转向非授权的用户,但不允许其可执行代码被运行。

    Change of control flow is allowed but execution of injected code is prevented .

  30. 这些包含可执行代码的段称为正文段。

    The sections that contain executable code are known as text sections or segments .