
  • 网络Accessory equipment;Ancillary equipment
  1. 在拍摄的证据,您还需要在您的相机的功能特性和正确的附属设备。

    When photographing evidence you also need to have the right features on your camera and the right accessory equipment .

  2. 在热泵型机组的空调系统的选型中应考虑空调负荷、机组类型数量、安装位置、附属设备、末端设备等多项因素,特别注意噪音和振动对周围环境的影响。

    Air conditioning Load , unit numbers of the chiller , location of the equipment , accessory equipment , and terminal equipment should be considered when choosing the heat pump system , noise and vibration to the surroundings are important factors .

  3. 首先利用PLC与步进电机设计舵角产生装置代替实际中复杂庞大的液压舵机系统,再将自动操舵仪及其附属设备进行硬件连接,形成了舵角反馈回路。

    First , using PLC and the stepper motor make a rudder angle generating device which is used to replace the practical complex large hydraulic steering gear system . Connect the auto navigator forming a feedback loop of the rudder angle .

  4. 天然气管道附属设备选型及安装技术

    The Confirming of Natural Gas Pipeline Attached Equipment and Installation Technology

  5. 我们拥有生产安装地砖的整套生产线及附属设备

    We stock a complete line of tile installation products accessories

  6. 指营业上使用之自有房屋建筑及其他附属设备。

    Self-owned buildings and their auxiliary equipment available for use in operation .

  7. 可逆锤击式碎煤机及附属设备的安装调试

    Installation and Commissioning of Reversible Hammer Crushers and Their Accessories

  8. GB/T4549.14-1984铁道车辆名词术语保温车附属设备

    Rolling stock terms & Equipments attached to the thermal car

  9. 空调冷冻机房制冷及其附属设备的安装

    Refrigeration plant and auxiliary equipments ' installation in air conditioning refrigerator room

  10. 一种回转床煅烧炉及其附属设备简介

    A brief introduction of a rotary hearth calciner and its attendant equipments

  11. 从附属设备或计算机屏幕捕获音频或视频

    Capture audio or video from attached devices or computer screen

  12. 隔水管是海洋浮式生产系统中的重要附属设备。

    Marine riser is an important appertain equipment of ocean oil producing system .

  13. 起重机、绞车及其附属设备的年度全面检验;

    ATE , Annual Through Examination of Cranes , Winches and Accessory Gear ;

  14. 接下来,进行了制冷系统节流机构和附属设备的选型。

    Followed it , I select the model number throttle flap and appurtenance .

  15. 端口或者附属设备的硬件有故障。

    Hardware failure in port or attached device .

  16. 作为大型球形容器主要附属设备之一的盘梯,其最佳设计方案应该是等倾角上升的。

    The spiral stairway is one of the main auxiliary equipments of large spherical vessels .

  17. 这个卫生间的附属设备很贵。

    These bathroom accessories are expensive .

  18. 人行道、道路和停车场及附属设备

    Walk , road & parking appurtenances

  19. 有固定的网络地址和与其经营活动相适应的计算机等装置及附属设备;

    Having fixed net addresses , and computers and subsidiary equipment that match its business activities ;

  20. 为抵抗这种推力防止管件发生滑移而影响其密封性,必须对管件及其附属设备采用止推或锚固措施。

    In order to prevent from thrust and affecting seal , anti-thrust or anchor should be applied .

  21. 美国锅炉及附属设备制造商协会

    American Boiler and Affiliated Industries

  22. 膨胀水箱虽是供暖系统的附属设备,但在供暖系统的运行中却起着至关重要的作用。

    Expansion water tank is a associate equipment of heating system and it is important for the system operation .

  23. 本文综述了树脂合成工艺的生产设备、附属设备,中间控制设备以及树脂合成工艺流程设计的发展变化及技术进展。

    Production equipment . auxiliary equipment and mid-control equipment and development on process flow design for resin synthesis are expounded .

  24. 选择您要从其进行编码的源。可以对文件进行编码,也可以使用附属设备。

    Select the sources you would like to encode from . You can either encode a file or use attached devices .

  25. 介绍了垫铁、机组、附属设备及管道的安装方法与注意事项,绘制了施工程序图。

    The installing method and points for attention were introduced including installing of spacer , compressor unit , subsidiary equipment and pipes .

  26. 深圳市森木通风设备制造厂,是一家以生产环保和涂装设备及其附属设备为主的企业。

    Shenzhen Sen wooden ventilation equipment manufacturer , is a production of environmental protection and coating equipment and its ancillary equipment-oriented enterprises .

  27. 在被允许操作氢和/或附属设备之前,工作人员必须对氢的性质和安全防范非常熟悉。

    Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with the properties and safety precautions before being allowed to handle hydrogen and / or associated equipment .

  28. 传统的路况识别方法需要大量附属设备,使得整个测量与控制系统的结构过于复杂、成本昂贵,不利于普及应用。

    The traditional ways estimate the friction between tire and road need many equipment , make the system complex , expensive and impractical .

  29. 本实用新型属于选矿机附属设备,特别是一种矿样在线自动取样烘干仪。

    The utility model pertains to an attached equipment of a concentrator , in particular to an automatic online sampling drier for ore samples .

  30. 针对加工中心在工作过程中不可避免的共振问题,巧妙利用机床的附属设备设计了抑制振动的调谐阻尼器。

    To the unavoiding resonance problems in the machine , using machine accessories a tuned damper was ably designed to control the vibration of machine .