
fù yōnɡ ɡuó
  • client state;vassal;vassal state;dependency;state under suzerainty;dependent country
  1. 协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。

    Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany .

  2. 附庸国不会接受单方面的共同防御协定。

    Vassals can no longer accept one-sided defensive pacts ( ! ) .

  3. 那时威尔士是个附庸国。

    Wales was a vassal kingdom at that time .

  4. 这个国家是个主权国家,而不是其它国家的附庸国。

    The country is a sovereign state , not a dependent state .

  5. 所有附庸国都陷入困境,但多数适应了变化。

    All suffered , but most adapted .

  6. 就像伊朗和缅甸(另一个中国娇惯的恶劣的附庸国)一样,朝鲜展现了中国不干涉政策的局限性。

    As with Iran and Burma – another nasty client-state coddled by China – North Korea points up the limits of Beijing 's policy of non-interference .

  7. 首先,中国与几乎所有邻国从俄罗斯和印度,到朝鲜和缅甸等附庸国都发生了围绕水资源的争议。

    First , China is in water disputes with almost all its neighbours , from Russia and India to weak client-states such as North Korea and Burma .

  8. 我个人认为这挺好的,不是说欧洲或美国与其他“西方”的力量不相干或可能正在沦为附庸国是好事。

    Myself I think it 's good , not that I think either europe or the US and other'western'powers are irrelevant or likely just to become vassal states .

  9. 日本右翼虽然是日美同盟的坚定支持者,却不满于将日本视为唯一恶人、并当成附庸国对待的战后清算。

    The Japanese right , though a firm supporter of the US alliance , resents a postwar settlement that casts Japan as uniquely villainous and that treats it as a client state .

  10. 上周六,平壤方面呼吁将日本排除在六方会谈之外,称日本作为美国的附庸国,没有参加会谈的必要。

    On Saturday Pyongyang called for Japan 's exclusion from the six-party talks , saying that , as a client state of the US , there was no need for its attendance .

  11. 中国统治越南一千多年。公元938年越南获得独立后,依然是中国的附庸国。直到19世纪中叶法国接管了越南,中国的统治才告结束。

    China ruled Vietnam for more than a millennium ; even after Vietnam won its independence in 938 , it remained a tributary state of China until the French took charge in the mid-19th century .

  12. 中国试图在这种混乱当中恢复部分消逝的对缅影响力,因此它必须反省一下究竟是如何疏远了昔日的附庸国的、从中又可汲取什么样的真正教训。

    As it seeks to recover some of its faded influence in the midst of that frenzy , Beijing must reflect on how it managed to alienate its former client and what the real lessons might be .

  13. 20世纪初叶亚洲的觉醒革命风暴作为现代亚洲民族解放运动的序曲,对亚欧之间殖民地(附庸国)与宗主国的依附关系形成强有力冲击。

    As the overture of modern national liberation movement in Asia , Awakening of Asia in the early 20th century pounded forcefully at the dependent relationship between the colonies in Asia and the suzerain states in Europe .

  14. 过去10年里,北京向该地区输送了超过1000亿美元的贸易信贷和投资。本周,中国一些最大的附庸国却登门讨钱,寻求获得更多资金帮助他们度过不景气时期。

    Over the past decade Beijing has disbursed more than $ 100bn of trade credits and investment to the region and this week some of its biggest clients are coming cap in hand , seeking fresh funds to tide them through lean times .