
fù zhī
  • appendage;artus
附肢[fù zhī]
  1. 桡足某些动物身上的鳍状肢或扁平附肢。

    A flipper or flattened appendage of certain animals .

  2. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。

    The elephant 's trunk is a unique appendage .

  3. 很多动物身上有成对的附肢,一侧一个,这是很普遍的现象

    Paired appendages , with one on each side of the body , are common in many animals .

  4. 在蜜蜂的整个身体中,腹部体积最大,不过却没有任何附肢与之相连。

    The belly is the largest of the three parts of the body , but it has no limbs attached to it .

  5. 中国对虾PENAEUSCHINENSIS(O'SBECK)肌肉系统的研究Ⅱ.眼柄及附肢肌肉解剖1

    Studies on the Muscular System of Penaeus Chinensis ( O'SBECK ) . - II . Anatomy of the Muscles of Appendages 1

  6. 增加TSA浓度(750μM)能够导致细胞调亡和胚胎附肢畸形。

    Increasing the concentration of TSA ( 750 μ M ) can induce apoptosis and embryonic limb malformations .

  7. arm一词亦指无脊椎动物的附肢或运动器官,如海星的腕、章鱼的触手和腕足纲动物的腕足。

    The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g. , the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus ) .

  8. 实验结果显示,TSA(75μM)改变附肢发生中具有重要功能的基因的表达水平。

    The results show that TSA ( 75 μ M ) changes the expression levels of the genes , which have important functions during limb development .

  9. Hunchback基因在拟成虫期的头部、胸部、尾部肛门处以及附肢上都有表达。

    At the adult stage , Hunchback gene was expressed in the head , chest , the tail of the anus as well as the expression of both appendages .

  10. 有四只脚或腿或腿样附肢的脊椎动物。

    A vertebrate animal having four feet or legs or leglike appendages .

  11. 第十一节有一对分节的附肢,即尾须。

    The 11th segment carries a pair of segmented appendages , the cerci .

  12. 热带海生穴居甲壳动物,有大的易于抓东西的附肢。

    Tropical marine burrowing crustaceans with large grasping appendages .

  13. 寒武纪大附肢节肢动物的起源和进化机制分析

    The possible genetic evolutionary mechanism of the origin of Cambrian great appendage lineage arthropod

  14. 身体透明并有许多附肢的淡水小型鳃足动物;倒置游动。

    Small freshwater branchiopod having a transparent body with many appendages ; swims on its back .

  15. 几乎到处都可以找到,它们全都有分节的附肢和坚硬的外壳。

    They are found almost everywhere , All of them have jointed legs and hard outer coverings .

  16. 它们被分成两个或三个明显的体部,并连接体节的附肢。

    They have segmented with two or three distinct parts , and jointed appendages on the segments .

  17. 甲壳动物,特征是有五对活动的附肢且每个附肢均与胸腔的一节连接。

    Crustaceans characteristically having five pairs of locomotor appendages each joined to a segment of the thorax .

  18. 于是,我挥拳击中了离我最近的那个畸形怪物,它头上长着触角,有多个附肢,还有一对布满斑驳霉菌的翅膀。

    I met the nearest monstrosity , a charging fungal blur of wings and antennae and appendages , with my fist .

  19. 目的为研究大壁虎运动及其生物控制提供附肢肌的定量形态资料。

    Objective To provide morphological data of appendicular muscle for further research on the biological control systems of GekkogeckoSs motional function .

  20. 雅利安的遗传工作的进行和开发是用来去除附肢,爪子,羽毛和类似爬虫动物的皮肤及鳞片。

    The genetic work had been processed and developed on Aryan and was used to remove appendages , claws , feathers and reptilian skins and scales .

  21. 前、后附肢肌总重量比为1∶1.4027(左)、1∶1.3282(右)。

    The ratio between the gross weight of front appendage and back one were 1 ∶ 1.4027 ( left ) and 1 ∶ 1.3282 ( right ) .

  22. 在有翅亚纲成虫体表,最常见的附肢是生殖节的外生殖器和末节的尾须。

    Generally the only appendages seen in the abdomen of an adult pterygota insect are those on the genital segments ( external genitalia ) and the cerci .

  23. 我们新的收集物证实这些卵是直接附着于后三对双肢型的附肢上和查证以前研究工作所认为的头&躯干的边界。

    Our new collections confirm that the eggs were directly attached to the last three pairs of biramous appendages and verify the head-trunk boundary suggested by previous work .

  24. 尾部附肢指的是人类的“尾巴”,它不同于动物的尾巴,既不能帮助人类保持身体平衡,又不能拍走苍蝇。

    A caudal appendage is a human tail , which is not like an animal tail . Human tails don 't help people balance better or swat away flies .

  25. 对嘉陵江科鱼类脊柱及附肢骨骼的比较表明,复台椎骨由前6权脊椎骨愈合而成。

    The comparison of vertebral column and appendicular skeleton for bagrid catfishes from Jialing River reveals that in the family Bagridae the compound vertebra is formed by the anterior 6 vertebrae .

  26. 海生甲壳动物,有羽毛状捕食的附肢;幼体独立游水;成体形成硬壳附着生活于水下。小型淡水甲壳动物,长有盾牌状甲壳。

    Marine crustaceans with feathery food-catching appendages ; free-swimming as larvae ; as adults form a hard shell and live attached to submerged surfaces . small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace .

  27. 随着一系列与附肢发生相关的基因、基因表达模式及其功能被确认,附肢发生成为极好的研究基因表达和基因调控的模型。

    The limb genesis is an excellent model for studying gene expression and regulation , as a batch of limb development related gene , gene expression patterns and function has been identified .

  28. 在节肢动物早期演化阶段,前附肢的演化是提高动物感觉和捕食能力的重要事件。

    The evolution of the frontal appendage is an important event for the early arthropods to improve their feeling and feeding ability under the fiercely ' arm race ' press in Cambrian explosion .

  29. 较小的附肢特征具有较小的表面积,有利于蜥蜴充分利用环境温度,减少能量消耗保持身体相对恒定的温度。

    Smaller appendages have smaller superficial area that would be conducive for lizard to make full use of the environment temperature and reduce energy consumption to keep the relatively constant temperature of body .

  30. 内侧附肢前端与柄节上直立的羽状刚毛毛簇顶相接触,推测该结构可能对相邻的复眼具某种作用。

    The base of the prosartema forms a joint with the first scape , and the anterior part of the prosartema was contacted with the top of erect plumose setae tuft , and this structure maybe has function of defending the compound eye .