
fù jiā xínɡ
  • accessory punishment
  1. 与此同时,为适应清代社会发展的需要,清廷还通过附加刑和替代刑对于流放刑罚加以调节。

    At the same time , to adapted itself to Qing ' social development , the court also used accessory punishment and substitute penalty to adjust .

  2. 没收财产刑是我国刑法附加刑中最严厉的财产刑,同时也是争论较大的刑罚方法。

    Criminal forfeiture of property is the most severe additional property penalties among the accessory punishment in criminal law , but also the most contentious penalty method .

  3. 第三十二条刑罚分为主刑和附加刑。

    Article 32 Punishments are divided into principal punishments and supplementary punishments .

  4. 附加刑也可以独立适用。

    Supplementary punishments may also be applied independently .

  5. 刑法区分为主型和附加刑。

    Penalties are classified as principal and supplementary .

  6. 最后对减刑是否适用于附加刑、非监禁刑加以探讨。

    Finally , it discusses about whether the supplementary punishment and non-imprison punishment can be applicable or not .

  7. 包括完善附加刑设置,规范量刑幅度,利益激励以及利益隔绝。

    Such as improving the accession punishment , sentencing standardized , incentive motivation and interests of the isolation .

  8. 但附加刑的缺失使本罪刑罚方面尚显不足,有待完善,应当增设罚金刑和剥夺政治权利刑。

    It is necessary to establish the punishment of fine and deprivation of politic right for the consummation of such crime .

  9. 被宣告缓刑的犯罪分子,如果被判处附加刑,附加刑仍须执行。

    If a supplementary punishment is imposed on a criminal whose sentence is suspended , the supplementary punishment shall still be executed .

  10. 如果数罪中有判处附加刑的,附加刑仍须执行。

    If among the crimes there is any for which a supplementary punishment is imposed , the supplementary punishment shall still be executed .

  11. 没收财产刑是我国最为严厉的附加刑,现行刑法对之作了大量的规定。

    The penalty of confiscating property is one of the strictest additional penalties and therefore , is substantially stipulated in the Criminal Law .

  12. 其在刑罚体系中的地位,既是附加刑和非主流刑罚,又是一种重刑。

    The status of Forfeiture of Property in penalty system is the position of both accessory punishment and non-mainstream punishment , and it is also a heavy punishment .

  13. 第二部分进行了外国资格刑的比较研究,包括资格刑的地位即资格刑是作为主刑还是作为附加刑适用;

    The second part has conducted the foreign qualifications punishment comparison research , is including the qualifications punishment status as the principal penalty or as the accessory punishment .

  14. 剥夺政治权利在我国刑法中是附加刑的一种,这一刑罚在我国1979年和1997年的刑法文本中均有规定。

    ' Deprivation of political rights ' is a accessory punishment in our criminal law . This punishment is prescribed both in the 1979 criminal law and 1997 criminal law .

  15. 由没收财产刑的体系地位与适用对象可以看出,没收财产刑是我国刑罚体系中最重的附加刑。

    Confiscating property is a most heavy criminal attached punishment in the criminal law of our country in terms of its position in the criminal legal system and applicable objects .

  16. 1997年修订后的刑法更是扩大了财产刑的适用范围,作为附加刑的罚金和没收财产对打击和遏制犯罪的发生越来越显示出举足轻重的作用。

    Furthermore , the revised Criminal Law in 1997 expanded its application range . Fines and confiscation of property as additional punishment have played vital role in striking and curbing crime .

  17. 非监禁刑罚措施即在监狱之外对犯罪人适用的各种刑罚方法以及刑罚执行制度的总称。而非监禁刑指的是某一主刑或者附加刑适用的表现形式是非监禁的。

    The non-custodial penalty measures means taking non-imprisonment way to make criminal execution , but the non-custodial penalty refers to manifestation of the basic or supplementary punishment application is non imprisonment .

  18. 附加刑又称从刑,是在刑罚体系中居于从属地位、补充主刑、独立或附加主刑适用的刑罚方法。

    Accessory penalty , also called subordinate penalty , is an applied penal method subordinate to , supplementary to , independent of or attached to the principal penalty in the penal system .

  19. 可从明确行为模式、规范法律用语、提高刑罚幅度、增设附加刑等方面对巨额财产来源不明罪进行完善。

    As for perfecting the crime , work should be done in making clear the mode of behavior , defining the law term , enhancing the breadth of penalty and adding additional penalty .

  20. 当代世界各国刑罚体系的结构一般都作主刑和附加刑之分,以适应惩罚轻重不同各类犯罪的需要。

    The structure of the penal system in all countries of the modern world is generally divided into the principal penalty and the accessory penalty in order to meet the demand of punishing various crimes .

  21. 罚金,它是一种古老的财产刑,在我国刑罚体系中它是一种附加刑,它是人民法院依法判处被告人向国家缴纳一定数额金钱的刑罚。

    As an ancient property-related punishment , monetary fine is a supplementary punishment under China 's criminal punishment system , according to which the people 's court will condemn the accused to pay a certain amount of money to the country .