
huán jìnɡ wèi shēnɡ
  • sanitation;environmental/general sanitation
  1. 世卫组织水与环境卫生工程师YvesChartier检查基巴提1号难民营的水龙头。

    Yves Chartier , water and sanitation engineer from WHO , checks taps at a water distribution point in the Kibati I camp .

  2. 环境卫生部门负责处理垃圾。

    The sanitation department is in charge of garbage disposal .

  3. 随着提供鱼疗服务的机构不断增加,美容机构业主、环境卫生官员以及公众都开始担忧鱼疗可能会导致病菌感染。

    With the recent increase in the number of establishments offering this treatment , a growing number of people – including salon owners , environmental health officers and members of the public – have voiced concerns about the potential for transmission of infection .

  4. 学生因患肠道传染病和寄生虫病出现的缺课率比对照点减少26.1%(P<0.01)。显示出环境卫生干预措施具有较好的防病效果。

    The rate of class absence among students due to intestinal infectious diseases and parasitosis was reduced by 26.1 % .

  5. 2008年发表于《环境卫生期刊》(journalofenvironmentalhealth)的一篇题为《将祖母喝下肚》的论文,已就甲醛从公墓外泄流入地下水这一公共卫生风险向人们发出了警告。

    A paper published in the Journal of environmental health in 2008 , entitled " drinking grandma " , warned about the public-health risks of formaldehyde leaking from cemeteries into groundwater .

  6. 实施WES项目对农村环境卫生的影响

    Effects of Performing the Projects of Water and Environmental Sanitation on Environmental Sanitation in Countryside

  7. 结论实施WES项目提高了农村环境卫生整体水平。

    Conclusion Performance of WES project rose the whole level of the environmental sanitation in rural area .

  8. 可见,OPFTIR与一维CT模型联用,可以给出污染物的单光程浓度分布,该技术应用于工业或环境卫生监测,具有预警作用。

    It can be concluded that OP-FTIR coupled with one-dimensional CT reconstruction can provide the concentration distribution of air contaminant along one single beam path and monitor in environmental and industrial ~ hygiene working as an ~ alarm system .

  9. 紫外线灯与动态消毒机配合使用,可使车内工作中空气自然菌数维持在符合III类环境卫生标准。

    Combined use of ultraviolet lamp and the dynamic disinfector for disinfection of occupied car could still keep the natural bacterial count in air of the car conforming to class - ⅲ environmental sanitation standard .

  10. 结论该地区自然人群HBV感染水平较高,近一半人没有保护性抗体,应加强健康宣教,推广普及乙肝疫苗的接种,改善环境卫生。

    Conclusion The infection in HBV among natural population in this area is common , nearly half the population had no protective antibodies , health education should be strengthened , HBV vaccination should be popularized and environment hygiene should be improved .

  11. 为此,本文从工程应用和环境卫生的角度出发,在开展低温MQL系统性能测试的基础上,重点研究和评价了低温MQL切削环境空气质量特性。

    Therefore , from technical applied and sanitary points of view , researches focused on the performance of cryogenic MQL system as well as the ambient air quality characteristics during cryogenic MQL cutting process were conducted in this thesis .

  12. 桂林市环境卫生设施现状与规划

    The Present Situation and Program of Environmental Sanitation Facilities in Guilin

  13. 关于饮水与环境卫生的政治声明和行动纲领

    Political Statement and Action Programme on Drinking Water and Environment Sanitation

  14. 农村饮用水和环境卫生与介水传染病的相关性研究

    Relationship among Rural Drinking Water , Sanitation and Waterborne Infectious Diseases

  15. 西南地区猪舍建筑现状及环境卫生评价矿区农业生态环境评价信息系统设计与实现

    Design of Agriculture Ecosystem Environment Assessment Information System in Mining Area

  16. 方法对1999~2002年宿州市县级80份环境卫生年报表逐项进行统计分析。

    Methods 80 environment & sanitation annual reports were analyzed Statistically .

  17. 食物环境卫生署管理全港小贩的贩卖活动。

    The FEHD maintains control over hawking activities in the HKSAR .

  18. 第三章主要是对近代武汉环境卫生管理进行评价。

    The third Chapter mainly the evaluation of Wuhan sanitation management .

  19. 个人卫生和环境卫生与腹泻病关系的探讨

    Studies on the relationship between personal and environmental hygiene and diarrhea disease

  20. 广州市环境卫生数据库信息系统的建立和研究

    Establishment and Study on Environmental Sanitation Data Base Information System in Guangzhou

  21. 广西2006年农村环境卫生现状分析

    Analysis of environmental hygiene status in rural areas of Guangxi , 2006

  22. 关于铁路隧道施工作业环境卫生标准的建议

    Suggestions on Health Standards of Working Environment in Railway Tunnels under Construction

  23. 促进妇女在水和环境卫生事务方面的作用

    Promotion of the Role of Women in Water and Environmental Sanitation Services

  24. 此外,学校卫生督察定期到学校视察,就环境卫生问题向校方提供意见。

    School health inspectors visit schools regularly regarding environmental hygiene and sanitation .

  25. 桶装水厂洁净灌装车间环境卫生调查

    Survey of environmental sanitation of clean filling workshops of bucket water factories

  26. 加勒比环境卫生和可持续旅游业发展倡议

    Environmental Health and Sustainable Tourism Development Initiative for the Caribbean

  27. 城市地下空间与环境卫生和基础设施建设

    Urban Underground Space , Environment Sanitary and Infrastructural Construction

  28. 其次是环境卫生管理。

    Chapter two discuss the management of public sanitation .

  29. 环境卫生监督监测管理信息系统的应用

    Management Information Systems on Environmental Health Inspection and Monitoring

  30. 鸡西市环境卫生生态科技园区规划构想

    Plan Idea of Jixi Environmental Sanitation Ecological Science Park