
huán fǎ zì xínɡ chē sài
  • Tour de France
  1. 赢得观看环法自行车赛最后阶段比赛之旅!

    Win a trip to see the finish of the Tour de France !

  2. 7月份迎来了环法自行车赛,200名自行车选手要骑行2,000英里的赛程。

    In July comes the Tour de France , when 200 cyclists cover a course of 2,000 miles .

  3. 相比之下,环法自行车赛(TourDeFrance)的最高海拔是2600米。

    By contrast , the highest peak in the Tour de France is 2600m .

  4. 一些极限长跑运动员与环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)的运动员有什么共同点呢?

    What do some extreme distance runners have in common with the athletes at the Tour de France cycle race ?

  5. 已经有专门的图书出版,揭露国际游泳和举重比赛中的欺诈行为。至于环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)那就更不用提了。

    And whole books have been written about the cheaters in international swimming and weightlifting , to say nothing of the Tour de France .

  6. 阿姆斯特朗(LanceArmstrong)拒绝就有关他使用违禁药品的指控进行抗辩,之后他于周四晚间被剥夺了在环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)上获得的全部七个冠军头衔。

    Lance Armstrong was stripped of his record seven Tour de France titles late Thursday after he refused to fight allegations that he used performance-enhancing drugs .

  7. 后来,我骑车开始不那么频繁了,对环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)开始感到厌倦,办公室自行车男开始慢慢从办公室里消失。

    Over time , I began to ride my bike less , I got jaded about the Tour de France , and Office Bike Guy began to slowly vanish from the office .

  8. 澳大利亚自行车选手卡德尔•埃文斯(CadelEvans)赢得了今年的环法自行车赛冠军。

    The Australian cyclist Cadel Evans has won this year 's Tour de France .

  9. 他为癌症病人创立了兰斯•阿姆斯特朗基金,还设计了一款黄色的Livestrong腕带。黄色代表环法自行车赛,而livestrong(坚强生活)则是他的座右铭。

    Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer patients , and designed a yellow Livestrong wristband , the yellow for the Tour de France and'live strong ' , his motto .

  10. LanceArmstrong是一个伟大的赛车手,可是如果没有他的团队成员的支持,他无法获得环法自行车赛。

    Lance Armstrong is a great bicycle racer , but he could not have won the Tour de France without the support and assistance of his team members .

  11. 考虑到国际体育仲裁法庭(theCourtofArbitrationforSport)最近以服用违禁药物为由,决定取消2010年环法自行车赛冠军得主阿尔伯托•康塔多(AlbertoContador)的冠军称号,他也可以位列其中。

    And given the recent decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport to strip 2010 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador of his title for alleged drug use , he could be included too .

  12. 这项最新研究对786名于1947年至2012年间参加环法自行车赛的法国车手及死亡车手的死因进行了研究。研究结果于9月3日在欧洲心脏病学会(EuropeanSocietyofCardiology)的会议上进行了发布。

    The new study , which will be presented Tuesday here at a meeting of the European Society of Cardiology , examined 786 French cyclists who competed in the Tour de France between 1947 and 2012 and the cause of death for those who died over that time .

  13. 来自环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)车手的最新数据显示,车手们的平均寿命比普通同龄人要长六年,死于心脏相关疾病的频率也较低。这打消了极限高强度运动会增加死于心血管疾病可能性的疑虑。

    New data from Tour de France cyclists finds that those athletes live an average of six years longer compared with their counterparts in the general population and die less often from heart-related ailments , damping concerns that extreme , intense exercise increases the likelihood of death from cardiovascular reasons .

  14. 周三下午,英国人的脸上终于绽放出了笑容,环法自行车赛冠军威金斯(BradleyWiggins)赢得了男子自行车计时赛的金牌,赛艇选手海伦・戈洛沃(HelenGlove)和希德・斯坦宁(HeatherStanning)也夺得了女子双人单桨项目的金牌。

    Finally on Wednesday afternoon here , the smiles spread across London . Tour de France champion Bradley Wiggins took the cycling time trial and Team GB rowers Heather Stanning and Helen Glove won gold in women 's pairs .

  15. 法国圣洛朗德拉-卡布勒里斯——在今年的环法自行车赛中,极具亲和力的冲刺冠军马塞尔·基特尔(MarcelKittel)在三个赛段中胜出,因此,他在周一的比赛休息日吸引了大量记者也不足为奇。

    ST. LAURENT DE LA CABRERISSE , France - It was predictable that Marcel Kittel , the amiable sprinter who has won three stages in this year 's Tour de France , attracted a large crowd of reporters on the race 's rest day Monday .

  16. 什么时候才会出现第一个赢得环法自行车赛的中国人?

    When will the first Chinese win the Tour de France ?

  17. 还有这次美国人赢了环法自行车赛。

    And we 've got an American winning the tour de france .

  18. 因此一些环法自行车赛的骑手们已开始采用这种饮食方法了。

    So some Tour de France cyclists have started using this approach .

  19. 此外,他还是首位参加环法自行车赛的中国选手。

    And he is the first Chinese rider ever in the race .

  20. 阿姆斯特朗也失去了他的环法自行车赛冠军。

    Armstrong has also lost his Tour de France titles .

  21. 兰斯·阿姆斯特朗:7次环法自行车赛总冠军

    Lance Armstrong : Seven Consecutive Tour de France Victories

  22. 车手在比赛的环法自行车赛鹿特丹和布鲁塞尔之间的公路自行车赛第

    Riders compete at the start of the first stage of the Tour d

  23. 每年的环法自行车赛都会吸引全世界的目光。

    Every year 's the Tour de France catches the whole world 's attention .

  24. 环法自行车赛每年会吸引超过1000万名观众沿法国道路观赛。

    The Tour attracts more than 10 million spectators along France 's roads every year .

  25. 环法自行车赛中赢了七次冠军,比其他任何一个单车手都要多。

    Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times , more than any other cyclist .

  26. 就像环法自行车赛,优化每个任务通常是一个很糟糕的策略。

    Just like the tour de france , optimizing every task is often a very bad strategy .

  27. 它是肯塔基德比,印第安纳波利斯500英里比赛,环法自行车赛还是美国名人赛?

    Is it the Kentucky Derby , Indianapolis 500 , Tour de France , or Masters Tournament ?

  28. 自行车比赛方面:法国体育部长表示,他们正在考虑在无观众的形式下举办环法自行车赛。

    In cycling : The French sports minister says the Tour de France is considering the option of without fans .

  29. 环法自行车赛新秀车手塔代伊·波加查在22岁生日前夕赢得了环法总冠军。

    Tour de France rookie Tadej Pogacar has won cycling 's showpiece race on the eve of his 22nd birthday .

  30. 阿姆斯特朗被取消七次环法自行车赛的冠军,并且终生禁赛。

    Armstrong was stripped of his seven Tour De France titles and banned for life by cycling 's governing body .