- 【建】ambient air quality

Results The daily averages of CO and SO2 were lower than level 2 standard limitation for 5 days ' measurement in 3 regions .
Then we studied relation between resource and distribution of SO_2 and TSP in Lanzhou . Referring to the state air quality standard , distribution of pollution intensity of the above pollutants was regionalized .
Total sulfur dioxide emissions fell by 17.5 % . Environmental air quality standards were revised . The air quality index for monitoring fine particulate matter ( PM2 s ) was added .
Ambient air quality standard
After Ambient air quality standard ( GB3095-1996 ) and integrated emission standard of air pollutants ( GB16297-1996 ) were released , considering practice in Atmospheric Environment Impact Assessment work , some questions were brought forward and simply analysed .
Comparison of Ambient Air Quality Standard Between China and America
Noticeable Matter from Executing Ambient Air Quality Standard
Each region in the country which complies with the NAAQSs is put into one of three classes .
The Ministry of Environmental Protection began gauging public opinion on revised air quality standards on Wednesday , Xinhua reported .
In establishing national ambient air quality standards , the EPA Administrator is not permitted to consider the feasibility of attaining them .
But what if a state is unable to achieve timely attainment of an NAAQS in one of its air quality control regions ?
There are some problems in a lot of municipality environmental monitoring stations when implementing the ambient air quality standard , some ideas for solve problems
The reference for formulating Chinese environmental quality standards is provided by analyzing the formulating procedure and process on ambient air quality standard in EC .
The levels of pollutant gases specified in this appendix are based on the lowest concentrations that can readily be measured and achieved with current air filtration technology .
Within nine months after promulgation of an naaqs , each state was required to submit to EPA a plan designed to implement and maintain that standard within its boundaries .
In order to meet definite environmental quality criterion and achieve the highway capacity , reducing vehicle pollutant emission factor is took into account mainly , and its calculation model is concluded .
Ambient air quality standard between China and America was compared in the fields of function determination , standard 's level , pollutant 's item , sample time and mass concentration limit etc.
Both the requirements of the air pollutant that spreads to dilute and the investment saving must be satisfied while determining the height of stacks . It shall be guaranteed that the ground concentration does not exceed the assigned confines of the standards for air environmental quality as well .
The method was applied to analyze industrial sulfur dioxide pollution control methods in a town in southern China where the local annual average concentration of SO__2 exceeds the second level of the national ambient air quality standard .
Air emission of Shanghai cigarette plant reaches secondary standard of environment air quality ( GB3095-96 ) by using odor biological treatment facility imported from Germany .
In 2001 , the annual average of NO2 concentration in the air of 341 cities attained the Grade II national standards for air quality .
Ambient air quality indexes and standards for vegetable growing in greenhouses
According to the Environmental Quality Report of Laiwu City in 2004 , the overall environmental quality of Laiwu City has been up to the Grade II Standard specified in the Environmental Air Quality Standard ( GB3095-1996 ) .
By using the modified model , comprehensive grade of Hangzhou atmospheric quality in 2004 is grade II , which attains this city 's atmospheric quality standard .
Monitoring and analyzing results of ambient air quality in urban Benxi showed that the level of air pollutant TSP is higher than National Ambient Air Quality Standard Class II , and those of SO2 , NOX , CO and dusts meet Class II standard .