- 网络lacustrine sedi-ments;Kiang Lake

Scientists reconstructed the major climate events of the past 2000 years by looking at around 700 records , including tree rings , ice cores and lake sediments2 .
Adsorptive Characteristic of Nutrient Elements and Influential Factors in Taihu Lake Sediment
S , C and oc / ts in lake sediments and their environmental significance
Informations of climate and environment deduced from the organic matter δ ~ ( 13 ) c of lacustrine sediments
Analysis of Phthalic Esters in Lake Sediments by GC / MS
Polyphenol oxidase activity is negative correlated with the content of organic matter , total nitrogen and total phosphorus .
The characteristics of compositions of the organic matter δ ~ ( 13 ) C in lake sediments and its paleoclimatic explanations
Study on Microwave Digestion of Sediment of Poyang Lake Determined by ICP-AES
Accumulation and time marker significance of Chernobyl-derived ~ ( 137 ) cs in lake sediments from Jiangsu-Anhui
The latitude effect of  ̄ 14C productivity , reservior effect , environment effect , hardwater effect on  ̄( 14 ) C age of Antarctic lake sediments have also been discussed .
DDTs residues in sediments from Hebei lakes and reservoirs and their risk evaluation
Preliminary study on excess ~ ( 210 ) Pb flux characteristic of lake sediment in arid regions and its implication for aeolian activity
Grain size had relatively big effect on TP and Ca-P content in the sediments ;
The study on HCO_3  ̄ - geochemistry at sediment-water interface of lakes
The composition features , influential factors and the paleoclimate environmental significance of the organic matter δ 13C in lake sediments are discussed in detail in this paper .
Total organic carbon ( TOC ) and organic carbon isotope (δ 13Corg ) values in lake sediments have a better indicative implications for regional climatic environment .
The main contents discussed in this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) The releasing principle of lake sediment are summarized through the simulated experiment of pole-core sample in Xuanwu lake , and ration study on the relationship between releasing rate and factors are also taken on .
The results of speciation analysis , SEM / AVS ratio and a variety of comprehensive assessment show that Cd and Pb in both lake sediments have the highest potential ecological risks and they are priority control pollutants in heavy metal pollution of watery environment . 5 .
Cave stalagmites , corals , lake sediments are suitable for dating using the thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS ) uranium series method . 1 were dated with uranium series dating .
The stable isotope of organic carbon (δ 13C ) in lacustrine sediment is an important environmental proxy and is widely used in lake sediment and environmental change studies , but its response to environmental change is comparatively complicated .
Results show that tryptophan was a minor component in the sediments of four Chinese lakes , its concentrations ranging from 0 . 15 to 2.66 mmol · g-1 , and accounted for 0 . 17 % - 9 . 18 % of total hydrolyzable ammo acids ( THAA ) .
The results indicated that the increase of the content of protein and amino acid resulting from extraneous NH4 + - N submerged plants enhanced the bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen in sediments . ( 2 ) The difference of fluorescent characteristics of DOM in lake sediments .
In the lake sediment , the heavy metals release is related closely to AVS oxidation ; while in the river sediments , this process is also related to the change of Fe and Mn oxides and organic matters in addition to AVS oxidation .
Effect of Different Pretreatments on Organic Phosphorus Fractions in Lake Sediment
Geochemical characteristics of phosphorus in sediments of a large shallow lake
Influence of sediment dredging on the ecotoxic effect of lake sediments
Paleoclimate Implication of Rb / Sr Ratios from Lake Sediments
Mineralization Process of Organic Phosphorus and Influential Factors in Urban Lake Sediment
Dynamic study of protein and amino acids in Lake Sediments
Development of Devices for Collecting Samples near the Lacustrine Sediments-Water Body Boundary