
jí bù sī xiàn xiànɡ
  • Gibbs phenomenon
  1. 吉布斯现象的MATLAB实现

    Realization of Gibbs Phenomenon Based on Matlab

  2. 在运用小波阈值法去噪时,在一些不连续点处有时会产生伪吉布斯现象。

    In some case , such as on the discontinuities points , the Gibbs phenomenon will exhibit when we use wavelet thresholding to remove noise of signals .

  3. 最后,采用循环平移(CycleSpinning)来提高SFLCT的平移不变性,有效抑制融合图像在奇异处产生伪吉布斯现象。

    Finally , cycle spinning is applied to compensate for the lack of translation invariance property and suppress pseudo-Gibbs phenomena of fused images .

  4. 扫描斜坡对低频有压制作用,并能减少吉布斯现象;

    The sweeping slope can depress low frequency and reduce the Gibbs ' phenomenon ;

  5. 研究了截断信号边界的吉布斯现象及数字滤波器相位特性对有限区间信号滤波处理的影响。

    The effects of the Jibbs'phenomenon and the phase property of the digital filter on the edges of cutoff signal with limited time domain after filtered is studied .

  6. 对比实验表明,连续统快速傅里叶滤波方法比常规的时域滤波方法有更好、更快的滤波效果,解决了传统快速傅里叶红外光谱滤波的吉布斯现象。

    As for conventional FFT , Gibbs phenomenon has great effect on preprocessing result at edge bands because of special character of rock or mineral spectra , while works well at middle bands .