
huánɡ zǐ
  • prince
皇子 [huáng zǐ]
  • [prince] 皇上的子嗣

  1. 但是,皇子的教育最为基本的功能仍然是传授知识。

    However , the most basic functions of the Prince of education is to impart knowledge .

  2. 虽然我不想损人家,但是恕我直言,我觉得新版演四皇子的演员其实更适合演一个太监。

    Not to be mean but the4th prince actually looks more suited to play a little eunuch imo.

  3. 第四章,主要是皇子的诗歌创作情况。

    Chapter IV , the princes poetry writing .

  4. 第三章,主要介绍皇子的学习以及影响教育的一些因素。

    The third chapter introduces some of the factors of learning and impact of education of the Prince .

  5. 刘盈是西汉开国皇帝刘邦的皇子。

    Liu Yin was the son of the Emperor Liu Bang who had founded the state of West Han .

  6. 尽管此时另一群官员和士大夫在金陵(今南京)拥立了另有一位皇子为帝。

    although another group of local officials and Confucian literati proclaimed another prince at Jinling ( modern-day Nanjing ) .

  7. 通过表格的形式将皇子的诗歌创作进行了梳理,并且将其诗歌的特点进行了总结。

    The author through the form of a table princes poetry writing comb , and the characteristics of his poetry are summarized .

  8. 康熙朝诸皇子奏折是康熙朝奏折的重要组成部分,在清初奏折发展中也居于重要地位。

    The Princes'Memorials during Emperor Kangxi period was one important part in Kangxi memorials and took a key role in the development of Qing memorials .

  9. 在他的学术与收藏生涯中,Aschwin皇子发表关于印度与中国艺术的文章与著作繁多,贡献斐浅。

    In his academic and collecting career , the crown prince published numerous articles and works on Indian and Chinese arts , making remarkable contributions .

  10. 皇子作为唐代皇室人物的重要成员之一,在唐代政治生活中发挥着重要作用。

    Princes , one essential part of the royal families in the Tang Dynasty , play an important role in the political life of the Tang Dynasty .

  11. 今年9月6日,文仁秋筱宫亲王和纪子王妃的小皇子悠仁在东京出生,这是41年来日本皇室首次迎来男性继承人。

    Prince Hisahito was born in Tokyo on Sept.6 to Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko and the first heir to the Japanese imperial throne born in41 years .

  12. 唐代皇子的教育在一定程度上是为了提高皇子的道德修养,其教育目的是政治性的。

    Tang Dynasty Prince of education to a certain extent in order to improve the moral training of the princes , the aims of education is political .

  13. 第一章中,明确界定了皇子、皇子教育、皇子诗歌创作等概念,为论文的讨论奠定了基础。

    The first chapter , and defined the concept of Prince , Prince of Education , Prince , poetry writing , laid the foundation for the discussion of the paper .

  14. 尤其是对这三个方面的教育内容以及教育方式进行了研究,以便于探讨皇子诗歌创作的文化传承性。

    In particular , the content of these three aspects of education and the ways of education are researched , in order to explore the cultural inheritance of the Prince Poetry .

  15. 许多皇子利用谏诤和奏疏向皇帝提出自己的意见或建议,使皇帝做出比较正确的决策,促进了李唐社会的稳定。

    Many princes put forward their own views or recommendations by dissuasions and memorials to the emperors , which facilitate the emperors to make the right decisions and maintain social stability .

  16. 接下来,笔者探讨了皇子诗歌创作的背景以及将皇子的诗歌创作纳入宫廷诗歌发展史的角度予以考察。

    Next , I explore the background of the Prince Poetry and the prince of poetry writing into the perspective of the history of the development of court poetry to be investigated .

  17. 老皇帝去世后,他在皇子中指定的新皇帝在料理丧事之后就要举行登基大典。

    Upon the death of the old emperor , the new emperor designated by the late emperor shall , after the funeral of the old emperor , inaugurate the grand enthronization ceremony .

  18. 因为德仁太子的弟弟生下了小皇子悠仁,之前准备修改法律准许女性继任天皇的计划即被搁置。悠仁是日本皇室四十多年来迎来的首个男性成员。

    But plans to change the law to allow an empress were shelved after Naruhito 's younger brother fathered Prince Hisahito , the first boy born into the imperial family in four decades .

  19. 八王之乱是皇子和君王之间对于权力的一场内战,这场战争自公元291年持续到公元306年。

    The War of the Eight Princes or Rebellion of the Eight Kings was a civil war for power among princes or kings of the Chinese Jin Dynasty from AD 291 to AD 306 .

  20. 这些都影响着唐代皇子的政治活动。皇子的主要政治活动体现在以下四大方面:一是担任官职。首先是担任地方官职。

    The above factors affect the princes ' political activities in Tang Dynasty . Princes ' main political activities are reflected in the following four aspects : First of all , princes serve as local officials .

  21. 本文对明清两朝宗室教育的相关问题按两个层次(皇子教育和远支宗室教育)进行了比较研究。

    This thesis has carried on comparative research to the relevant problem of imperial clan education in Ming and Qing Dynasties according to two stratums ( the prince education and the distant imperial clan education ) .

  22. 这个建筑群建于17世纪,最初是一位皇子的宅邸,后来逐步改建成一座喇嘛庙,如今它是北京香火最旺、最华美的佛寺之一。

    Built as a prince 's home in the 17th century , the complex was gradually transformed into a lamasery and is today one of the most active - and colorful - Buddhist temples in the city .

  23. 概括地说,清朝皇子教育的最大特点是全和严,即学习内容全面,管理极其严格。

    Generally speaking , the most distinctive characteristic of the education system of Emperor 's sons in Qing dynasty was " complete " and " strict ", namely , complete in the studying contents and strict in management .

  24. 比如说,一部名为《大唐荣耀》的热播剧,讲述了一位平民女子如何和一位皇子相爱,如何克服重重障碍(包括家庭反对、反派人物的阻挠、甚至还有战争)最终在一起的故事。

    For example , a popular show called Glory of Tang Dynasty talks about how a woman falls in love with a prince , how they conquer obstacles ( family disagreement , evil characters and war ) and get together .

  25. 因而,参杂着政治性目的的皇子教育与皇子的诗歌创作之间的关系是怎样的,是个值得探讨的问题!针对这一问题,本文从以下几个方面进行了论述。

    Thus , mixed with the relationship between the Prince of the political purpose of education and the prince of poetry writing what is worth exploring question ! To solve this problem , this article from the following aspects were discussed .

  26. 认为日本汉诗起源于大和时代后期,以《怀风藻》中大友皇子所作《侍宴》和《述怀》为日本汉诗的滥觞。

    Think Japanese Han Poetry originated of the Japanese Era of the late , by the pregnant wind algae in the Large Friends of Prince the " Shi feast " and " Shu Huai " for Japan the beginning of Han Poetry .

  27. 公元前213年,秦始皇在咸阳宫举行宴会,博士齐人淳于越倡议,主张学古法,分封皇子功臣为诸侯。

    In 213 B. C. , at a court banquet , Chun Yuyue proposed to follow the conventions of fief system and granted titles and ands to the heroes and nobles . Li Si , the Prime Minister held that these scholars were dangerous ,

  28. 皇子的政治活动能力越强,表明其占据的国家职位就越多,不利于吸纳皇室之外的社会精英,从某种程度上限制了李唐统治基础的扩大。

    The stronger abilities the princes show in political activities , the more official positions they occupy , which is bad for recruiting the social elites to serve the Tang regime . To some extent , it limits the expansion of the Tang regime .

  29. 武帝的这些措施的确改变了魏时皇子没有实权的局面,但他却没有意识到这同时也给日后诸王争权埋下了祸根。

    The practice of Emperor Wu did change the situation prevailing in the kingdom of Wei , in which the various cesses were mere figurehead . However , Emperor Wu did not foresee that he also left the foreshadows for the future power struggle after his death .

  30. 她在总结这些书籍和相关书评的要点时写道:“除了中国明朝的皇子皇孙和法国大革命前的王储,现在的美国小孩有可能是有史以来最娇生惯养的年轻人。”

    Summing up the point of both the books and the review , she writes , ' With the exception of the imperial offspring of the Ming dynasty and the dauphins of pre-Revolutionary France , contemporary American kids may represent the most indulged young people in the history of the world . '