- 网络ribbed-case bearer;ribbed coccon maker

Influence of Temperature on an Experimental Population of Citrus Leaf Miner
A Observation of Orcadian Rhyme of Peach Leaf Miner Overwintering Adult
Studies on population dynamics and control strategy of the citrus leaf miner
Study of Walnut Leafminers ' living history and the prevention and control
In Kunming , the tobacco leaf miner has four or five overlapping generations .
Preliminary Study of Searching Efficiencies of Two Species of Parasitoids to the Citrus Leafminer
Evaluation on the controlling effects of eight insecticides on the natural population of citrus leaf-miner
Oviposition Repellent of Alcohol Extracts of 26 Non - Preferable Plant Species Against Citrus Leafminer
The field efficacy test of XRD-473 to citrus leaf miner , citrus Psylla and their natural enemies
The progress in the researches of the sex pheromone of peach leafminer moth , Lyonetia Clerckella Linnaeus , was reviewed .
Consequently , the low winter temperature is the key factor confining the distribution and overwintering population base of this insect pest .
The bioactivity and interference of three botanical insecticides on individuals and population of citrus leafminer were investigated by laboratory bioassays and life table evaluation on field population .
Citrus leafminer lives only on the tender part of citrus trees so that the detection of edible host plant is crucial to its survival and population development .
The aggregation indices and Taylor 's power law are used to test the spatial distribution of the third generation larvae of leaf miner in the tobacco fields .
In this paper , selection to the length or citrus leaves of oviposition behavior of the citrus leafminer was studied during spring shoots , summer shoots and autumn shoots separately .
The shape characteristic of the leaf moth was introduced the occurence law and biological characteristic of the leaf moth were analysed and the effective preventive measure had been put forward .
The results are as follows : The distribution pattern of larvae is aggregative ( negative binomial distribution ) . The aggregation dose not change with the densities of population of leaf miner .
Azadirachtin and neem oil , which exhibited low toxicity to eggs and larvae , can protect citrus trees from its attack by antifeeding , oviposition repelling , inhibition of growth and development of individuals , and the role of natural enemies to interfere with its population .