
qián xuè
  • occult blood
潜血[qián xuè]
  1. 结果治疗后两组胃液pH值上升和粪便潜血试验阳性结果及治疗1周后胃镜观察结果差异非常显著(P<0.01)。

    Results There were significant differences in pH of gastric liquid , stool occult blood test and gastroscope examination 7 days after treatment between the two groups .

  2. 粪便中肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶联合潜血试验检测结直肠癌的效率分析

    Evaluation of Fecal Tumor M2 Pyruvate Kinase Combined with Fecal Occult Blood Test as A Detecting Tool for Colorectal Cancer

  3. 经治疗患者的尿检尿蛋白下降,与治疗前相比差异显著(P<0.05),而尿潜血无明显变化(P>0.05)。

    Proteinuria was decreased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) But there was no significant change in hematuria ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 大肠癌普查筛检指标SPA免疫便潜血试验带现象消除的研究

    Elimination of zone phenomenon in immunological fecal occult blood test of spa for colorectal cancer screening

  5. CPA单次给药造成骨髓细胞G2/M期细胞的比例稍有升高,出现明显的尿蛋白和尿潜血。

    Single dose of CPA resulted in a slight increase of G_2 / M myelocytes together with higher incidence of urine protein and occult blood .

  6. 胃镜及大便潜血好转均明显高于对照组,两组有效率分别是99.3%和84.0%。经统计学处理两组各项指标均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that ( 1 ) in the symptomatic improvement , gastroscopic examination and negative ratio of occult blood in stool the therapeutic group were markedly higher than those in control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  7. 目的比较蓝光试验、潜血试验和ATP生物荧光法测定血液残留量的灵敏度。

    Objective To compare the sensitivity of ATP bioluminescence assay with Endocheck test and occult blood test ( OB ) for detection of blood residue on medical instrument .

  8. 450/100mg组上消化道反应、大便潜血显著增加。

    The upper digestive tract side effec and sed edt the test in 450 / 100 mg group increased significantly .

  9. SPA免疫便潜血试验和直肠粘液T抗原试验互补普查大肠癌及其随访

    A Follow-up Study on the Complementary Scheme by Combining SPA Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test and T-antigen Detection of Rectal Mucus for Screening of Colorectal Cancer in an Asymptomatic Population

  10. 目的比较免疫学OChemodia法抗人血红蛋白单克隆抗体大便潜血试验与化学法大便潜血试验对老年人大肠病变筛选的价值。

    Objective To compare the values of a screening methods by OC-Hemodia and chemical fecal occult blood test ( COB ) for colorectal cancer in elderly people .

  11. 作者利用抗Hb-HRP建立免疫斑点法(Dot-ELISA)粪便潜血试验,检测了46例正常人和35例大肠癌患者的粪便标本,并与RPHA粪潜血试验相对照。

    Using anti-Hb antibody-HRP conjugation , the authors have developed a Dot-ELISA method for detection of fecal occult blood .

  12. 目的探讨粪便中肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶(tumorM2-PK)联合潜血试验检测结直肠癌的临床意义。

    To investigate the efficiency of fecal tumor M2 pyruvate kinase ( tumor M2-PK ) combined with immunochemical fecal occult blood test ( IFOBT ) for detecting colorectal cancer ( CRC ) .

  13. 而传统的检测方法,如粪便潜血检查(fecaloccultbloodtesting,FOBT)、肠镜检查等都存在各自的缺陷,导致CRC的早期诊断率并不高。

    But the traditional detection methods , such as fecal occult blood test ( fecal occult blood testing , FOBT ), colonoscopy and so there are serious drawbacks , leading to low early diagnosis rate of CRC .

  14. 观察治疗前后主要症状、尿潜血、尿沉渣红细胞计数、尿蛋白、补体C3及免疫球蛋白等指标变化。

    The main symptoms observed before and after therapy , urinary occult blood , urine sediment red blood cell count , urine protein , C3 and immune globulin were observed . Results : 1 .

  15. 目的:寻找便类潜血试验(OBT)中假阴性的原因。

    Objective Look for the cause of false negative in stool occult blood test ( OBT ) .

  16. 辛格博士说,使用触发查询帮助找到了异常PSA检查和阳性大便潜血检查,每年可以查到约1048例异常检查结果的后续跟进被延误或遗漏,以及47例重度癌症。

    Dr. Singh says the use of triggers , which helped find abnormal PSA tests and positive fecal occult blood tests , could detect an estimated 1,048 instances of delayed or missed follow-up of abnormal findings annually and 47 high-grade cancers .

  17. 辛格博士说,使用“触发”查询帮助找到了异常PSA检查和阳性大便潜血检查,每年可以查到约1048例异常检查结果的后续跟进被延误或遗漏,以及47例重度癌症。

    Dr. Singh says the use of triggers , which helped find abnormal PSA tests and positive fecal occult blood tests , could detect an estimated 1048 instances of delayed or missed follow-up of abnormal findings annually and 47 high-grade cancers .

  18. 在中医症状疗效方面,血尿酸和肾功能(包括血肌酐和尿素氮)的改善方面,降低蛋白尿和尿潜血水平方面,治疗前后差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。

    There was also an obvious difference ( P0.01 ) in the aspect of treatment effect of traditional medicine , of improvement of blood uric acid and renal function , including SCR and BUN , of reducing the level of protein and occult blood in urine .

  19. 盐酸小栗碱治疗可使DSS结肠炎小鼠体重增加、腹泻减轻、便潜血减弱或消失,DAI积分及组织学评分下降,效果显著且呈时间、剂量依赖性(尸<0.05);

    Results : Treatments with berberine chloride could significantly promote the weights , improve the diarrhea , reduce the positive rate of OB and enhance the histological scores of mice in a time - and dose - dependent manner ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 结论SARS患者的部分实验室检查显示,超过半数病例的ALT、LDH出现明显的升高,相当一部分患者出现尿蛋白潜血试验阳性,提示该病对肝、心及肾等多器官功能有损害。

    Conclusion The ALT and LDH are increased in over half of patients with SARS , and urinary protein and occult blood examination are positive in part of patients , which suggests that SARS may cause injures to multiple organs including liver , heart and kidney .

  21. 分别在术前12h、麻醉诱导后、CPB30min、CPB60min、术后1、4、14和38h等时间点进行胃液pH测定、镜检(红细胞计数)和潜血试验。

    RBC counting , OB and pH values of gastric juice were determined at the different time : 12 h before operation , after anesthesia induction , CPB 30 min , CPB 60 min and 1 h , 4 h , 14 h , 38 h after operation .

  22. 背景:以愈创木脂为试剂的粪便潜血实验(FOBTs)用于结直肠癌的筛查中,不仅对人血红蛋白特异性不高而且敏感性也很低。

    BACKGROUND : Guaiac-based fecal occult blood tests ( FOBTs ) for colorectal cancer screening are not specific for human hemoglobin and have low sensitivity .

  23. 许多其他条件可能会导致有潜血出现在粪便中。

    Many other conditions can cause occult blood in the stool .

  24. 运用光谱成像发现深色纺织物上潜血足迹

    To Find the Blood Footprint on Dark Fabric with Spectral Imaging

  25. 不同便潜血试验检测消化道出血的临床价值

    Approach of the Clinical Value of the Fecal Ocular Blood Tests

  26. 结果尿试条潜血特异性为94.6%。

    Results There is 94.6 % specificity of urine strip hemoquant .

  27. 粪便潜血两种检测方法的评价和选择

    Evaluation and selection of method for detecting occult blood in feces

  28. 实验组尿液呈乳白色浑浊,尿沉渣增多,尿蛋白及尿潜血呈阳性反应。

    The urine samples of the experimental group become milky and cloudy .

  29. 潜血阳性者进一步行纤维结肠镜、乙状结肠镜或钡剂灌肠造影检查。

    Positive subjects were examined by colonoscopy and / or barium enema .

  30. 有51例患者行潜血检测。

    Fecal occult blood tests were measured on 51 patients .