
  • 网络tracheotomy tube
  1. 气管切开套管内痰痂形成的原因与预防

    Causes and Prevention of Sputum Scab Formation in the Tracheotomy Tube

  2. 气管切开套管内注药预防肺部感染的护理

    Nursing to prevent lung infection of tracheotomy patient by means of INTRA-CANULA drug dripping

  3. 目的:研究采用改良方法早期更换气囊漏气的气管切开套管对患者的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effect of modified replacement of tracheostomy cannula with leak air bag .

  4. 气管切开后气囊套管与金属套管疗效比较

    Comparison of therapeutic efficacy between balloon cannula and metal cannula after tracheotomy

  5. 半导体元件[管芯]用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管

    Semiconductor element Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing

  6. 加衬套于,加轴套于用一个轴套或套管来装饰或排列用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管

    To furnish or line with a bushing . Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing

  7. 用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管导向钻进非开挖铺管的导向强度研究

    Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing Classification of Build-up Intensity in Trenchless Technology for Pipe Laying

  8. 气管套囊内注入利多卡因减轻气管拔管后的咳嗽反应用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管

    Fill of tracheal tuble cuff with lidocaine attenuates coughing response after extubation Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing