
jìn huà sù lǜ
  • Evolution rate;evolutionary rate
  1. 线粒体DNA是核外遗传物质,由于其分子结构简单、进化速率快等特点常被用来进行遗传多样性分析和系统发育研究。

    ( mtDNA ) is extra-nuclear genetic material , it is usually used in genetic diversity analysis and phylogeny study because of its brief molecule structure and rapid evolutionary rate .

  2. 不同基因由于其进化速率不同,而适用于不同分类等级的系统发育研究。

    Different genes are used to the research of phylesis because of their different evolutionary rate .

  3. 线粒体DNA(mtDNA)由于自身比较独特的遗传特性(母系遗传、缺乏重组和进化速率高)而被广泛地应用于人类群体的起源和演化研究。

    Owing to its high evolution rate , lack of recombination and maternal inheritance , mtDNA has been extensively used in unraveling the genealogical history of our species .

  4. 植物DNA序列由于进化速率上的差异而适用于不同分类阶元的系统发育研究,因此,针对某一特定的系统学问题选择相应合适的分子片段是分子系统学研究中最为关键的一步。

    DNA sequences , because of their disparity in the rate of evolution , are suitable for phylogenetic study at different taxonomic levels . It is , therefore , the most significant process to select an appropriate DNA region to address a certain phylogenetic issues .

  5. 12SRRNA基因由于其分布的普遍性、序列和结构的保守性以及进化速率镶嵌性而被广泛应用于不同分类阶元层次上的分子系统学研究。

    Mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal RNA ( 12S rRNA ) gene has been used for phylogenetic analyses of a wide range of species and divergence levels for their universal occurrence , sequence and structure conservation and abundance .

  6. 成熟肽相似性、遗传距离和系统树分支长度显示GTHⅠ-β亚基在真骨鱼类进化速率显著快于其他脊椎动物,而LH-β亚基在羊膜动物中进化比其他脊椎动物快。

    The similarity , heredity distances and the branches length of each lineage showed that GTH ⅰ - β subunit had faster evolution rate in teleostei while LH β was in the same as in Amniota .

  7. 许多研究证明,分子进化速率不是恒定的。

    Many studies indicated that the rate of evolution is not stable .

  8. 进化速率不同的分子标记对微小按蚊新亲缘种的研究

    Study on new cryptic species of Anopheles minimus complex based on molecular markers with different evolution velocity

  9. 较高的进化速率暗示这些基因在人小鼠以及大鼠小鼠分歧后可能受到了不同的功能性制约。

    The higher rates might infer different functional constraints of these genes after the human-mouse and mouse – rat divergence .

  10. 结果显示调控通路中不同阶段的组织特异性基因具有不同的进化速率。

    The results indicate that different classes of human tissue-specific genes involved in the regulatory pathway have divergent evolutionary rates .

  11. 将基因库和高频变异加入动态克隆选择算法,提高检测器的进化速率。

    By integrating gene pool and high frequency aberrance into dynamic clonal selection algorithm , the efficiency of evolution can be improved .

  12. 一个适于最大似然法估计物种分化年代的进化速率平滑近似方法(英文)

    A heuristic rate smoothing procedure for maximum likelihood estimation of species divergence times Methods : Four colorectal cancer cell lines were cultured in vitro .

  13. 众所周知,物种分化年代的估计对分子钟(进化速率恒定)假定很敏感。

    Estimation of species divergence times is well known to be sensitive to violation of the molecular clock assumption ( rate constancy over time ) .

  14. 通过计算残基接触密度,发现它们不同的序列进化速率可能导致了不同的序列对称度。

    With the calculation of contact density , we found the symmetric domains have different evolutionary rates that may contribute to the different degrees of sequence symmetries .

  15. 在小猿、猕猴等物种中则受到负选择的作用(Ka/Ks显著小于1)而进化速率比较慢。

    While in other lineage such as less ape 、 macaca , it was negative selection caused slow evolution ( Ka / Ks < 1 ) worked .

  16. 与它们相比,核编码蛋白基因的进化速率分别快4~5倍和12~15倍。

    Comparatively , the evolutionary rate of proteins coded by the nuclear genes is four or five times as fast as the rate of the two formers .

  17. 近年来的高通量数据如:蛋白质与蛋白质互作、基因重复性、基因表达水平以及进化速率等数据的出现极大地促进了基因重要性的预测。

    Recent advances in generating high-throughput data such as protein-protein interaction , duplication , gene expression level and evolutionary rate data stimulate the prediction of gene essentiality .

  18. 后生动物线粒体基因组具有长度小、进化速率快、结构紧凑及严格母系遗传等特点,已被广泛应用于进化生物学和分子系统学研究。

    The mitochondrial ( mt ) genomes of metazoan have been widely used in evolutionary studies due to their small size , rapid evolutionary rate and maternal inheritance .

  19. 基于生物的遗传距离所建立的分子进化速率,可用于进一步推测不同生物类群在进化历史上的分歧时间。

    Based on genetic distances , molecular evolution rates established by the hypothesis of molecular clock can be used to deduce the origin or divergence time of different organism taxa .

  20. 文章综述了重复基因的产生机制、保留机制、选择作用、分化途径以及重复基因进化速率等方面的相关研究,揭示了基因重复对生物进化的重要性,以引起大家对该领域的关注。

    In this review , we summarized the studies of the molecular mechanisms of gene duplication , the preservation of duplicated gene , the selections acting on duplicated gene , the alternative ways of divergence and the evolution rate .

  21. 首先,我们的结果表明,高表达基因的进化速率要低于中低表达基因的进化速率,这暗示在人小鼠以及大鼠小鼠分歧后对高表达基因的负选择仍然有效。

    First , our data showed that the evolutionary rates of highly expressed genes were lower than that of mid-lowly expressed genes , indicating the influence of selective constraints on highly expressed genes was still detectable after the human-mouse and mouse-rat divergence .

  22. 利用分子进化树计算蛋白质的特异进化速率

    Calculation of Specific Evolution Rate of Prateins Based on Phylogenetic Trees

  23. 不同进化学说之间的争论大多与进化速率问题有关。

    The recent debates between different evolutionary views involved mostly in rates of evolution .

  24. 我们从多序列比对出发,使用三个特征来描述氨基酸的进化保守性:蛋白质残基的空间序列谱、蛋白质的序列信息熵和残基的进化速率。

    Based on multiple sequence alignment , we use three features , i.e. , protein residue spatial sequence profile , sequence information entropy and evolution rate , to describe the evolutionary conservation .

  25. 由于邻元法构建的进化树其分支长度存在差异,提示在这一基因家族的进化过程中,各分支上的进化速率并不相同。

    The different branch length in the phylogenetic trees constructed by the N-J method indicated difference of evolutionary rates in the process of evolution .