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wà zi
  • socks;stockings;hose
袜子 [wà zi]
  • [socks;hose;stockings] 用棉、毛、丝、化学纤维等织成或用布缝成的一种穿在脚上的东西

袜子[wà zi]
  1. 我把我所有的袜子都穿破了。

    I 've worn holes in all my socks .

  2. 你穿的袜子不成双呀!

    You 're wearing odd socks !

  3. 他在黑暗中到处瞎摸找另一只袜子。

    He groped around in the dark for his other sock .

  4. 虽然穿了保暖袜子,我的双脚还是像冰块一样。

    My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks

  5. 她给他织了10双袜子让他带走。

    She knitted him 10 pairs of socks to take with him

  6. 顺便提一下,我今天穿的袜子不成对。

    I 'm wearing odd socks today by the way .

  7. 你看那边那个家伙,他穿着双红袜子。

    Look at that guy . He 's got red socks

  8. 冬天,她穿着厚袜子和橡胶雨靴,戴着手套。

    In the winter she wears thick socks , Wellington boots and gloves

  9. 他踮着脚尖走到门口,只穿着袜子没穿鞋。

    He tiptoed to the door in his stockinged feet .

  10. 他们拖着步子从一家商店走到另一家,寻找齐膝的白袜子。

    They trekked from shop to shop in search of white knee-length socks .

  11. 他的脚趾在袜子里动来动去。

    He was waggling his toes in his socks

  12. 玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。

    Mari refolded the darned pullover and socks .

  13. 我能看出他的深色袜子上有道条纹。

    His dark socks , I could see , had a stripe on them .

  14. 她找出一双戴维的袜子穿在了冰冷的脚上。

    She fished out a pair of David 's socks for her cold feet .

  15. 我把卷成团的袜子拾掇起来。

    I picked up the balled socks .

  16. 他没把另一件吉祥物,一双绿色的袜子,穿在脚上。

    He did not have on his other lucky charm , a pair of green socks .

  17. 他非要把袜子扔得到处都是,这简直要让我疯掉了。

    He will leave his socks lying all over the place and it drives me mad .

  18. 埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。

    Aunt Emilie darned old socks

  19. 她穿着袜子冲出房门,跑着上楼梯时发出轻柔的咚咚声。

    She dashed out through the door , her stockinged feet thumping softly as she ran up the stairs

  20. 他拖着步子从一家商店走到另一家,寻找齐膝的灰袜子。

    He trekked from shop to shop in search of grey knee-length socks .

  21. 她在给丈夫织一双袜子。

    She 's knitting her husband a pair of socks .

  22. 把袜子配成对放入抽屉里。

    Pair the socks and put them in the drawer .

  23. 那些脏袜子把房间搞得恶臭。

    Those old socks are really smelling the room out .

  24. 袜子磨破了。

    The socks are worn into holes .

  25. 别穿那双袜子,还湿着呢。

    Don 't wear those socks , they 're still damp .

  26. 你的袜子快掉下去了,向上提提。

    Hike up your socks , they are falling down .

  27. 昨天她买了一双毛线袜子。

    She bought a pair of woollen hose yesterday .

  28. 袜子没洗干净。

    The socks did not get washed clean .

  29. 我的袜子上有个破洞。

    There 's a hole in my sock .

  30. 他把袜子穿反了。

    He put his socks inside out .
