
sī lán
  • yucca;Spanish bayonet;adam's needle;izote
丝兰[sī lán]
  1. Zoc有丝兰液吗?

    Zoc , do you have any yucca sap ?

  2. 纤维素酶活性随着丝兰皂甙添加水平的升高,表现出上升的趋势,其中300mg/kg组同对照组、100mg/kg组相比达显著水平(P0.05);

    With the increase in sarsa-saponine level , dehydrogenase activity rose with no significant difference among the treatment groups ( P0.05 ), and cellulase activity also showed an ascending trend , the 300 and 100 mg / kg groups being significantly different from the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 凤尾丝兰子房离体培养的器官发生及植株再生

    Organogeny and Plantlet in ovaries in vitro culture of Yucca gloriosa

  4. 丝兰提取物对猪场环境污染及猪生长性能的影响

    Influence of yucca extract on Piggery environment pollution and Pigs Growth Performance

  5. 丝兰皂甙对绵羊全混合日粮养分表观消化率的影响

    Effects of Sarsa-saponine on Apparent Degradability of Total Mixed Ration in Sheep

  6. 凤尾丝兰子房离体培养中的激素效应研究

    ^ Researches on Effect of Hormones in Isolated culture of ovaries of Yucca gloriosa

  7. 凤尾丝兰花粉形态的研究

    Study on the pollen morphology of Yucca gloriosa

  8. 试验3丝兰提取物对蛋白质代谢率的影响。

    In experiment 3 , the effect of YE on protein metabolism was studied .

  9. 丝兰皂甙在改善畜舍环境中的作用及其机制探讨

    The application of Sarsaponin on improving the environment of barn and discussion of mechanism

  10. 根据品种不同,丝兰开花的时节也各有不同。

    Yucca blossoms appear at different times of the year depending on the species .

  11. 另外在泡沫浴产品中添加肥皂树及丝兰成分以增强泡沫。

    Soapbark and yucca are added to our bubble baths for extra bubbling power .

  12. 拉拉和丝兰等一同去参与金院长的婚礼。

    Lesbian and silk orchid wait together to participate in the gold of the wedding .

  13. 丝兰属植物提取物能显著降低瘤胃原虫数量(P<0.05)。

    Yucca extract could decrease the number of the protozoa significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 美国西南和墨西哥的一种丝兰,具有高的乳白色总状花序。

    Yucca of southwestern United States and Mexico with a tall spike of creamy white flowers .

  15. 控制通风和日粮中添加丝兰宝对改善羊舍空气质量效果的研究

    Study on Improving Air Quality in Sheep House by Ventilation Control and Adding Sarsaponin in Daily Diet

  16. 美国东南部的一种丝兰,类似千手兰,但有较短的树干和较光滑的叶。

    Yucca of southeastern United States similar to the Spanish bayonets but with shorter trunk and smoother leaves .

  17. 美国西南部的一种大的分枝乔木状丝兰,有短叶和簇生的带绿色的白花。

    A large branched arborescent yucca of southwestern United States having short leaves and clustered greenish white flowers .

  18. 樟科、丝兰属植物提取物对仔猪排泄物中氨和硫化氢散发的影响

    Effects of Camphor Familial Plant Extract and Yucca Extracts on Emission of NH_3 and H_2S in Slurry of Weaned Pigs

  19. 以泡沫覆盖通过或好象是通过肥皂泡来扩散另外在泡沫浴产品中添加肥皂树及丝兰成分以增强泡沫。

    To spread with or as if with lather . Soapbark and yucca are added to our bubble baths for extra bubbling power .

  20. 中药丝兰的安全性评价和降低鸡舍氨气浓度及提高蛋鸡生产性能的研究

    Study of the Safety Evaluation and Reduction of Coop Ammonia Concentration and Improvement of the Production Performance of Layers on the Chinese Herbal Yucca

  21. 丝兰属的任何一种常绿植物,具有高且粗的茎和顶生的白色花簇;产自北美的温暖地区。

    Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Yucca having usually tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers ; warmer regions of North America .

  22. 木薯有很多别名,包括树薯、竹芋等,但它与丝兰不同,丝兰是一种不能吃的观赏性植物。

    Cassava goes by many names : arrowroot , manioc , tapioca , kassave , mandioca and yuca , but it 's different from yucca , an inedible , ornamental plant .

  23. 选用12只雄性成年东北细毛羊,按随机区组试验设计,分别饲喂4个水平(分别为0100200300mg/kg)丝兰皂甙,研究了不同水平丝兰皂甙对绵羊瘤胃内纤维素酶、总脱氢酶活性及原虫数的影响。

    In an experiment with complete randomized block design , 12 male adult local sheep were divided into 4 groups and administered sarsa-saponine at 0 , 100 , 200 and 300 mg / kg , respectively .

  24. 从0-28天的平均值来比较,丝兰提取物能够显著抑制瘤胃原虫的作用。其中,300mg/kg组原虫数为9.81×104个/ml,显著低于对照组(p<0.05)。

    Compared by the average number of protozoa in 28 days , the number of protozoa of 300mg / kg group was 9.81 × 104 / ml , lower than control group ( p < 0.05 ) significantly .