
máo cǎo wū
  • thatched cottage
  1. 孩子们独立生活后,他和妻子搬到多塞特的茅草屋去住了。

    When their children had flown the nest , he and his wife moved to a thatched cottage in Dorset .

  2. 茅草屋孤零零地坐落在山坡上。

    The thatched cottage stands on the hillside all alone .

  3. 茅草屋用柱高高地建在稻田之上。

    Thatch hut is raised high above the paddy field on stilt .

  4. Marka博士预测,如果蚊子穿过一道光幕的概率6%,那么对一所安装了四道光幕的茅草屋来说,蚊子能传播疟疾的概率仅为十万分之一。

    Dr Marka calculates that if there is a6 % chance that a mosquito will penetrate a light curtain , and a hut contains four curtains , then only one in100,000 mosquitoes will be able to spread malaria .

  5. 乡下那低矮的茅草屋早已消失得无影无踪了。

    The low thatched cottages in the country have long gone .

  6. 村民们住在整洁的茅草屋中。

    The people of the village live in neat huts with grass roofs .

  7. 茅草屋被大水冲走,诊所、桥梁和其它基础设施被毁坏。

    Mud houses were washed away and clinics , bridges and other infrastructure destroyed .

  8. 他们把煤油浇在茅草屋上,准备放火。

    They poured kerosene all over the thatched house , preparing to set it alight .

  9. 这可不是茅草屋。

    This is not a thatched house .

  10. 茅草屋中的大型国际会议企业部门间知识转移研究

    On Knowledge Transfer Within Inter - section

  11. 修理茅草屋屋顶的三个男人。

    Three men repair bure roof .

  12. 马厩是间破旧不堪的茅草屋,屋顶是漏的,地是泥土地;

    The stable was a broken-down hut with a leaking roof and a floor made of mud ;

  13. 假如文明当时听由女性来支配,我们现在可能依旧还生活在茅草屋之中。

    If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts .

  14. 狂涛一阵一阵地袭来,海边的茅草屋眼看要被淹没了。

    Raging waves are sweeping the seashore ; the thatched hut at the seaside will be submerged soon .

  15. 在爱尔兰,茅草屋仍在使用,屋顶可以承受每小时110里的风速。

    In Ireland , where thatching is still practiced , the roofs can survive winds of up to110 miles per hour .

  16. 游人可以去看看那些茅草屋、拿根竹烟袋吸吸水烟、听听当地民歌、尝尝看上去像牛奶一样的米酒。

    Visitors can explore thatched houses , smoke a bamboo water pipe , listen to folk songs and sample milky-looking rice wine .

  17. 富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。

    Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted , thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley .

  18. 消息席卷而过茅草屋,激起波浪泡沫,然后冲进镇里的石头灰泥瓦房里。

    The news swept on past the brush houses , and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster .

  19. 附近休特瑞村花团锦簇,村里美丽的茅草屋也很值得欣赏。

    Again , there is much to enjoy at this beautiful thatched farmhouse in the nearby village of Shottery , with its ornate gardens .

  20. 以英格兰方式做的茅草屋可延续二十至六十年,而且有效防热。

    Thatch which has been done the British way last from twenty to sixty years , and is an effective defence against the heat .

  21. 守卫把他们带到一间空的茅草屋,还给他们拿来了食物和饮料,但没有一人想到在她们面前的就是女王。

    The guards showed them to an empty hut , and gave them food and drink ; no one guessed that this was Queen Marimba .

  22. 给它住的马厩是间破旧不堪的茅草屋,屋顶是漏的,地面是泥土地;喝的水也只是树篱旁小水沟里的水。

    The stable was a broken-down hut with a leaking roof and a floor made of mud ; the only water was in a ditch under the hedge .

  23. 家的大小并无关紧要,因为俗话说,只要有爱,茅草屋也可变皇宫。

    It does not matter whether one 's home is large or small because as the saying goes , Love can turn a cottage into a golden palace .

  24. 于是,砖瓦房取代了茅草屋,村里安装了抽水机,村民们实际上已经停止了在其它地方的季节性打工。

    As a result , thatch huts have been replaced by homes with solid walls , water pumps have been installed and villagers have practically halted seasonal work in other locales .

  25. 在17世纪,殖民者在这里用茅草盖屋,就像他们在英国做的一样。

    In the seventeenth century , the colonist here thatched their roofs with reeds and straw , just as they did in england .

  26. 你可能会觉得我们生活得很凄苦,因为我们住的是茅草搭建的泥屋

    I expect you think we live miserable because we are in a sod house .

  27. 本文还根据茅草的蓄水能力和木柱子的稳定性,解释为什么云南地区在过去,会有如此众多的茅草屋存在的气候方面原因。

    Text also explain climatically the reason why only these are lots of thatching in Yunnan zone based on the aquiferous capability of the couch grass and stability of stake .