
  • 网络military political work
  1. 军队政治工作信息系统安全防护研究

    The Study of Safe Protection of Military Political Work Information System

  2. 军队政治工作效益受多种因素的制约。

    The effect of military political work is restricted by many factors .

  3. 搞好军队政治工作的改革创新。

    Part 5-Do well reform innovation of army 's political work .

  4. 对新形势下军队政治工作创新发展的思考

    On the creative development of political work in a new situation

  5. 努力培育军队政治工作学新的知识增长点

    Developing New Knowledge Growth Points in the Army Political Work

  6. 人工智能在军队政治工作领域的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Articial Intelligence in Military Political Work

  7. 其中的抉择之一,就是依法进行军队政治工作。

    One is how to carry on the army political work by law .

  8. 落实科学发展观与创新军队政治工作研究

    Research on Carrying Out Scientific Development View and Innovation of Military Political Work

  9. 适应军事变革要求推进军队政治工作的创新发展

    Push on Innovative Development of Army Political Work in Answer to the Requirement of Military Change

  10. 跨入新世纪后,军队政治工作学既面临着新的挑战,也面临着发展的机遇。

    In the new century the Army political work is confronted with both new challenges and developing opportunities .

  11. 军队政治工作要走法制化建设道路,已成为军队政治工作理论界之共识。

    It has been a common understanding that the military political work must be developed in the way of legal construction .

  12. 军队政治工作的灵魂是坚持党对军队的绝对领导;

    Part 3-To persist in the party 's absolute leadership over the army is the soul of the army 's political work ;

  13. 因此,研究军事的理论,研究战略和战术,研究军队政治工作,不可或缓。

    Hence our study of military theory , of strategy and tactics and of army political work brooks not a moment 's delay .

  14. 勇敢地迎接挑战,必须抓住机遇,富有成效地培育出军队政治工作学新的知识增长点。

    We must face up to the challenges and seize the opportunities and try hard to develop new knowledge growth points in the Army political work .

  15. 包括飞行政治工作在内的军队政治工作要为打得赢提供强大精神动力,为不变质提供可靠政治保证。

    The political work in the army , including the work for flight , should offer great spiritual impetus for " wining ", reliable assurance in political for " holding " .

  16. 军队政治工作法制化建设依赖于政治工作法律、法规体系的建立,军队政治工作法律意识的确立和政治工作的严格执法。

    The legal construction of the military political work is based on the establishment of laws and regulations , legal consciousness and strict execution of the law of the military political work .

  17. 从一般领导力形成因素来考察,军队政治工作领导干部领导力形成因素是由三观两感、六种素质和八种能力构成的。

    Seeing about the factors influencing leadership ability , the factors which influences leadership ability of leader of political work are constituted by three sights and two senses , six diathesis and eight abilities .

  18. 建立一个高效、安全的军队政治工作信息系统,是按照建设信息化军队、打赢信息化战争目标,加快我军政治工作信息化建设步伐的核心问题。

    Setting up a high-powered and safe military political work information system is the core subject that according to the goal of building informatization army , win informatization war to accelerate the steps of military political work informatization construction .

  19. 军队政治工作的三大原则:第一是官兵一致,第二是军民一致,第三是瓦解敌军。

    Our three major principles for the army 's political work are , first , unity between officers and men ; Second , unity between the army and the people ; And third , the disintegration of the enemy forces .

  20. 实现思想政治教育信息网络化成为军队政治工作发展的必然趋势,同时,它也是军队政治工作改革创新对思想政治教育提出的必然要求。

    It is necessary for political work of army to achieve the network of education for thought and politics in the army , meanwhile , it is elementary request for education of thoughts and politics to reinforce and innovate political work in the army .

  21. 浅谈网络技术在军队思想政治工作中的应用

    Talking about the Application of the Network Technology in the Military Ideological and Political Work

  22. 隐形教育:入世后军队思想政治工作新途径的探索

    Subconscious Education : Enquiries into New Ways of the Army Ideological Political Work after China 's Entry into WTO

  23. 推进军队思想政治工作现代化,是增强新时期军队思想政治工作的针对性和实效性,保持军队思想政治工作生机和活力的根本要求。

    Pushing forward modernization of ideological and political work of the army is basic request of strengthening pertinence and actual effect of army ideological and political work of the lately period , and keeping its vitality .

  24. 其实军队的政治思想工作,军队所有的军事人员、政治人员都要做。

    Actually , all military and political personnel in the army should engage in it .

  25. 青年官兵的消费问题直接影响着我国的政治和社会稳定,影响着军队的思想政治工作和日常管理,影响着青年官兵个体的人格形成和发展,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    The consumption of soldiers directly influences the political and social stability of our country , which affects the political work and daily management of the army and the military individual personality formation and development .

  26. 如何充分利用信息化的发展趋势,研究军队思想政治教育工作的网络建设,成为一个摆在全军思想政治教育者面前的崭新课题。

    How to make full use of the development trends of information and research the network constructions of military political education , which has become a new problem for the educators of political education in the whole army .

  27. 接着本文又从人本管理的角度,对新的历史条件下,军队思想政治教育工作的基本形势,进行了多方位的调查分析,为本课题的实践应用提供了工作背景和服务对象。

    Furthermore , from the angle of the human management , this paper also carries out the research and analysis on the basic situation of military political and ideological work in multi-aspects , which supplies the practice and application of the present topic with the work background and service objects .

  28. 但是,不管怎么样,军队里的政治思想工作需要加强。

    In any case , political and ideological work in the army must be strengthened .

  29. 随着军队信息化转型建设不断深入,军队政治工作也要适应新的发展趋势,抓住难得机遇,加快信息化建设步伐。

    With the transformation of the armed forces informationization construction depth , the military and political work have to adapt to the new development trends , seize the rare opportunity to accelerate the pace of informationization construction .

  30. 军事法制教育是军队思想政治教育的重要内容,是军队政治工作的重要组成部分。

    Military legal system education is one of the most important parts of the army ideological and political education as well as one of the most essential ingredients of the army political work .