
  1. 汤死后,伊尹辅佐汤的3个孩子为天子。

    After the death of Tang , Yi Yin assisted Tang'three children ruling the country .

  2. 伊尹:商汤建朝与伊尹的辅佐是分不开的。

    Yi Yin : The establishment of the Shang Dynasty had a close connection with the assistance of Yi Yin .

  3. 伊尹,宰相,曾是汤的妻子陪嫁奴隶,在厨房干活。

    Yi Yin , the prime minister , had been a dowry slave of Tang 's wife working in the kitchen .

  4. 如今,有关伊尹的纪念性遗迹广布河洛和豫东鲁西南两个区域。

    Yi Yins relics can be widely found in Heluo Area and the east of Henan Province and southwest of Shandong Province .

  5. 太甲在桐宫住了3年,终于悔过自新,伊尹又把政权交给他。

    Living in the Tonggong Palace for three years , Tai Jia eventually regretted and went straight . Then , Yi Yin restored him .

  6. 汤还采纳伊尹的建议,停止朝贡夏朝以试夏桀的实力。

    Tang adopted Yi Yin 's suggestions to stop paying tribute to the Xia Dynasty in order to sound out the strength of Jie .

  7. 伊尹很有才能,为了让汤发现自己,故意有时把菜做得很可口,有时却或咸或淡。

    He was very capable . In order to have Tang notice his ability , he sometimes cooked the meal delicious , sometimes salty or tasteless deliberately .

  8. 伊尹活了100多岁,当了20年国相,为商王朝的稳定打下了坚实的基础,成为我国历史上第一个著名的贤相。

    Living for more than a hundred years , Yi Yin had been the prime minister for twenty years , laying a solid foundation for the stabilization of the Shang Dynasty . He became the first capable official in Chinese history .

  9. 太甲在位3年期间,不遵守商汤立下的法令,伊尹多次劝告无效,于是,伊尹把太甲关进桐宫,希望他反省,自己亲自执政。

    King Tai Jia did not obey the decree made by Tang in his three-year reign , and Yi Yin persuaded him for many times , but failed . Consequently , Yi Yin shut him in Tonggong Palace , hoping him to have a self-reflection , and governed the state himself .

  10. 汤和伊尹见时机成熟,就由汤召集部众,出兵伐夏,在鸣条(今河南封丘东)一举攻灭了夏桀,建立了中国历史上第二个奴隶制王朝——商朝,定都亳。

    Tang and Yi Yin took the opportunity of it , calling on all tribes to crusade against Jie . Consequently , Jie was defeated at the battle of Mingtiao ( East of the present-day Fengqiu in Henan ) . Tang established the second slave dynasty - the Shang Dynasty , and the capital was Bo .