
huò dé xìnɡ zhuànɡ yí chuán
  • acquired characteristic
  1. 叙述了通过基因工程,将各种外源基因转入蔬菜植株的体内,获得性状优良的品种

    By means of gene engineering , all kinds of foreign genes were transferred into the plant of vegetable , varieties with good properties were obtained

  2. 新近获得的性状普遍显示出原始性的分类群。

    Recently attained characters are generally indicative of primitiveness .

  3. 这类区域性的地球化学测量显示出它的有效性。新近获得的性状普遍显示出原始性的分类群。

    The potential of such a primary geochemical survey is demonstrated . Recently attained characters are generally indicative of primitiveness .

  4. 以冬虫夏草原生质体为材料,经紫外诱变获得了性状优于出发菌株的突变株。

    Cordyceps sinensis was used as original strain to conduct protoplast mutagenesis with ultraviolet ( UV ) illumination for obtaining high-performance mutants .

  5. 本研究是甜瓜保鲜延熟分子育种研究项目中的一部分。项目的总体研究目标是利用转基因技术获得贮运性状优异的甜瓜新品种。

    The study was a part of the project that aimed to keep fresh and prolong mature period by molecular breeding method .

  6. 不同测定参数间存在的显著或极显著相关表明,通过筛选可获得植株性状和氮利用效率均佳的基因型。

    The significant or high significant correlation that exist among various determinations suggests that by screening we could produce genotype with optimal plant feature and high efficiency to utilize nitrogen .

  7. 采用全骨髓法可获得生长性状稳定,增殖速度快,贴壁细胞成活率高的大鼠骨髓基质细胞。

    BMSCs can be isolated from bone marrow by the method of whole bone marrow . The obtained BMSCs had stability of growth traits , great ability to proliferate and high survival rate of adherent cells .

  8. 获得农艺性状优良的14+15和5+10亚基聚合株系3个。山区玉米育种用优良自交系S(37)及其主要杂交种的同功酶分析初探

    HMW-GS 14 + 15 and 5 + 10 were pyramided by common cross and biochemical marker assisted selection , and eight sister lines were produced . PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF ISOZYME ON THE SISTER LINES OF GOOD LINE S_ ( 37 ) AND THEIR TWO HYBRIDS IN MAIZE

  9. 利用人工诱变(利用X射线和化学物质诱变)结合组织培养技术来获得新的性状。

    Artificial mutagenesis ( by X-rays or chemicals ) has been used to generate new characteristics , together with tissue culture techniques .

  10. 研究了解胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ(IGF-I)对三维培养条件下关节软骨细胞生长和去分化趋势等生物学行为的影响,以期获得大规模生物学性状良好的软骨细胞。

    To study the effects of IGF-I on the tendency of growth and de-differentiation of the three-cultured chondrocytes , in order to gain large amount of good type chondrocytes .

  11. 对杂交菌株与亲本菌丝长势和长速、产量、子实体形态、氨基酸含量等农艺性状比较,获得了农艺性状较优良的菌株JW1和JW3。

    Fine strains JW1and JW3 were bred through comparing their property of growth rate , mycelium growth vigour , fruit body morphology , amino acid compositions and yields with their parents .

  12. 但是,通过传统杂交育种方法获得具有多年生性状的栽培稻品种的努力一直未取得成功。

    However , traditional breeding efforts to transfer the trait have not yet been successful .

  13. 转反义磷脂酶Dγ基因小麦植株的获得及其农艺性状的鉴定研究

    Transformation of Wheat with Antisense Phospholipase D γ Gene and Study on the Identification of Its ' Agronomic Characters

  14. 其目的是改造生物的遗传物质,获得一些在性状、营养和消费品质等方面具有优良特性的转基因动物。

    Its purpose is to transform of biological genetic material , get some in good character quality , nutrition and consumption characteristics of animals .

  15. 将分散分布于不同品种中的同效基因累加起来可望获得重要农艺性状的理想超亲变异。

    In plant breeding , transgressive variants could be obtained for economically important traits by accumulation of genes with like effect dispersed in varieties .

  16. 这样就需要从公牛亲戚获得的胴体性状记录信息,以避免可以早期获得遗传进展的潜在损失。

    Thus , there is a need to include information on field carcass records from relatives of bulls to avoid potential losses of genetically superior candidates early in the selection process .

  17. 在多种提高啤酒大麦产量与品质的途径中,通过分子标记技术不失是一种目的性最为明确,获得高产优质性状时间周期最短的方法之一。

    The technique of SSR marker is the one of the best way to improve malting barley yield and quality , which with most explicited , shortest period of time high yield and quality .

  18. 已获得的重要园艺性状紧密连锁的遗传标记将有利于F1种子纯度鉴定。

    The molecular markers tightly linked with the important horticultural traits would facilitate the seed purity testing of F1 hybrid .

  19. 紧凑型玉米比平展型玉米容易获得高产,根系性状良好是重要原因之一。

    It was easier to acquire high yield of maize by using upright-leaf varieties than spreading-leaf varieties because the former had good root characteristics .

  20. 利用小麦与黑麦异代换系5R/5A,6R/6A之间杂交创制易位系,来获得具有黑麦优良性状的稳定的易位品系,用于改良小麦品种。

    For improved wheat varieties , we use of hybridization between wheat and rye alien substitution line 5R / 5A , 6R / 6A to establish translocation line to get good traits with the stability of rye translocation lines .

  21. 对获得的资料进行性状单因素方差分析,性状与纬度、经度的相关分析,主要性状与产地气象因子的通径分析。

    Three analyses of the data obtained were made , i.e. the univariate variance analysis of characters , correlation analysis of characters with latitude and longitude , and path analysis of main traits with meteorological elements in the place from where the seeds were collected .

  22. 第一轮杂交获得400个F1菌株,出菇试验后获得了280个性状较好的F1杂交菌株。

    The first hybridizing obtained 400 F1 strains , and through cultivating experiment , 280 hybrid strains with better agronomic characters were obtained .