
  • 网络First-person Shooter;first-person shooter game;FPs;first person shooting;First Personal Shooting Game
  1. 根据玩家在这一行星的统治家族中的不同声誉,玩家可以到基地里进行贸易,获取消息,接受任务甚至是像第一人称射击游戏那样发动侵略,征服这颗星球。

    Depending on the standing with the particular clan owning the planet , the player can trade , get news or missions from the base or even invading and conquering it in an FPS like way .

  2. 该方法较大地提高了3D角色实时动态碰撞检测效率,可应用于第一人称射击游戏、3D角色模拟游戏、机器人寻径以及虚拟战术环境中。

    This method can be applied to the FPS ( First Person Shooting ) game , 3D Character simulation game , path-finding in Robotics as well as virtual tactics to improve efficiency of 3D articulated character collision detection .

  3. 第一人称射击游戏,或者大型的我们称之为3A级的游戏,

    first-person shooters , or the big , what we would call AAA games ,

  4. 虽然游戏主要是一个第一人称射击游戏,变速箱设法在一个坚实的RPG游戏经验,以及补习班。

    While the game was primarily a first person shooter , Gearbox managed to cram in a solid RPG experience as well .

  5. 最后运用该图像引擎,结合创造性的运用C语言实现的部分面向对象思想以及部分设计模式,开发了一个基于移动BREW平台的第一人称射击游戏应用。

    Finally the use of the image engine , combined with creative use of C language implementation of the part of the object-oriented thinking as well as some design patterns , developed a BREW-based mobile platform first person shooter gaming applications .

  6. 我的很多学生常常惊讶于他们的老师能在在线第一人称射击游戏中狠狠教训他们,或者完全忘情于一个优秀的RPG游戏。

    My students always found it amusing that their teacher could kick their butts in online first-person shooters , or that he could lose himself in a good RPG .

  7. 这款来自美国著名电子游戏软件制作室Bungie的第一人称射击游戏在全球已经售出超过5000万份。

    This first-person shooter from Bungie has sold over 50 million copies worldwide .

  8. 这是第一人称射击游戏。

    This is a first person shooter games .

  9. 关于基因改良过的星际战士最棒的第一人称射击游戏是什么?

    What 's the best first-person shooter about genetically modified space marines ? Halo !

  10. 我们的游戏视角就是要炫耀一下这个游戏,但不会疯狂到像一个第一人称射击游戏,不是吗?

    Our game angle shows it off , but not to a crazy extent like a first-person shooter does , right ?

  11. 为首次在第一人称射击游戏中,玩家进入空降作战和土地的地方,在一个开放的战场。

    For the first time in a first person shooter , players airdrop into combat and land anywhere in an open battlefield .

  12. 操纵性胜过任何一款第一人称射击游戏,有着优秀的游戏节奏与射击结合解谜的趣味。

    Controls better than any console first-person game before it , features great pacing and a fun mix of puzzles and shooting .

  13. 并非所有年龄段的所有人都对在线游戏感兴趣,第一人称射击游戏只适合反应快速的青少年群体。

    Not everyone across all the age groups is interested in playing online , first-person shooters against hordes of preteens with lightening-speed reflexes .

  14. 对于第一人称射击游戏,你应该将相机作为玩家角色的子对象,并将其放置在与角色的眼睛等高水平上。

    For a first-person shooter , you would parent the Camera to the player character , and place it at the character 's eye level .

  15. 但是大部分时候,当我们想到“游戏”通常想到的是:第一人称射击游戏,或者大型的,

    But when we think about games , a lot of times we think about stuff like this : first-person shooters , or the big ,

  16. 在FPS(第一人称射击)游戏的世界里有很少创新。

    In the world of the first person shooter ( FPS ) video game there is very little innovation .

  17. 研究人员发现,玩家通过自己控制的角色来观看操作的《第一人称射击》游戏没有表现出和智商的同样关联。

    The researchers found that First Person Shooter games in which players view the action through the eyes of characters they control did not demonstrate the same link with IQ .

  18. 一项新研究显示:在血淋淋的第一人称射击类游戏中,玩家必须反应迅速才能杀死他们的虚拟对手,这似乎对于视力的一个主要方面有着持续的积极影响。

    Gory first-person shooter games , in which players must act quickly to kill their virtual opponents , seem to have lasting effects on a key aspect of vision , a new study shows .

  19. 该研究的首席作者、约克大学的博士生阿塔纳西奥斯·科基纳基斯说:“和《第一人称射击》游戏不同,多人在线竞技游戏更多的依赖记忆力和考虑多种因素的战略决策能力,而前者更注重速度和射击的精准度。”

    York PhD student Athanasios Kokkinakis , the study 's lead author , said : " Unlike First Person Shooter ( FPS ) games where speed and target accuracy are a priority , Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas rely more on memory and the ability to make strategic decisions taking into account multiple factors . "

  20. 这就是单一性别带给世界的,我们最好的愿望是在虚拟世界里和网吧里满是第一人称视角的射击游戏来解决这个问题。

    That 's what single males the world over gravitate towards , and our best hope is that virtual reality and internet cafes full of first-person shooting games does the trick .

  21. 一项新研究显示:在血淋淋的“第一人称射击”类游戏中,玩家必须反应迅速才能杀死他们的虚拟对手,这似乎对于视力的一个主要方面有着持续的积极影响。

    Gory " first-person shooter " games , in which players must act quickly to kill their virtual opponents , seem to have lasting effects on a key aspect of vision , a new study shows .

  22. 作为系列第一人称及第三人称射击游戏,使命召唤近年来已成为最受欢迎的游戏之一。

    A first-person and third-person shooter game , Call of Duty has emerged in recent years to be one of the most popular game series ever .

  23. 其中一半参与者玩两种“第一人称射击”类战斗游戏——“虚幻竞技场”和“使命召唤2”,在这两种游戏中,玩家必须迅速地侦查出敌人并将其杀掉,才能避免自己遭到杀害;

    Half of the participants played two first-person-shooter action games , Unreal Tournament and Call of Duty 2 , in which players must quickly detect and kill enemies to avoid being killed themselves .