
  • 网络the first stage of labor;first stage
  1. 结果在第一产程中,RS组完全无疼痛者(58%)明显较R组多(32%)(P<0.01);

    Results The group RS painless labor rate was 58 % , group R 32 % in the first stage of labor ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 第一产程(硬膜外穿刺至宫口开大10cm):R组(193.8士47.3)min;

    The first stage of labor ( from the time of epidural insertion to complete cervical dilatation ) Group R ( 193.8 + 47.3 ) min ;

  3. R组、即组第一产程缩短。

    The first stages of Labor in group R and group RF were shorter than that in group C.

  4. 以视觉模拟评分作为测量分娩疼痛指标,比较两组的产痛、产程、分娩方式及第一产程末血浆肾上腺素(E)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)的浓度。

    Labour pain , delivery mode , postpartum hemorrhage and concentration of epinephrine and norepinephrine were compared between two groups .

  5. 第一产程活跃期时间,镇痛3组均短于对照组,有显著性差异(P0.01);

    The influence on the duration of labor process : The first stage in the three analgesia groups was shorter than that in control group ( P0.01 ) .

  6. B组运动阻滞程度明显高于其它两组P<0.01,第一产程和第二产程虽延长,但均未超过常规时间。

    The degree of motor block in the group R was less than that in the group B ( P < 0.01 ) . The first and the second duration of labour in the group R and B were prolonged , but it did not exceed the routine time .

  7. 而ET和TXB2浓度麻醉前、后比较,差异无显著性(P<0.05)。第一产程应用罗哌卡因和布比卡因硬膜外腔分娩镇痛对产妇心肌酶谱的影响

    There were no significant statistical difference in concentrations of ET or TXA2 in both groups between before and after epidural block ( P > 0.05 ) . The influence of ropivacaine and bupivacaine on myocardial zymogram of parturients during epidural block for labor analgesia

  8. 观察组在第一产程宫口开大3cm以上、产痛剧烈时吸入氧化亚氮,对照组剧痛时予注意力分散的心理安慰。

    The parturients in the first stage of labor with the orifice of uterus opening over 3 cm and expulsive pain inhaled nitrous oxide , while those in the control group received routine labor .

  9. 目的探讨腰-硬联合麻醉(CSEA)鞘内注射舒芬太尼加病人自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)在第一产程潜伏期应用的可行性。

    Objective To evaluate the analgesic efficacy and safety with combined spinal-epi-dural analgesia ( CSEA ) which sufentanil were injected intrathecally and patient controlled epidural analgesia ( PCEA ) for labor analgesia at early period of the first stage .

  10. 结果:水针组和PCEA组镇痛效果、第一产程时间、剖宫产率与对照组比较有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);

    Results : The aqua acupuncture group and the PCEA group in the ease pain effects , the first labor process and the rate of cesarean section were a statistically significant difference in comparison with the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 定论:面向科学家和临床医师的全球性网络Cochrane协作网(CochraneCollaboration)发表的一项文献回顾,对覆盖3146名女性的11项试验进行了考察,得出的结论是,第一产程在水中生产可减少使用硬膜外麻醉的必要性。

    The Verdict : A review of 11 trials , encompassing 3146 women , published by the Cochrane Collaboration , a global network of scientists and clinicians , concludes that laboring in a tub during the first stage of labor reduces the need for epidural anesthesia .

  12. 有宫缩组第一产程44例产妇随宫口开大,MMP9的水平呈增高趋势,平均为(22±20)ng/mg组织。

    In the 1st-stage-labour group from the 44 cases of cesarean section with uterine contraction , MMP-9 , ( 2.2 ± 2.0 ) ng / mg , tended to increase with the dilatation of cervix .

  13. 分娩第一产程自由体位的临床研究

    The clinical study of freestyle positions on delivery during the first labor strage

  14. 第一产程中应用哌替啶治疗难产:一项随机对照试验

    Meperidine for dystocia during the first stage of labor : A randomized controlled trial

  15. 罗哌卡因和布比卡因在第一产程分娩镇痛时相对效价的研究

    Relative potencies of bupivacaine and ropivacaine for analgesia dur-ing the first stage of labour

  16. 临产妇第一产程行为反应异常相关因素分析

    Analysis on related factors in pregnant with abnormal behaviors at the first stage of labor

  17. 第一产程综合干预促进产程进展300例临床观察

    Effect of comprehensive intervention on labour progression in first labour stage : clinical observation of 300 cases

  18. 第一产程异常胎心监护图形与新生儿结局的关系

    Relationship between abnormal fetal heart rate tracing patterns during the first stage of labor and perinatal outcome

  19. 穴位按摩镇痛法对第一产程活跃期宫缩压的影响

    The Effect of Point Massage Relieve Pain Method on Uterine Contraction Pressure in Active Phase at First Stage

  20. 扩宫术作为扩大宫口,缩短第一产程的手段,已广泛应用于临床。

    The dilation of uterus which can expand the mouth of uterus and shorten the first period of parturition .

  21. 第一产程胎心监护异常226例的相关因素分析

    Study on risk factors associated with 226 cases of the abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring during the first stage of labor

  22. 水中分娩与标准加强法用于第一产程难产的效果比较:随机对照试验

    Randomised controlled trial of labouring in water compared with standard of augmentation for management of dystocia in first stage of labour

  23. 序贯法测定第一产程分娩镇痛中罗哌卡因最小运动阻滞浓度硬膜外罗哌卡因用于剖腹产术后镇痛的最低运动阻滞浓度

    Determination of the minimal motor block local analgesic concentration of ropivacaine for analgesia in the first stage of labor by sequential procedure

  24. 结果:观察组手术产率、产后出血率低、第一产程活跃期短、满意度高。

    Results : Operation rates and postpartum hemorrhage rates of the experiment group is lower , with shorter first stage active phase and higher satisfaction .

  25. 可行走分娩镇痛组第一产程及总产程较自控镇痛组明显缩短(P<0.01)。

    Study group experienced a significantly shorter duration of the first stage as well as total labor than the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 结果:脐绕组与对照组的第一产程及第二产程平均时间差异有显著性;

    Results : Compared with the control group , hours of the first stage and the second stage labor were significantly longer in the studied group .

  27. 通过开展康乐待产,使潜伏期和第一产程时间明显缩短,产后出血量减少。

    Objective : Through unfolding recreational waiting-for-childbirth for parturient , to shorten both latency and first stage of labor of parturient and to decrease postpartum hemorrhage for them .

  28. 结果:观察组第一产程活跃期及第二产程较对照组明显缩短(P<0.05);

    Results : The active phase of the first labor stage and the second labor stage of the treatment group were shorter than those of the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 结论严格瘢痕子宫阴道分娩指征,有阴道分娩条件者实施分娩镇痛不增加子宫破裂、胎儿宫内窘迫发生率,有利于缩短第一产程,降低剖宫产及产钳助产率。

    Conclusion Strict indication of vaginal delivery is safe to administer analgesia in cicatricial uterus , it shortens the first stage of labor ; decreased rate of forceps delivery , cesarean section rate .

  30. 第一产程中Ⅰ组于Ⅱ组相比子宫收缩力显著降低,P<0.05,催产素使用率为100%。

    During the first stage of labor , uterine contraction power in Group ⅰ was significantly decreased that in Group ⅱ . The usage incidence of oxytocin was 100 % in Group ⅰ .