
  • 网络Episiotomy
  1. 常规的会阴切开术带来愈合不良、住院时间延长等。

    Routine episiotomy is associated with poor healing , and longer hospital stays .

  2. 不拆线连续皮内缝合法在会阴切开术的临床应用

    Clinical application of continuous intradermic suture in episiotomy

  3. 自然分娩会阴切开术中应用药物镇痛的临床效果观察

    Clinical observation on effect of applying drug analgesia for spontaneous delivery women accepting episiotomy

  4. 自然分娩会阴切开术切口感染经济损失的研究

    The case control study of the economic loss of perineum incision infection after parturition

  5. 会阴切开术是经阴道分娩时重度会阴裂伤的危险因素还是保护因素(德国)

    Episiotomy-Risk or protective factor for severe perineal trauma during vaginal delivery ? ( Germ )

  6. 产科会阴切开术的临床护理体会

    Clinical Experience in Nursing Perineotomy

  7. 星期三发布了新的指引,由于在助产士的护理下分娩的女性,被询问实施诸如会阴切开术,剖腹产,产钳产以及吸引产的医疗干预的机会较少。

    The changes , published on Wednesday , have been made because women who give birth under midwife-led care have less chance of being asked to undergo medical interventions such as episiotomies , caesareans and use of forceps or ventouse .

  8. 会阴正中切开术在分娩中的应用观察

    Clinical Application and Observation of Median Episiotomy in Delivery

  9. 目的:观察比较会阴正中切开术与会阴侧切术在分娩中的手术效果。

    Results : The weight of newborns of the two groups had no significant difference , but the median episiotomy group had marked advantage than the lateral episiotomy group as con .

  10. 会阴侧斜切开术后伤口再撕裂的危险因素及护理对策

    Risky Factors of Incision Tearing After Perineal Laceration and Nursing Countermeasures

  11. 目的:对会阴切开阴道助产术适应症及母婴预后的分析,指导临床正确掌握会阴切开阴道助产术,提高接生技术,倡导自然分娩。

    Objective : Analyzing the indication and the mother-baby prognosis on perineotomy parturition to direct mastering the clinical technique of perineotomy correctly .

  12. 30°会阴切开及皮内缝合术的临床效果研究

    Study on the Clinical effect for patients with 30 ° Perineum Incision and Hypodermic Saturation Technique

  13. 30°会阴切开及皮内缝合术对产妇切口愈合的影响

    Effect of the 30 ° Perineum Incision and Intradermic Suturation on the Wound Healing of Perineum in Pregnant Women

  14. 目的通过分娩期会阴形态学观察,为指导会阴切开术及会阴裂伤修补提供参考依据。

    Objective : To observe the morphology of perineal body , provide some consults for practicing episiotomy or perineorrhaphy .