
  • 网络Session Management;session manager;smss;SM Session Management
  1. 会话管理是Web应用程序的一个重要的考虑事项。

    Session management is an important consideration for a Web application .

  2. Web编程使用的语言常常提供会话管理特性。

    Languages used for Web programming tend to acquire session management features .

  3. 产品的开发过程由基于Web的设计会话管理器管理。

    The collaborative session is managed by a Web-based design session manager .

  4. 基于会话管理的Web即时信息检索研究

    Research on Web Just-in-time Information Retrieval Based on Session Management

  5. Web框架可以提供更好更可靠的会话管理工具。

    Web frameworks could , in many cases , provide better and more reliable session management tools .

  6. 现在,Screen会话管理三个窗口。

    You now have one Screen session managing three windows .

  7. 基于Web服务器的ASP会话管理机制

    Machanism of ASP Session Control Based on Web Server

  8. J2EE平台会话管理机制分析与改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Session Management Mechanics in J2EE Platform

  9. WebSphereeXtremeScale包含了一个HTTPservlet过滤器,用它来提供HTTP会话管理。

    WebSphere eXtreme Scale includes an HTTP servlet filter for providing HTTP session management .

  10. J2EE应用中会话管理的研究

    Study of Session Management in J2EE Application

  11. 它是应用层信令控制协议,主要用于IP网络中媒体通信时的会话管理。

    It is the application layer signaling control protocol is mainly used in IP network traffic when the media session management .

  12. 此外,本文还研究了联邦数据服务的Cache管理机制、会话管理机制和安全机制。

    And then , we research the cache management mechanism , session management mechanism and security mechanism .

  13. 对于这些API内容,本样例只使用了来自会话管理部分的调用。

    Out of these sections of the API , this sample uses only calls from the session management section .

  14. 当然,也可以使用远程WebSphereeXtremeScale网格实现HTTP会话管理,如果需要的话。

    Of course , a remote WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid can also be used for HTTP session management , if desired .

  15. 3G系统PoC业务会话管理研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Session Management in 3G PoC Service

  16. 文章首先介绍了组播会话管理的现状以及IP网络上最常用的会话管理协议族。

    Firstly , the paper introduces the status quo of session management and its protocol stack which is commonly deployed on current IP network .

  17. Drupal核心(core)提供了基本特性,例如用户管理、会话管理和模板制作。

    The Drupal core provides essential features , such as user management , session management , and templating .

  18. pamaix模块支持验证、帐户、密码和会话管理模块类型。

    The pam_aix module supports authentication , account , password and sessions management module types .

  19. SIP用户预计会遇到需要多层SIP会话管理的代理和分叉活动。

    The SIP users expect the proxying and forking activities that require multiple layers of SIP session management .

  20. 在网络中引入了会话管理器设备,提供QoS的保证和FW/NAT的穿越功能。

    The session manager equipment is introduced in the network , which can provide QoS guarantees and FW / NAT across function .

  21. 模型包括会议配置、用户管理、FloorControl、应用会话管理和网络管理各组件,采用了SIP协议作为会话控制协议。

    The model employs SIP as singling control protocol and comprises some components such as conference configuration , user management , Floor control , application session management and network management .

  22. 另外对于诸如会话管理、windowssnapping以及可配置工具条的支持正在开发之中。

    Plans are in the works to support such features as session management , windows snapping , and a configurable toolbar .

  23. 本文完成了包括账号、角色、权限在内的基础数据管理功能,并扩展了SpringSecurity安全框架安全认证、访问控制、会话管理以及认证数据源等的实现。

    This paper completes the basic data management functions of account , role and right modules , and extends security authentication , access control and session management , authentication data source in Spring Security .

  24. 一个基本的CSCW应用系统还包括协同感知、会话管理等功能模块。

    In order to form a runnable CSCW application system , group awareness and session management are indispensable .

  25. 没有对应用服务器或Web应用服务器会话管理的依赖,您甚至可以在命令行环境中使用Shiro。

    By avoiding the requirement of application server or web application server session management , you can use Shiro even in command-line environments .

  26. 在该体系结构中利用SIP协议为网络管理提供会话管理、传输网络管理数据,并提供对网络设备的移动性支持。

    In the architecture , SIP provides session management for network management , transfers network management information and provides mobility support for network equipments .

  27. DRS使得集群中的各个服务器都可以使用会话管理、动态缓存和无状态会话Bean的数据。

    DRS makes data for session management , dynamic cache , and stateless session bean available across servers in a cluster .

  28. 在协同CAPP系统功能模型基础上首次提出工西北工业大学博士学位论文艺同步协作机制,包括协同CAPP编制同步机制、会话管理机制和系统通信机制等。

    The mechanism of synchronous cooperative process planning based on the function model includes the synchronous edit , session management and communication mechanism of collaborative CAPP .

  29. 这样,需要会话管理的J2EE应用程序就无需依赖由应用程序用户启用的cookie了。

    In this way , a J2EE application that requires session management doesn 't need to rely on cookies being enabled by users of the application .

  30. 让我们来看看IICE上的客户机期望连接器如何工作,这样就可以全面了解存储库会话管理程序应该如何工作了。

    Let 's take a look at how a client to II CE expects a connector to behave , so we can fully understand how session management with your repository should work .