
  • 网络Managed by;subordinates;Supervisee
  1. 管理者与被管理者二元关系的力学分析框架

    Framework of Mechanics on the Relations between Supervisors and Subordinates

  2. 管理者与被管理者的二元关系,是理解管理问题的关键,也是建立管理学理论的基石。

    The relations between supervisors and subordinates are essentials to understand management , and a foundation stone for establishing management theory .

  3. 然后以JMX(JavaManagementExtension)管理框架为基础,结合已有的分布式应用技术,构建了一个安全、灵活、可扩展、可跨平台的用户-实现-被管理者的三层监控管理框架;

    And then , on the basis of JMX ( Java Management Extension ) strategy and relevant distributed application technologies , it gives a three-layer monitoring and management architecture which is of safety , flexibility and extensibility and able to cross platform .

  4. 提供意见对管理者及被管理者都有益处。

    Advice-giving can be beneficial to both the regulators and the regulated .

  5. 谈企业的被管理者不成熟问题

    About the Immature Character of the Being Managed in Enterprises

  6. 图书馆管理者与被管理者之间的伦理关系;

    The ethical relationship between library employers and library employees ;

  7. 教育管理中的主体既包括管理者,也应该包括被管理者,管理者主体与被管理者主体之间构成主体间,而且具有主体间性。

    Subjects of educational administration should include both the manager and the managed .

  8. 临床医师医疗质量个体管理是管理者和被管理者双方的需要。

    Individual management on clinicians ' medical quality was demanded by managers and workers .

  9. 管理者与被管理者之间的利益冲突是永恒的。

    The conflicting interests of the manager and the managed ( non-manager ) are everlasting .

  10. 说说管理者和被管理者之间应该保持一种什么关系?

    Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and those reporting to him .

  11. 但掩盖问题只会减少管理者与被管理者、主管与下属之间建立信任的机会。

    But concealment corrodes the chance of creating confidence between governed and governing , manager and managed .

  12. 通俗地讲,管理中的激励就是要解决如何调动被管理者的积极性的问题。

    Popularly speaking , the question is how to solve transfers by superintendents ' enthusiastic in the management .

  13. 当前,薪酬这个与人力资源密切相关的问题越来越被管理者重视。

    At present , the remuneration that is closely related to human resources management issues is increasingly attention .

  14. 情感管理是管理者通过与被管理者的情感交流而实现的有效管理。

    Emotion management is an effective management through the emotion communion between the manager and the person being managed .

  15. 团队学习在应对环境变化、提高组织绩效方面所发挥的重要作用被管理者所认可。

    The important effect of team learning in the changing environment and improving organizational performance has been recognized by the managers .

  16. 作为被管理者,也应通过培训使其掌握自身的职责、义务和相应的专业、技术。

    As the managers , they also should master their own responsibilities , obligations and the corresponding professional by training technical .

  17. 本论文将工作重点放在解决如何在管理和被管理者之间有效、及时的传递信息,如何合理的组织这些信息上。

    This paper focuses on how the information can be delivered and organized both effectively and timely between the administrators and their objects .

  18. 身处这个全球化的时代,霍夫斯塔德的理念已被管理者广泛运用于理解不同环境下劳动力的差别之中。

    In the age of globalisation , these have been used extensively by managers trying to understand the differences between workforces in different environments .

  19. 传统的网络管理采用的是集中式管理,由管理者利用轮询机制,对被管理者发布管理信息获取命令。

    Traditional network management is centralized management , manager adopted the method of alternation inquire and got command by sending management information to users .

  20. 从几个容易被管理者忽略的环节出发,详细论述了全面成本管理体系建立所涉及的内容与管理点。

    To begin with key points easy to be overlooked , some aspects are discussed involved in course of the establishment of TCM system .

  21. 他说,员工中的这个群体(既不是超级明星员工,也不是偷懒耍滑的员工)往往被管理者所忽视。

    That segment of the workforce ─ the employees who are neither superstars nor slackers ─ tends to be ignored by managers , he said .

  22. 格雷教授认为,在有活力的组织中,管理者和被管理者之间存在着更牢固、更健康的联系。

    Resilient organisations , Prof grey believes , are ones where there is a stronger , healthier bond between managers and those that are being managed .

  23. 实际上,强调机制设计,可以避免直接面对对抗,将管理者与被管理者在规则中进行协调一致,使管理更加有效。

    Actually , the institution design can avoid the confrontation , promote the cooperation of the manager and the managed , and make the management effective .

  24. 众多的传感信息被管理者拥有而无法被其它用户发现,造成严重的资源浪费。

    Sensor information is owned by managers , but they can not be found by other users , which resulting in a serious waste of resources .

  25. 科技的变化可能是对环境充满不确定性的一个贡献者,这项技术虽然已经被管理者组织起来,以便更大的效率和效能。

    Changing technology may be a contributor to an environment full of uncertainty , although this technology has enabled managers to organize for much greater efficiency and effectiveness .

  26. 格雷教授描绘了一幅令人信服的现代高效公司的画面。在这幅画面中,管理者与被管理者的关系已经疏远。

    Prof Grey paints a convincing picture of the modern , efficient corporation , where managers have become distanced from the people they are supposed to be managing .

  27. 因此当未来的业绩目标设定,这将更公平更容易被管理者和销售代表们接受去共同建立它。

    So when setting a future performance goal , it will be more acceptable and fair for both the manager and the sales representatives to establish it jointly .

  28. 护士长和护士将有机会向医院委员会直接说明她们对抗超级病菌所作的努力,其目的是确保她们的建议不被管理者忽略。

    Matrons and nurses will have a chance to give hospital boards direct accounts of their efforts against superbugs to ensure that their recommendations are not overlooked by managers .

  29. 本研究采取问卷法,选取99名管理者和被管理者作为被试,探讨行为责任归因与处罚公平性、严格程度判断之间的关系。

    This study , involving 99 managers and employees and using methods of questionnaire survey , explored the relationship of responsibility judgment with the fairness and strictness of punishment .

  30. 管理者(教师)、被管理者(学生)和教学环境是影响课堂管理效益的主要因素。

    The administrator ( the teacher ), and the teaching environment are the main factors which influence the benefit of classroom management . It 's necessary to study the teacher '