
zhuān yè huà xié zuò
  • Professional collaboration;specialization and coordination;coordination based on specialization;cooperation along specialized lines;coordinating specialized skills
专业化协作[zhuān yè huà xié zuò]
  1. 从勘探开发质量管理的特点出发,结合国内外油田的成功经验,运用专业化协作的基本原理,提出了勘探开发钻探过程的矩阵管理模式。

    A matrix management model for the process of oil exploration , development and drilling is proposed after considering the characteristics of quality management in exploration and development , combining the successful experiences of oilfields at home and abroad , and applying the basic principle of specialization and coordination .

  2. 对冶金矿山热处理专业化协作的思考

    Reflect on specialized cooperation for heat treatment in metal mines

  3. 产业集聚描述系统运行过程中,由关联企业专业化协作形成产业簇群的机制;

    Industry agglomeration is the process in which relevant firms unite to form industry cluster .

  4. 完善的交通运输是实现合理资源配置、促进分工和专业化协作的必要条件。

    Sound transport is precondition to achieve rational allocation of resources , division of labor , specialization and cooperation .

  5. 主要内容有:(1)按专业化协作化原则改组工业管理体系;

    It 's main content concerns : ( 1 ) the industrial management system should be reformed according to speciality cooperation principle ;

  6. 旅行社实施集团化发展战略是我国旅行社业发展到一定高度的产物,是社会化分工、专业化协作、网络连锁化服务的必然趋势,是市场竞争的必然结果。

    The implementation of the collectivize strategy of travel agency is the result of the development of China 's travel agency industry .

  7. 实施供应链管理,对于我国制造企业提高生产专业化协作水平、确保最终产品的价格优势和市场响应速度具有深远的意义。

    In China , the adaptation of supply chain management will have a long-term impact on manufacturing enterprise collaboration , maintaining cost advantage and shortening time-to-market .

  8. 我国中小企业在扩大就业、满足多样化社会需求、实现社会专业化协作等方面都具有重要的地位和贡献。

    In China , SME has a great important degree and contribution on offering more and more jobs , satisfying various social needs and so on .

  9. 组建网络化制造联盟,进行专业化协作生产,是整合行业资源、发挥企业核心竞争力的有效途径。

    Establishing networked manufacturing alliance with specialization and cooperation , is an efficient method for integrating the industry resources and bringing core competency of the enterprises into play .

  10. 机构数量偏多,行业内分工过细,造成条块分割、职责交叉,妨碍了专业化协作和统一市场的形成。

    Organization quantity is too excessive , and distribution in industry is too meticulous , which lead to section division and duty intersection , obstructing specialization collaboration and uniform market .

  11. 目前中小企业在不少地方已形成产业群,是产业链中的重要组成部分,是专业化协作的基础,成为大企业配套的供应商。

    At present , SMEs in many places have been formed industrial clusters , are an important part of the chain in industry , and are the basis for specialization and cooperation to large enterprises as suppliers .

  12. 古典企业理论、委托代理理论、交易成本理论、产权理论、合约理论和专业化协作理论等各自解释了企业的一个部分而没看到整体。

    The classic enterprise theory , the agency by agreement theory , the transaction costs theory , property right , the contract theory and the specialization coordination theory contribute partly to the enterprise theory , but not to the enterprise as a whole .

  13. 高新技术产业集群的固有生命力和优势是降低交易成本、利于技术创新、形成专业化协作与分工,从而降低企业风险,有效地推动产业结构的升级;

    The intrinsical vitality and advantage of High-tech industry clusters are reducing transaction cost , being good to technical innovation , being good to the formation of professional collaboration and work division , consequently reducing the enterprise risk , and promoting the upgrade of industrial structure .

  14. 第三章运用SCP范式基本框架,分析了转轨时期我国产业组织在市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效方面存在的具体问题:如,市场集中度普遍偏低,专业化和协作水平低;

    Chapter three applies SCP paradigm and analyses the problems which existing in China 's industrial organization , for example : the degree of market centre is low generally ; the level of specialization and cooperation is low ;

  15. 当大量从事专业化分工协作的企业集聚在一定区域时,产业集群就产生了。

    When a great deal of specialized firms agglomerate in one area , an industrial cluster will form .

  16. 伴随着经济全球化的加速,国际间的竞争和合作日益加强,生产要素的专业化分工协作日益明显,产业集聚现象在全世界范围内普遍出现。

    With international increasing competition and cooperation and factors of production specialized collaboration , industrial agglomeration phenomenon widespread throughout the world .

  17. 第二,在专业化分工协作的基础上,通过企业这种团队生产的方式,能实现规模经济和范围经济的效益;

    Second , on the basis of specialization and collaboration , economy of scale and of scope will bring about benefits through team production ;

  18. 根据迈克尔·波特的《竞争论》理论可知,我国家具产业要想取得大的发展,就必须跟紧世界的潮流,也要向着专业化、协作化方向发展。

    According to the competition theory , China 's furniture industry must follow the current of the world in order to obtain further development .

  19. 城市群不仅具有同城化的城市基础设施体系,而且具有功能一体化的专业化分工协作网络,还具有完善的协调机制和区域治理结构。

    It not only has the perfect city network system , but also functionally integral collaborative network and perfect coordination mechanism and Regional governance structure .

  20. 推进专业化分工协作,逐步建立由武器装备主承包商、分包商和零部件供应商组成的分层次的新型社会协作体系。

    It encourages a specialized division of labor , gradually forms a new multi-tiered cooperative system of principal weaponry contractors , sub-contractors and suppliers of parts and components .

  21. 为了完成我国家具行业的全面整合以及实现专业化、协作化发展,本文通过分析,认为并购战略和联盟战略是较为可行的方案。

    For the sake of completing the integration and achieving the productive specialization and cooperation , this paper puts forward some feasible projects : strategic consolidation and alliance .

  22. 煤电一体化是产业纵向一体化的一种表现形式,又是适应市场经济要求的、体现专业化分工协作的、强强联合的一种组织形式。

    The coal-electricity integration is a form of industry vertical integration , is also a form which accords with market economy , incarnates specialization , and combines the big companies .

  23. 现代服务业和大都市圈都是经济发展水平不断提高和专业化分工协作不断深化的产物,都具有较为明显的分工协作的网络性。

    As the outcome of continuous economic development as well as division and cooperation , both modern service industry and metropolis circle obviously reflect the network of division and cooperation .

  24. 强调虚拟经营可以盘活民营企业的闲置资源,导致新的专业化分工协作模式的出现,实现敏捷制造;

    This paper emphasizes that virtual operation can revitalize the unused resource of the enterprise , lead to the appearance of new special division and cooperation , and realize prompt manufacture .

  25. 为了促进中小企业展开专业化生产协作,就急需建立技术指导、信息服务和设备专用中心等中介组织,为中小企业提供核心专长诊断、业务外包及技术支持等服务。

    The intermediate organizations should be established to supply the technical instructions , information service and equipment sharing centres , in order to promote the specialized productive coordination , offer the core expertise , outsourcing and technical support for medium and small - sized enterprises .

  26. 产业集聚是当前国际经济发展的一个新趋势,经济全球化和生产要素的专业化分工协作,国际间的竞争与合作,各国之间的经济交往等因素促进了产业集聚的形成。

    Industrial clustering is a new trend of the current international economic development . The economy globalization , production factors specialization and division of labor , international competition and cooperation , together with strengthening of economy intercommunion and other factors between the countries contributed to the emergence of industrial clustering .

  27. 对于一国或一地区而言,深化企业间专业化与分工协作,培育完善的产业链条具有十分重要的意义。

    To one country or a belt , deepen enterprise room professionalization the chain cooperating with division of work , cultivating perfect estate has very important significance .

  28. 虚拟企业是实体企业之间在更高层次上的专业化分工和协作,它的成功运作不仅基于市场机制的作用,还在于组织因素的协调。

    Virtual enterprises are the high-level specialization and cooperation among substantial enterprises , and its succeed operation aren 't only based on the market mechanism , but also the quasi firm governance .

  29. 即煤炭产业在不断提高专业化分工和协作程度的基础上,形成以大企业为核心、兼容竞争活力与规模效益的有效竞争态势。

    On the base of specialization and cooperation coal industry should adopt the efficient competition , which is on the core of the huge enterprise , both having competition energy and scale profit .

  30. 中小企业集群过程可以降低群体企业内的生产和交易成本,形成稳定、牢固的专业化生产与协作关系,共享信息和相关技术成果。

    In the process of enterprises clusters , the medium-and small-sized enterprises can reduce their productive and trade costs , form stable and firm specialized relationship of production and cooperation , and share the information and other technical achievement .